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- Opiated Thai Sticks: Myth or Truth? -

Donald Mallard

el duck
You said you were 14/15 in 1984 Wally when you smoked for the first time, and it was Thai, and then you said you and the other person started to grow your own as imports stopped I did go back and check, so I knew what I was posting was 100% correct.

i listened to that podcast , i usually dont listen to them ,
though i had a pretty good idea what i had said already ,
since it comes directly from memory ,

i said i first smoked thai stick when i was pretty young , i didnt mention my age at that point , or the year,
but i can tell you it was 81 , as i had told you already here ,

the year 1984 was never mentioned in the few paragraphs you are quoting from ,
though i said at 14 to 15 , in 82 , or 83 we started growing at a friend of my brother in laws place ...
i mentioned the fires in 83 , called ash wednesday , where it was after those we started growing ,
we probably were harvesting in mid 84 though , but that was never mentioned ...
btw , you are not the only one who remembers stuff man ...

in future , if you quote me , or have questions about something ive said ,
ask me , dont assume u know , even though u say in the post i have quoted u knew what you were posting was 100% correct , because it wasnt mate ,
your attempts to deflect and attack someones credibility rather than stay on topic are that of a typical narcissist , and many of us grow tired of this stuff man ...
we could have much better interactions , but it always digresses to attacking someones credibility ,
either their age , or they growing history , or skills , this plays out over and over and over ...

in 1979 you were probably around 15 , naive and gullible , you believed a story you were told ,
and have hung on it until now ,
what u smoked , if it was anything other than cannabis , was not made in thailand ...
to this day , no one has presented any evidence of any of the thai stick imports being opiated,
only unsubstantiated stories , usually second or third hand at best ,
no reports from the source , no busts of opiated sticks , no smugglers saying they knew about it,
i have never spoken to anyone who said they had any despite knowing several generations of tokers from that period ,
and the author of the thai stick book said after over 1000 hours interviewing folks , not one single person came forward to say they knew of them or saw them ...


The Haze Whisperer
in 1979 you were probably around 15 , naive and gullible , you believed a story you were told ,
and have hung on it until now ,
No, I was 16 finishing my end of year exams when I had taken my first LSD and scored my first Thai sticks and I didn't smoke my first opiated sticks until the following year and then scored them possibly a year or so after that again before I avoided them.

I was far from gullible, but like anyone at 16 maybe I was a little naive in some things.

Like I said before, the opiated Thai sticks didn't look or smell like regular Thai, and they didn't give you the same type of affect ether.

Like it clearly says, it was common for Thais to mix opium with cannabis.


The number of narcotic users in Thailand, including Thai (the majority now), Chinese, and hill-tribes people, probably approaches 250,000. Since the abrupt 1959 ban on opium there has been a steady increase in heroin use (mostly among the young who now predominate) although there is still extensive opium use. The heroin is taken by "chasing the dragon" and sometimes by injection, and opium by smoking. Cannabis is widely used in the country, particularly in the north-east by smoking in pipes or cigarettes or adding it to food. It is often in combination with the opiates.




The Haze Whisperer
This is ward for ward of what you said in the podcast, Wally.

more again um so yeah Wally tell us how you got started to begin with uh like started smoking weed you

mean yeah growing smoking bre any any of it yeah wherever you want oh it was a

brother-in-law actually and um I was pretty young he was a real Stoner and um

I was just sitting with him in the lounge he's he's passed a joint to me uh some tie stick in a joint uh I think he

he loved getting people High and um it took me a lot though like uh two joints

and he's like sick of you know giving weedway at that point so um and I still wasn't High I had to

kind of like Get Up and and I I went into another room and when I stepped down into the next room it just hit me

all at once and um like uh complete Euphoria you know and uh yeah I I never
looked back after that fantastic I thought and uh yeah he was part of me getting growing too

because um his friend had a property and um and we couldn't get tie sticks anymore

so we thought we we'd grow our own stuff so and uh I was about 14 or 15 at that

point and um we grew a fair bit of weed actually I think I was the only one of

my crew we were just young and we had like pounds of weed and um everyone else
was still scratching around for a a few grams you know [Music]

so what part of Oz were you living in at the time brother uh Melbourne yeah I'm I'm from melb yeah

how were you getting ties to finish down there like were you starting at indoors or def no there was there was no indoors

back then we just uh waited forever and ever and uh it was all just bag seed we

grew and what year was this well like roughly what period was this 82 83

something like that oh actually it would be 83 it was after like uh we had Ash Wednesday do

you remember that or maybe you're bit young bush fires bit young but yeah yeah

it's before my time as well so it was just after that and and all the scrub had been burnt so um there was lots of

open ground at my friend's place so we all stuck some weed up in the mountain there and um a some of it took forever

to finish and um Herm aphrodites and all sorts of crazy stuff big couple of big
purple plants too and um yeah it wasn't until it was into winter

where most of these things were finishing that's crazy what was like the

import scene like at that time like I've only got a little bit of experience obviously I started smoking what

You were 14/15 in 83 when you first started to grow Thai because imports had stopped, is what I am reading from the PodCast Transcript Wally.

Donald Mallard

el duck
yes , but initially you said i had said on there i first saw thai in 84 and that i was 14 to 15 ,
i didnt say that at all ,
i explained here i had seen the first thai in 81 , which was the joints with my brother in law,
in the podcast i just said i was pretty young ,
there is no mention of 84 on the podcast ,
if you listen further you will hear i also saw golden thai up to 85 ,
im not sure why what i say would be questioned and it made out that im telling different stories , as you put it,
whats the need for that ???

why do you need to attack my credibility , when you dont like yours questioned at all ????

if you are going to quote people , as you told someone a few pages ago , get it right and say it all , dont just cherry pick and get it ass about while trying to question their credibility ,

i knew what i said because its the truth so its easy enough for me to recall ...

this is a method used to derail from the topic and try to make folks bow out of a debate because they couldnt be bothered having to defend themselves from attacks...
as i said in the first instance ,, dont make stuff about me , stay on the topic ...

im not really interested in trying to debate this topic as there is no need to do so ...
but i needed to be sure my credibility wasn't under question any further .. ..


Well-known member
Colombia also has a history of growing poppies and heroin production,I wonder why there are no stories of weed there being opiated since it was a if not the major source of cannabis


Well-known member
Someone passed me a joint laced with PCP once. 🤪
Folks have always laced drugs with other drugs, weed is laced with synthetic crap by some these days.

I buy into the "myth" that thai stick could have been laced with opium. ANY pot could have been laced with opium.
Dealers want you hooked, they ain't your friends.

Anyone want to buy some pot? I've laced it with spider mites and dog hairs. Thrips cost extra. 🤪
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Not ICMag Donor
I have never consumed opiates so I have one question. Aren't opium effects exactly the opposite of good Thai sativa?
Drugs having opposite effects from each other never stopped people from doing them at the same time. Also may result in different effects due to synergy/antagonism.


Well-known member
Someone passed me a joint laced with PCP once. 🤪
Folks have always laced drugs with other drugs, weed is laced with synthetic crap by some these days.

I buy into the "myth" that thai stick could have been laced with opium. ANY pot could have been laced with opium.
Dealers want you hooked, they ain't your friends.

Anyone want to buy some pot? I've laced it with spider mites and dog hairs. Thrips cost extra. 🤪
If they did opiate weed ,why did they stop?


Well-known member
If they did opiate weed ,why did they stop?
Maybe it was just a passing fad and not very good? Too much work for the reward?

Or just a Myth, that led people to really opiate the pot to try it out?

I dunno Dime, we heard the talk of opium laced weed when 16 year old kids. (Late 80s)

We smoked soapbar hash around then though, again that was rumoured to be partly made from melting down vinyl records and tyres. 🤣


🦫 Special 🍆
Colombia also has a history of growing poppies and heroin production,I wonder why there are no stories of weed there being opiated since it was a if not the major source of cannabis
Maybe that area was not invaded by usanka military ?