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Old School Arizona


Well truth/realities is coming out on legalization in California with the open container law. In Arizona a patient riding in a automobile is allowed to carry their medication edibles cartridges/vap.

Had prop 205 the proposed Department of Marijuana License and Controls would have done a reciprocity in effect adopting all of the laws guidelines for enforcement and prosecution criminal and civil without it even being adopted into the law books. The board would not have anykind of binding ability to stop it as it had to binding ability to do anything anyway Only the director and the 2 administrators had any binding authority.

Again prop 205 failing you dodged a big bullet. However for all of the mallet heads here. Take offense at hysterical laughter to the umbrage others had to the realities of this fucked progression some think is legalization.

Next ship sails Nov 3rd 2018 make sure you get on board and book passage called the "ASS SHIP OF FOOLS "
Fuck you, Ralp. This thread is called "Old School Arizona" and it was pretty cool hearing about "the good ol' days" while those that lived through them shared their recollections. As you may not have noticed, I'd like to point out that this thread was happening until you and few other came into it just to spread shit around and tell everyone how right you are. People don't like you or what you have to say because you're a prick. That's why this thread died. I wish you would, too.


I think the thread had run its course. Thats the thing about the "good ol days", only so much happened, only so much can be said. I've just been waiting for some of the old timers to tell me where i can buy their weed today? Since it's legal and everything's peachy in the here and now of Az? Oh wait, its not! Are the old timers fighting the good fight, or already banking off fake legalization? No one wants to get into it. Does the mob really control the weed game in Az? Did they always?!


I think the thread had run its course. Thats the thing about the "good ol days", only so much happened, only so much can be said. I've just been waiting for some of the old timers to tell me where i can buy their weed today? Since it's legal and everything's peachy in the here and now of Az? Oh wait, its not! Are the old timers fighting the good fight, or already banking off fake legalization? No one wants to get into it. Does the mob really control the weed game in Az? Did they always?!

What a negative bullshit post, Drewsif. What are you, Ralp Jr.?

I read some of your older posts to see if you are always a dickhead when you post or if the post above was an exception. It looks like most of your posts are negative. In fact, the only thing that you have posted that I agree with was when you posted, "Don't be a pussy like me."

Now that, my friend, was some sage advice.


I think the thread had run its course. Thats the thing about the "good ol days", only so much happened, only so much can be said. I've just been waiting for some of the old timers to tell me where i can buy their weed today? Since it's legal and everything's peachy in the here and now of Az? Oh wait, its not! Are the old timers fighting the good fight, or already banking off fake legalization? No one wants to get into it. Does the mob really control the weed game in Az? Did they always?!

"Only so much happened". Yeah pull up a history book. We suffered a bullshit war and watched our young fall like leaves on the ground.we ended that war in the streets.
Took down a president.
Pulled down the berlin wall.
Amnesty to people who went to canada.
Free love
Flower children
Mind expanding drugs
And ganja
To those that took to it, it became a life style. It made us all outlaws though. For everything that means. Loss of everything if caught, including home and children.
Yeah we are underground but still freaks.
I work one on one,spread the love.
I care about the laws but still will carry one for me and mine.
Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how legalization is going to roll.
We will weather it all,fuck them.

And as far as where can you buy some of our kind? You can't. We don't sell to dickheads or friends of dickheads.


Well-known member
Funny, what drew me to AZ was not the tweakers, or the petrified skeleton forest. . .

but rather the original Old School Arizona folks,

the Hopi.

Wish to get back and visit again one day


lost direction yes it is true when you cant fan the fumes of identity hate.

Where here your identity is your ideology! To even think of questioning the ideology of a proposal is the same as a challenge to one identity. This insults to the core and then hate spews like a child's sparkler on the 4th of July. I use this forum now to see the aftermath of the 60's generation and use the defining term by Grace Slick. The 60's generation was pathetic our cause, our results, our dreams, all pathetic. Which I am one
Proud to believe you think SFORAZ of me I cant say I return the thoughts. LMFAO

Yono Redux

New member
Maaaaaan, somehow Ralp managed to break/delete most of the pics in my Grandma Wolf story. I'll have to see what I can do about getting it reposted with attached images or links he's less able to break. Damn hackers.

For now, though, I'll leave you with a pic of his house after one of the hurricanes or tropical storms (can't remember which) in 2008. This wasn't a direct hit but one of the arms of the storm managed to dump a ton of rain on us and clog the storm drains. The storm surge of Irma is expected to be 5ft to 8ft above what you see pictured. His is the pre-1980 house built below BFE(Base Flood Elevation). Stay high and dry, Ralp!



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Yono Redux

New member
Some pics of a Key Deer spotted during 4/20 smoke fest in Key West. Nirvana Bubblegum made a strong showing. Maybe not as strong as Sour Bubble or BOGBubble, but light years ahead of the square grouper that swim the waters around those parts. After Irma passes through, I wouldn't be surprised if Square Grouper turn up in Lake Okeechobee!




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Yono Redux

New member
And finally back in AZ at one of the latest smoke spots. Home Sweet Home. Not missing FL in the least!



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Yono Redux

New member
I just want to get out from under that damned 25 mile rule. I live in the middle of nowhere, but by the crow flies, just within 25 miles of the nearest dispensaries.

You do know that when PTSD became a qualifying condition back in 2014, that the 25 mile rule was also changed to count milage by road as per Google Maps, right?

So you have some money tied up in Arizona medical marijuana and that is why you don't want everyone to be able to grow at least 6 plants and avoid buying from you?

Nah, Ralp isn't involved with the dispensaries in that way. Ralp is basically a cyber mercenary and social engineer who works for anyone with lots of cash/bitcoin. What keeps him here is all the "fake legalization" and anti-dispensary rhetoric that is so prevelant in this thread. Ralp's here to break up those kind of discussions with obfuscatory blathering.

Yono Redux

New member
^ And that's just how Ralp operates. He has multiple handles on just about every web forum and social media platform imaginable, and he adds just enough smidgen of participation with some handles to make them come across as valid members. The rest, like Ralp and The_Real_OGKush are blatant troll throwaways.

How did you manage to get 6 bars of rep in under 60 posts in over a year? Repping yourself with all of your other handles?

Zero Hedge is looking a lot like Ralp, too.

I got rep by contributing to the forum in a manner some thought was beneficial. It's as simple as that. It seems to me that your style of stirring shit up shares a few similarities with Ralp, so you may just be projecting a bit. I certainly don't have multiple screen names to cross post bullshit. I don't have that kind of time. I don't even have a smart phone.:dunno:

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