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Old School Arizona


Safer Arizona has put forth another voter initiative for 2018. I wish them luck.

Thanks for the update, WHD! I have been trying to see if there was any activity along those lines in AZ.

With Colorado, California, and Nevada all having legal recreational ganja, it seems like Arizona is just fucking itself out of some tax revenue, with anyone in AZ who wants rec weed just driving to a neighboring state and getting what they want and giving the other state tax money that AZ could have.

When the folks in Arizona notice that the world does not stop spinning when their neighboring states have legal recreational cannabis, they may be able to draw the logical conclusion that legal cannabis in Arizona is not going to cause the problems that the opponents claim it will.

For fuck sake, any society that can ignore the death, injury, turmoil, and mayhem that the use of alcohol causes each and every day, will not even notice the tiny little blip of possible disruption that a little more ganja use due to legalization might cause. It is the classic case of the fucking drinkers needing to remove the beam from their own eyes instead of worrying about the teeny little mote in my eye.

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.


It is unfortunate the visceral repercussions upon prosecution and police enforcement. As well as automatic fines and levies against police investigations and enforcement that go against the Initiative Safer AZ is putting forth. This will automatically pit proponents against police and thus community protections. I believe it a dead horse out of the gate trying to pass a positive initiative by selling vengeance as protections is a hole in the boat. Fortunately the measure can be amended till June 7 I believe.

So lets look at the California roll out. Prop 64 created this bogus rip off of monies and freedoms. This board will set the wholesale price of Marijuana target now is $1200.00 lb or $75.00 per ounce.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a $9.25 flower, $2.75 or avg $12.00 per ounce, with a 15% excise tax that put the price to the retailer before state sales tax of 7.5+local sales tax and allows for some municipalities to add a burden tax. So bottom line tax Jan 1st 2018 on a pound of Marijuana will be $1600.00 cost to grower + distributor+retailer+local sales taxes. Total cost to consumer $4000.00 before profit about $10.00gram. So california will be seeing bottom shelf product estimated $75.00 1/8 $140.00 1/4, and $500.00 oz's this will guarantee a vibrant underground and illegal activity to feed all.

One should just read the quagmire of money disbursements to police increasing to 60 million annually in 5 years, monies going to universities to study 10 million increasing to 110million in 10 years. 3 million increasing every year to 15 million study and counsel addiction. All of this after the new department take what it needs TBD. I dont doubt california herb will hit $25.00 gram and $750.00oz by 2020.

And the real clincher this department will adjust the wholesale price to meet those projected targets.


One side of me says "get real, pie in the sky, will never pass". But isn't that what we would like...no felonies, a free market, home cultivation...?
Safer needs to make a plate that everyone can eat off of. Maybe temper it a 'leettle bit'.
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But isn't that what we would like...no felonies, a free market, home cultivation...?

Hell yes, I would like it that way. People in hell would like ice water.

Safer didn't get enough signatures to get their initiative on the ballot last time. According to the story, the most important job their head honcho has ever had was being a Sergeant in the Army.

Being a Sergeant takes some skills, but then the story also says that he got kicked out of the Army for getting drunk too much.

Lead, follow, or get out of the way. The last go round, David Wisniewski did none of the above.


David Wisniewski, is a excellent pitchman he only shines in light. Well managed he can deliver enough to wreak havoc on the last 205. Problem there won't be any light for awhile.
That little flicker of compassion zealots that go on Facebook and talk about how they just did an edible suppository and hitting the bong now they can sleep. They dont garner a lot of considerations to legalization and detract from earnest discussion. This is why they were ostracized from the legalize like alcohol & JP Holyoak. And the NORML bozo well LMFAO shows up in a Hummer looks like Mr. MaGoo, dresses like a Barnum & Bailey hawker debates like Mel Tillis talks. Want to debate the font size and name sees ulterior motive in it.

This is my prediction the legislature is going to attempt to get initiative procedure changed this legislative session, HB 2404 passed the Rules committee waiting for general passage to Senate. Doubtful all will pass legal and constitutional review some might.

In that light that if any that gets onto the books. This will set the tone for next year 2018 citizen chance to get on the ballot. Simply put the AZ legislature dont want a citizen initiative legalizing marijuana rendering taxation licensing and revenue that goes into a Separate governing agency.

If the legislature cannot railroad this session then they will negotiate with JP and his charlatans of deceit will repose till then end of the session. Negotiations are going on now to legalize by legislative bill still leaving the over prosecution of marijuana and demonize users.


Let me put this out there the Justice Dept is investigating MPP and it's 501(c)3 rating full disclosure of all contributors and what did they find RICO monies went into the legalization proposal. Go figure ripoff honest citizens to influence an election. And the perverse of it to put them in position of soon to be grower, processor, distributor, enforcer, retailer, administrative court overseeing itself price setter according to revenue predictions.

Doing everything illegal, to legalize and protect the kiddies, the citizens from cartels, quality product, safe administration of the product. All of this illegal stuff to help the people. You need to thank Dave and think of him in the light of all pitchmen. Traditionally they have been dark characters that have exceptional time of shining in the light.


Perverse deals indeed. The Sheila Polk team accepted 500,000 from the makers of fentenal.

However the side of the fence some believe there to be.
For most of the small minded and limited understanding. You site Shiela Polk taking monies, while embracing Aari Ruben. Dispensary owner one of the first founders that went with MPP & shut the door on Safer & Jason Medars. Cost them an election Aari and his father running a oxy pill mill 2 now busted by the DEA twice. The consistency is not there variable laws and opinions are just enforcement of the most money. The Liberal Tucson and embracing giving tax incentives and enterprize free zones meaning Mexico has property and commerce right in that zone for nor less than MONSANTO,

And still all of this is just nonsense----- if you simpletons had any brains you might get things done. Whether you care for Safer AZ or not it is a registered grassroots that if supported will be the only consumer advocate you have. This early signatures gathers getting publicity that can be a force to be reckoned with. Sign the initiative volunteer to gather signatures. The more signatures being turned early only builds clout. Even if you think the chance feeble others will have to come to Safer for endorsement

However I dont doubt most will armchair quarterback and criticize a honest compassionate effort to be a voice it is up to you. Do you want that witch Kathy Inman or the slick willy financial planner turned advocate when the market crashed JP Holyoak. You do know they are related. But no think of a damming hypothetical to your point a view as reason to sit pointing out inconsistency as reason to laze.


Chemon 91
I am starting this thread to discuss the "old days" of herb and herb growing in Arizona.

I was inspired to make this thread by new member Madjag, who made some posts about growing SK1 on the Mogollon Rim in 1978. That story brought back a lot of memories, I am pretty sure I smoked some of that SK1 back then.

Although Arizona didn't have as many growers as California, a lot of good weed was grown here, and vast quantities of good weed came through here from Mexico on it's way to other places.

Those were good days.

Anybody else remember those days? Did you smoke any of the "Blue Afghani" grown in the Pinalenos near Safford in the late '70s? Or Madjag's Rim SK1, or the SK1 grown along the Gila at about the same time? Do you remember Arivaca, Paradise, Peppersauce and Rincon? Or maybe you were farther north, Young in the Anchas, Payson etc.

circa 1979.... Zona canyon rim pot hit socal as i remember.

huge amounts of Red hairs... bold spicy flavor kinda woody after tones.. seemed like an 60/40 hybrid dense outdoor nugs.


Ralp why don'the you start a new thread. You seem to be involved and have strong feelings about the az. Scene.
This thread was suppose to be about early Arizona MariJuana lore.

If we are too old and slow for you....move on.

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