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Old School Arizona


Here's another dream......two hens in the Dutch oven out at my remote land:

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That looks delicious, Madjag, but I was referring to the dream you wrote about earlier in the thread - "You guys get ready..........I'll talk about today, in Brooklyn, Northern Cali, and of course Sedona Arizona. Last night I had a dream about them all and guess what - my dreams always point the way."

Pave the way, Rasta!



Active member
See, there you go....pure synchronicity.
I saw pablo Moses sing that song live in the 1980's....

Con Air is the name they give to the federal flights used to shuffle prisoners around the USA. My two flights were from Tampa to Talladega and later to the LA area. Bus travel provides the rest. While on one flight I was only foot shackled because of my low-level offense, importing 1,000 lbs. of primo sinsemilla from Jamaica. Sadly most of the other air travelers were handcuffed as well. I spoke to a few fellows and these guys were headed to the Level 5-6 penitentiaries at Lompoc and were doing double-dimes (20 yrs.) or more.... coke offenses primarily. It's just insane to think that they would come out of prison old men. Shit.

The Falcon and the Snowman were at Lompoc until their famous escape and the Pizza Connection mafiosa are there, too, reputedly running the joint. A weird coincidence (of which there are truly none): when I left the Lompoc camp for good, a place that had been my home for 2 years, across the street from the Big House (the Pen), I was put on a bus to LA. On the way the bus stopped in Lompoc, the town, and a prison guard I recognized got off and walked to a black limo that was in the bus stop parking lot. He got in. You be the judge.....


See, there you go....pure synchronicity.
I saw Pablo Moses sing that song live in the 1980's....

While on one flight I was only foot shackled because of my low-level offense, importing 1,000 lbs. of primo sinsemilla from Jamaica. Sadly most of the other air travelers were handcuffed as well.

On the way the bus stopped in Lompoc, the town, and a prison guard I recognized got off and walked to a black limo that was in the bus stop parking lot. He got in. You be the judge.....

Did you catch Pablo in JA, CA, or someplace else?

My buddy mentioned everyone being handcuffed and shackled on the plane and some of the guys being unhappy about it because if the plane had a problem, it was not going to be real easy to evacuate the plane. My buddy said he couldn't be bothered to worry about it but just went with the flow.

Sounds like the guard was getting instructions and perhaps a bit of a payoff.


Professor Organic Psychology
The prison system is so different in my country. The worst offenders live like kings and the guards fear them terribly. A man could have an entire family murdered without a word spoken. Just a certain glance at the man he wants to punish.

I am glad to be away from that part but do miss my way of life in the old country.


I spent some time in Rio de Janeiro with a Brazilian Lufthansa Stewardess, back when we still called them stewardesses. She had an apartment not far off Copacabana Beach. She showed me the town and I must say that was a very enjoyable week. The place was a cross between Negril and New York City, with really nice beaches and a beach life and some great restaurants and night clubs. Of course there were some areas that were as dangerous as Kingston or Bronx and Harlem, but my guide knew the town and made sure that I didn't get into anything too dangerous. This was back when the Junta was still running things down there.


Pablo Moses.....Santa Cruz I believe.....1982ish

At The Catalyst Club? I saw Peter Tosh at the Catalyst in 1980 or 1981. I think it was 1981 because I wasn't living in California in 1979 and I was living on the East Coast in 1982. The only tour dates for Tosh in Santa Cruz at the Catalyst that I have found is in 1979 and I was not there then. I saw the Rolling Stones at Candlestick in October 1981 and I think the Tosh show was a couple months earlier.

I think that the show in 1981 must have been one of those undocumented shows. It was the Catalyst because it was a small club with no seating. I had few double rum and cokes and a couple mini-spliffs of good California sensimilla, so I was well lit up. I will never forget my date for that concert, a beautiful Filipina nursing student with a world class tight little ass who lived in Los Gatos. Her father was a doctor in San Francisco so she came from money and she spent it making herself look good.

Tosh put on a great show and I was able to get within a few feet of the stage and rock on with him and his band.

I wrote an earlier post in this thread about driving back to Los Gatos from Santa Cruz over Highway 17, which up and over the Santa Cruz mountains and is a very old route, with a lot of very tight turns.

My memory is a bit hazy about many things that happened that long ago, but I am never going to forget about that concert, the drive over the mountain, or the rest of the evening once I got that sweet babe back to her place safe and sound.


Active member
Stoners......what will they do next?

50 Pounds of Pot Accidentally Mailed to the Wrong Address

A resident of Hazlet, New Jersey was recently surprised with an unexpected delivery: 50 pounds of marijuana showed up at their front door, addressed to a person who does not live there.

Police in the town responded to the situation and found about $100,000 worth of pot in the boxes, according to NBC News. Hoping to find who the package was really intended for, they posted photos of the haul on their Facebook page Thursday, writing, “If you were expecting these packages and would like to claim them, please come to Police Headquarters. In the meantime our detectives will be working with County, State, and Federal Law Enforcement agencies to locate the owner of this property.”



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Bud Green

I dig dirt
In Old School North Carolina, back in the '70's, we usta LOVE going for a cruise down Qualude highway..



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Bud Green

I dig dirt
I hope you don't mind that this isn't "Arizona"...... just old school...

I was digging thru some old boxes today and found a few old concert ticket stubs that I've hung onto forever..
I know that there's dozens more somewhere, but I have no idea which box to look in!
The Zappa photo was in the same box, I took it at a small club concert I saw in '73 or '74...
Brought back a lot of good memories...


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Active member
I can totally relate. I did acid for the first time at a Doors concert in Denver in 1970, shortly before Morrison O.D.ed....


The 1971 Johnny Winter ticket caught my eye. That same year I saw him in Detroit. I had some excellent hash oil and my buddy and I rolled up some oilers, hash oil spread on the rolling paper wrapped around some good grass. My buddy and I were standing up near the stage with a lot of people all crowded around and behind us. I got so high on the hash oil that I blacked out in slow motion.

As I was standing there my field of vision got smaller and smaller over a period of a minute or so until I was blacked out, but I was still standing on my feet, I could hear the music, and I was still thinking. I did not want to pass all the way out and have people step on me or cause a scene, but I did not know what to do. I decided to lean forward and rest my hands on my knees in an effort to get my head lower and get some blood in there. It worked. About as slowly as I blacked out, I gradually regained my sight and eventually was able to stand erect and enjoy the rest of the concert. That was the only time that has ever happened to me.

Anything like that ever happen to anyone else?

Bud Green

I dig dirt
The ticket stub, for the Cactus concert, has a fun story that I'd like to share...

My buddy and I were in Quebec in the summer of 1971 and went to see Cactus...The concert was in a tiny club in 'Old" Quebec City. I bet the place didn't even hold 250 people...
After the show was over, we saw the band exit thru a door beside the small stage...as everybody else was leaving the club thru the front, my buddy suggested we go knock on the stage door.
Tim Bogert, the bassist, who used to play for Vanilla Fudge, answered the door and said "hello" to me. I said to him, "Hey man, you guys sounded great tonight".
Tim's eyes opened wide and he excitedly replied, "You guys speak English! Nobody here speaks English! Come on in!!"
My buddy and I went in and saw that the room was set up like a small living room, or lounge for the band members.. There were living room chairs and a sofa and coffee table and refrigerator in there...
One of the band members, (I don't remember who) was on the sofa making out with some young groupie chick.
Tim asked us our names and then introduced us to Carmine Appice, the drummer.. Carmine seemed truly happy to meet us too, and moved a few of the big living room chairs together...
Tim, Carmine, my buddy and I all sat down together and we all proceeded to smoke some big, fat joints and drink Canadian beer...We had a great time visiting with them for about an hour or so...
My buddy and I were just 17 at the time, and we both still occasionally talk about it with each other to this day!:biggrin:

After we left, I took this poster off a wall outside and still have it...Notice the price we had to pay to see this great concert......


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