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Old School Arizona


My parents were always telling us to get back away from the TV, but that never lasted for long. Hell we were always sitting on the floor in front of the TV, so we just slowly inched closer and closer.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
:laughing: Yeah, we did that as kids too, Sforza, but you wanna know why?

It's because the screen of the black and white TV that our parents had when we were kids was smaller than the desktop computer screen that you're squinting at right now!:biggrin:


Active member
A friend on another forum found this goodie. It was presented in a forum thread discussing the legalization of cannabis and the implications therein.

Here is a quote from a Canadian doctor involved in the CIA-Funded MK Ultra program. This program is not a product of fiction either. The US Congress investigated MK Ultra in the 1970's. The doctor's name was Louis Jolyon West. He said:

"The role of drugs in the exercise of political control is also coming under increasing discussion. Control can be through prohibition or supply. The total or even partial prohibition of drugs gives the government considerable leverage for other types of control. An example would be the selective application of drug laws permitting immediate search, or “no knock” entry, against selected components of the population such as members of certain minority groups or political organizations.

But a government could also supply drugs to help control a population. This method, foreseen by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World (1932), has the governing element employing drugs selectively to manipulate the governed in various ways.

To a large extent the numerous rural and urban communes, which provide a great freedom for private drug use and where hallucinogens are widely used today, are actually subsidized by our society. Their perpetuation is aided by parental or other family remittances, welfare, and unemployment payments, and benign neglect by the police. In fact, it may be more convenient and perhaps even more economical to keep the growing numbers of chronic drug users (especially of the hallucinogens) fairly isolated and also out of the labor market, with its millions of unemployed. To society, the communards with their hallucinogenic drugs are probably less bothersome--and less expensive--if they are living apart, than if they are engaging in alternative modes of expressing their alienation, such as active, organized, vigorous political protest and dissent. […]

The hallucinogens presently comprise a moderate but significant portion of the total drug problem in Western society. The foregoing may provide a certain frame of reference against which not only the social but also the clinical problems created by these drugs can be considered."


Active member
fuck i'm a (and i say "a") poster child for mkultra, said it many times, will say it again

went to "elite" school, used to sit next to gabby giffords

i'll tell you about mkultra, you will ignore me to fuck

timothy leary... in 1988 he lectured at the U of A, pretty funny. at the time leary was getting a revival in the acid house trend.

leary spent the night after the lecture at the mellon-hitchcock household, i went to school with those elite kids too.

mellon-hitchcock.. her brother was some cia chief for years (the name ought to sound like BIG money to you) mellon-hitchcock herself is the woman famous for being photographed sticking flowers in rifle barrels.

she married walter bowart, who wrote "operation mindcontrol" about covert methods of social control... i visited the place where he was hiding in the chiricahuas with his kids...

i get fucked with, institutionally, mechanistically. this whole society is bullshit and anyone who says different can take one up their ass. in fact, they can take it until i get tired of fucking dishing it.

in short, leary was as "false advocate" as they come, as the u.s. counter culture always has been. a bunch of rich people screwing "the littles" heads while they fuck the entire world over.


Active member
..and the word you want, mr. rabbit, is not "cia" it is "tavistock"

(and probably up levels from there)


Kiss My Ring
do you feel those programs were successful in your case?
they certainly seem to have had an impact...

i'm still wondering if the distraction was meant as an obvert indication of covert inclinations...as Illuminati/Tavistock are wont to do. showing the target the hunt.

paper thorn

Active member
hmmm, guess i need to read 'operation mind control'

I'm mostly immune to propaganda, where most folks I know, eat it up.

All tv shows, commercials, etc are propaganda imo
and i think most 'mind control' is absorbing propaganda


Active member


Ja mon, that.
I'm lookin to the winter solstace, that be my anchor now. Gonna do a long slow arc around and come up tight. End up with a fist full of long days... and go for another long lap. God willin.


Ja mon, that.
I'm lookin to the winter solstace, that be my anchor now. Gonna do a long slow arc around and come up tight. End up with a fist full of long days... and go for another long lap. God willin.

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St. Phatty

Active member
Old school makes me think of, before legalization.

IC Mag today has sort of a guild-like nature (reminds me of the educational & business groupings associated with the building arts in old England).

I found that there was a guild-like nature to the community of cannabis users in California before 96. :woohoo:

Also, in Connecticut.

I figure every state has their own community of communities, of growers, conneisseurs, grow shops, etc.