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Old School Arizona



Wild animals

Wild animals

Bent nose's? I LoVe me some Horses. But ALL those are Q's that should be asked before investing to much Personal energy into this. Remember Horses are just another protein in most of the world.

And a wild animal at that, serves no purpose but somebodies will
and desires. Just like Never land of Michael Jackson was never meant to last. I wonder just how many concerned themselves with the stock from that ranch?

I guess I must make the stand to take a stand against squatter Bovine and Equine flatulism on federal lands. It's bad enough that we set aside the whole west for the east to manage but now it's time to pay the ticket. Charge every citizen what it take to pay for the west instead of the west taking the burden. I vote for session from the east the west can make a flag of animal cruelty & Nuevo California Viva La Jerry Brown & Nancy Pelosi onward 9 district court yea this is the tone coming. It's all so fucking stupid what did you do today to make this place better reveal and discuss the needs of others and how others can make that happen?
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Active member
I am packing gear now to attend a Rainbow Family Regional Gathering near Gunnison Co.
This gathering is being held a 9000'elev. I have not camped rough for like 40yrs. I am 49yrs old. I am not going to be alone, but am prepared to survive on My Own. I help a few Iraq, and 1 Nam Vet. I have a solid group of Men outfitting Me for this trip. I will be there 10-14 days. I am going to be Me. I will refuse to talk Politics.

I admire all You Old School Desert/High Desert Rats, and all the adventures that I have shared here.
It has helped Me realize that I have spent My Life sitting on the bench. I have been in a funk for at least 2yrs now,,, hell more like 5. I was away from this community for nearly 3yrs. I came back bout 2yrs ago. in an effort to re-connect with something that still interested Me.
This trip is no less than Me going into The Wilderness to re-connect with Myself, and My true Purpose on this pebble.
I will be finding a situation to put Me in position to grow outdoors in a GH in the San Luis Valley(I think) I am prepared to live in a tent if I can find land with a well to rent, purchase,,, what ever it takes.
The best part is My Wife of 28yrs. is good with My quest for peace.
I just wish that I had only had the balls to break free of this box 30yrs ago, but then I would not have this caring Wife.
This is not an AZ adventure, but it IS,,, Like I said a place that I have drawn the strength to follow My dreams. It is NEVER to late to get off the bench. If They wont put Me in the game,,, Its time to make My Own damn game.

Thanks for being a captive audience.lol

Peace N LoVe; Twisted


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bring a whole bunch of dry ice for coolers it last a really long time, ice is always in short supply cause most people bring water ice to the gatherings. Dry ice can last much longer and you can pay for your whole troop this by selling blocks, have fun!!


Active member
Its time to make My Own damn game.

haha, just finishing up now.. took about ten weeks, graphics aren't very sophisticated but i wrote the whole engine myself, no directx or opengl, my own physics and audio.

i've been fucking trying to help people do things on their own, but that's how i became the enemy of the people.

it's amazing, with a modicum of effort to source from yourself, how quickly your abilities supercede those of others.. enjoy the journey... nice to know you got One!

p.s. horses protest wednesday


Active member
I wish I could save all Those Horses. That's what My heart says. That is not the Whole story. There are very hard realities for Humans that will all ways superceed that of animals.
I believe in Good Stewardship over The Land, and ALL it encompasses. If that had allway been the case,,,, Well Here We are, and it is the horses that will pay. They are a destructive, and Alien Species in this EcoSystems.

P.S. thanx 4 tha invite, but Im afraid the Protestors may put to test My quest for inner peace. They simply would not accept that I/We have a right to see The Realities of this.
Will You?


Active member

"surprisingly" it turns out that not only will horses be removed, so will native grazers...

beeeeeeecccccaaaaaaaaauuuuse they're allotting the whole thing for CATTLE GRAZING

yup. sunflower allotment. a pure money grab.

and not only advantaged by current politics, the notice that they would begin on friday didn't mean shit..

..as of this morning, we started getting major media coverage, and a sizeable public response scheduled at 5pm today..

so those fuckers swooped in and started collecting this afternoon.. can't wait til friday, gotta get their shit straight away..

after all, what are we gonna do.. arrest them?


Active member
I hate the Governments thinking They know best. The people closest to the land affected have the most to win, and loose. Washington doesn't belong in this fight. either way.

Wave Guide You fight the fight Your heart tells You to fight, Brother. We all must be true to that,,, Our own Heart.



The Horse humans domestication of lesser intelligence. A Spanish import made it possible for the American native people to travel farther and war more between themselves. Helped the industrial revolution to bring Guns Germs & Steel through out the Americas. Helped build a massive economy that changed the face of the world. We have all gained so much from domesticating the lesser intelligent haven't we. It has helped get more than we ever had, give more than we ever gave, and want more than we could ever imagined. and still yet it is not enough.

A thought, want some inner peace be self critical without being self condemning. The drop of water in the center of a plate. If the plates stays still and never moves on a perfectly level surface there is no effort to keep it centered. There is also no movement and no challenge. Are you ready to hold the plate is anyone if so who else is also eating off the plate you trying to keep centered.

living one's life with others enjoying their experiences sharing yours. To me that's the element to success, others quest and their travels. Some unfortunately will tell you there is a north and a south wind and one is more important than the other. The truth is there is no north or south on a round surface and the wind blows in the direction we give it a name but really it's just wind.


Well good luck on your journey Twisted. Take a look when you are there @ 9000' imagine if you had a plant in the ground sun is starting to get close to 12 hours first light snow and freeze most possible the last weeks of September.

Years ago when I was going through the woods and high deserts I took the MSR whisper light stove and a Coleman single mantle lantern and a few gallons of fuel. (back then they had leaded gas). Now day's it's all fuel canisters but I still prefer the older. Make sure you take the carbs you need. I always made up my own culinary feasts much better than the crap they sell in the backpacking stores. Just start with just about anything dehydrated carbs are essential if you plan on exertion. Wool blankets the old army kind if you can find them. 5 pieces of 10 mil plastic/light tarp 10x10 or 12 x12 would be optimum clear & now Camo. A roll of small engine starter cord usually about 6mm and come in 250' rolls tensile strength is 800 lbs 1/10th the price of 6mm cord they sell at the backpacking shops and even those are not as strong.. At you age a cot is appreciated as it will help getting up to water at night and store under it. A saw is preferred over a axe/hatchet if it is a either or situation. And for me unless I am hiking I prefer a cotton bigass old time sleeping bag over the light down or quilfil always got in the habit of leaving my socks at the bottom of the bag. I always took along a 2 gallon water boiler you know those granite enameled surface kettles a few links of 3/8 rebar is handy. MRE's are great and you can build on them all the rest of the stuff is optional stuff tents/coolers/etc. I have carried a custom built wrist rocket with 3 matched surgical tubing each side with a 220 grain close to the muzzle velocity of a 22 I used this mostly for game and fishing ( trout swims at about 7 miles an hour easy dinner with Lipton instant noodles and corn bread drop yum stir up some fern tips and wild onions. They even have a freeze dried fruit cocktail now. Don't for get Dr. Bonners peppermint soap, toilet paper each roll in it's own zip lock bag, coffee, coco, and coffee pot. I always preferred each to have his own personal items to me this included my coffee pot. Even on range with other men the best way to test my mettle is to help you self to my coffee pot I take it as he same as tryin to wear my shorts only room in here for my boys exclusively. Even when I was in country and had to locate recon units I poured my pot never them some people and their hang ups huh. Sorry to digress good luck you need to look at it again it is never the same view nothing is a constant but what we wish to make that way in our minds.


Active member
Thnx so much RBT, for the tips. My buddy outfitted Me with a tent, stove, lantern, Home made water filter(I forgot to buy a portable filtet straw.) His Father in law loaned Me 2 wool army/Navy surplus blankets. 30yr old ones. 30-50deg. bag, and told Me to cut Spruce bows to lay in My tent then a tarp, to make it softer, get off the ground better, and deodorize the tent. I am lucky to have Friends that care enough to share info, and gear with Me. Most I associate with don't care enough to try and understand what I am doing here. They just think I'm Crazy Ballzy. some probably think My Crazy ass wont be back.
I went to Bass Pro and spent another $700 on more supplies. IO bought a bed mat a folding cart to haul in, what wont fit into My new Kelly 210 pack that I bought. Man thatn thing fit nicely. I am working on loading it Now. This thing will make the pack in so nice.
I bought 8 green gas bottles, Thermacell mosquito repellant refills for the borrowed Thermacell. I bought a compass, camping bow saw, camping axe. A nylon hammock that is the size of a grapefruit all packed up, a good canvas tarp10x12 with center, and corner gromets. for shade, or any other needs. I will buy cheap blue tarps to use inside over the spruce bows. I picked up a small 1st aid kit. I got strike ant where match's. im vac sealing a couple packs of them for emergency use. picked up a couple packs disposable lighters. I bought 2 packs of para chord 500'ea. Im sure I missed a thing or 2. I will be taking some smoked/canned venison, some pasta, Ramen noodles, trail mix. and a few other things that I can cook at My camp, if the altitude makes it to hard to get to a kitchen. This is a Regional Rainbow Gathering, so Folks will have kitchens set up. I am also taking a case of MRE's. for the worst case scenario. Gonna be able to share some stories when I get back in a few weeks. Some I wont be able to share,,,, I HOPE lol. I LOVE My IC Family!!!



Active member
The Horse humans domestication of lesser intelligence. A Spanish import made it possible for the American native people to travel farther and war more between themselves. Helped the industrial revolution to bring Guns Germs & Steel through out the Americas. Helped build a massive economy that changed the face of the world. We have all gained so much from domesticating the lesser intelligent haven't we. It has helped get more than we ever had, give more than we ever gave, and want more than we could ever imagined. and still yet it is not enough.

A thought, want some inner peace be self critical without being self condemning. The drop of water in the center of a plate. If the plates stays still and never moves on a perfectly level surface there is no effort to keep it centered. There is also no movement and no challenge. Are you ready to hold the plate is anyone if so who else is also eating off the plate you trying to keep centered.

living one's life with others enjoying their experiences sharing yours. To me that's the element to success, others quest and their travels. Some unfortunately will tell you there is a north and a south wind and one is more important than the other. The truth is there is no north or south on a round surface and the wind blows in the direction we give it a name but really it's just wind.

Deep shit Brother, and SO, So true. I am searching for the will to just BE. It seems all My efforts have pulled Me to one side or another.
I have found that My willingness to let go the Illusion of control, has allowed Me to at least see My center for the 1st time in a while. I am going to this Mtn. to allow some perspective back into My Life. To re center Myself.

RBT thank You for this bit of Wisdom. This will serve Me as well as any of My provisions for this journey.



Mirage hunting,third eye turned toward you,new age toolkit,soul soup for old hippies with conspiracy theories,gotta sleep with both eyes open....
why don't cha turn those sheep around...and turn them into a new post.
This one started with Old School Arizona
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Active member
Mirage hunting,third eye turned toward you,new age toolkit,soul soup for old hippies with conspiracy theories,gotta sleep with both eyes open....
why don't cha turn those sheep around...and turn them into a new post.
This one started with Old School Arizona

I don't think I said a thing about any of that. Do You need a hug Wolfy?



Sure I'll take a hug. Thx

You have a story about Old School Arizona I'd love to hear it.

Try starting by reading op, that will give you a clue.

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