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Old School Arizona


badass bright angel has one of the best trout streams in the state worth the hike indeed

We used to go down to the B A creek and catch our fill 2-3 lb. rainbows. We'd clean and fillet them, then our friends at Phantom would freeze them for us. We'd hike them up and bury the fish and corn on the cob under hot coals.....ummm monsoon sunset and fresh trout at the rim.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
These are for you...

Blotter acid sheet, signed by Timothy Leary...from the collection of a longtime buddy of mine...


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We used to go down to the B A creek and catch our fill 2-3 lb. rainbows. We'd clean and fillet them, then our friends at Phantom would freeze them for us. We'd hike them up and bury the fish and corn on the cob under hot coals.....ummm monsoon sunset and fresh trout at the rim.

Did you ever get to Lee's Ferry @ btm of Glen Canyon Dam for Trout? Biggest in the World sit way down in that dark canyon cold water from the bottom of the Dam hydro turbans grind up and feed the cold waters. It has been years for me new restrictions now but if the trout you came up with was less than 5 LBS back it went.


We hadn't been Californicated yet, it was '73. Also we were probably breakin all sorts of laws already....re:no fishing license, no hiking permit, no fires on the rim, smokin reefer,just being young hippys... bookum dano!




Keep doin' something equally as fantastic.....

Live legendarily........

There is another level place where the bright light disappears and comes reality. It is of no significance there but the duality if quest won is empty lost existence but absorbed by humanity rebirth is not awakening but continuation of a useless quest.
Got some bean from Nepal


Active member
It's all in the unique belief system that we each subscribe to.
Take off the sunglasses and whatta ya' know....


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
It's all in the unique belief system that we each subscribe to.
Take off the sunglasses and whatta ya' know....

this is one of the best videos I have seen in regards to perception and limitations imposed by the mind...



Well it appears Arizona will be home again to yet another law enforcement endeavor of superfluous citizen exploitation. If this raid on an Indian land was done on anything but Indian land the Law Enforcement would have taken everything including the trimming shears left sitting on the table. The property would be up for sale the accounts seized all employees would have at least 20 felonies to plea bargain your life away. But here they just take the plants. As taking property arresting citizens of another nation and taking their property is strickly against International law an act of war!

Alas if your an American none of these protections are afforded to you. Just look at the Indian nations do you think for a minute the design, finance, oversight and admin to facilitate this operation was done by members of the tribe ? It is a proven fact till the closed the book as they are not required to announce who invests in Indian ventures. Take the casinos I have no doubt Al-Qaeda is invested heavily in Indian casinos from foreign investments brokerage houses and you don't see Indian Management when you go to one. some tribes don't even use US Banks.


Apache Kush

Well it appears Arizona will be home again to yet another law enforcement endeavor of superfluous citizen exploitation. If this raid on an Indian land was done on anything but Indian land the Law Enforcement would have taken everything including the trimming shears left sitting on the table. The property would be up for sale the accounts seized all employees would have at least 20 felonies to plea bargain your life away. But here they just take the plants. As taking property arresting citizens of another nation and taking their property is strickly against International law an act of war!

Alas if your an American none of these protections are afforded to you. Just look at the Indian nations do you think for a minute the design, finance, oversight and admin to facilitate this operation was done by members of the tribe ? It is a proven fact till the closed the book as they are not required to announce who invests in Indian ventures. Take the casinos I have no doubt Al-Qaeda is invested heavily in Indian casinos from foreign investments brokerage houses and you don't see Indian Management when you go to one. some tribes don't even use US Banks.

'' I will grow no more, forever ''
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Does anyone remember Firesign Theater albums ?
I remember the Starship Intercourse @Helm Capt. Quirk, with flirtmates Lt WahooYa & En Jackoff. Being backed up by his staff of Mr. Spook, Dr. Bonner & Potty.

They set out on another penetrating mission to pierce the Humanoid Galaxy and fire at it with protein torpedo's.

We would sit and laugh for hours at comedy albums Cosby why is their air, Rodney Dangerfield yea I miss those self defaming laughs. Damm even the Dean Martin Roasts were funny. The new ones are not worth effort it takes to push the remote button.


Active member
for sure but confused with memories of ken nordine

i think it was a firesign, some kinda macabre play talking about swapping astral bodies.. "taut metal wires stretch between your bodies.. just slide along them.." i was 20 and smoking a sack from seattle (used to mex).

if you like "augmented radio play" i recommend negativland to you.. with a visit to contra costa county..


..met some weird dudes out in the desert.. kept trying to teach me kung fu stances..


Active member
putting this up here..

back in the days of "mary's club house" there was a grower (and his son) who used to fill up volcano bags.. !!!! stout guy who looked like he spent a lot of time outside. c. 2009 i scored a qp for $175 ("$25 more because it was good stuff..") people were talking about purple erkel but it tasted like bubblegum... big seeds, light green buds smushed together some in big chunks..

back then it was all new, and that's probably part of it. i'm still trying to get my shit that good. thanks man. (i gave mary a haze and durban and some chem something i'd also love to see again but that was years back, just saying thanks.)

Apache Kush

Great purple strain, I belive its (mendocino purps x GDP )

cool to hear its been around for a while longer than I would have thought @wg'
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Active member
well i hope you stoners are feeling arizonan and uppity


this friday, this friday!

they're going to round up the wild horses in salt river canyon.

then they're going to "auction" them

which means, if it's anything like roundup in new mexico,

they're going to slaughter them

maybe some of you guys have a bigger skateboard than i and can get your butts out there to help the horses, or play godzilla with curs that walk around in two legs in uniforms.


this friday, salt river canyon


Active member
July 31, 2015

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF UNAUTHORIZED LIVESTOCK AND INTENT TO IMPOUND (Reference FSM 5330) Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation of the Secretary of Agriculture, 36 CFR 262.10, all unauthorized livestock found upon National Forest System lands or other lands under Forest Service control within the area identified below, will be impounded by the United States Forest Service on or after 8/07/15. All persons not wanting their unauthorized livestock gathered must remove them from the impoundment area before the gathering occurs. TOPOGRAPHIC UNIT, LEGAL SUBDIVISION OR ALLOTMENT National Forest System Lands within the boundaries of the Mesa Ranger District, Tonto National Forest, located within all or portions of the following Townships and ranges. Townships 2-4 North, Range 7-8 East, NATIONAL FOREST OR GRASSLAND Tonto National Forest RANGER DISTRICT Mesa Ranger District STATE Arizona The livestock are described as follows: Any unauthorized horses. May be impounded by the United States Forest Service on or after 8/07/2015, unless said livestock is permanently removed from the above described lands. Any unbranded livestock, or any livestock bearing brands of previously unauthorized livestock which are found to be making continuing or subsequent unauthorized use within twelve months after publication of this notice may be impounded without further notice. After the impoundment, owners of unauthorized livestock may regain possession thereof only by first showing proof of ownership and reimbursing the United States in full for the expense incurred in impounding, feeding, and care of such livestock, or if impoundment costs exceed fair market value, by a payment equal to the fair market value of the impounded livestock. All impounded animals not redeemed within 5 days after notice of sale of impounded livestock has been published in a local newspaper, posted in the county court house and in one or more local post offices, will be offered for sale at public auction. Livestock not sold at public sale may be sold at private sale or condemned and destroyed, or otherwise disposed of as provided by Regulation 36 CFR 262.10(f). Signed at; Phoenix, AZ this 24th day of July, 2015. /s/ Neil Bosworth, Forest Supervisor 7/31, 2015 edition Arizona Capitol Times


Ever tack a horse? ever board a horse? what's the going cost of immunization and vet visits and a Ferrer. In the imperial a 3 stand is now with the drought 18 and alfalfa 22. With the Drought and the watershed dwindling even more because of grazing on grass lands. the Native vegetation is disappearing and erosion is washing so much top soils and nutrients.

I am reluctant to say this but there are hard realties to animals and stock. I am my brother keeper it is my duty to keep my brother healthy warm and secure. Question how many brothers can I do that for. I have a limit it is not infinite why is that my burden>> because I can take it. But for others to tell me the burden need's to be taken and done I ask at whose expense and at what cost environmentally and economically. I could give a fuck on how you feel how did you feel up to this point? This problem has been around for years why now why today? Well I hope I didn't bend any noses but there is more to it lot's more. Those in the west how does the produce section look lately think it's going to rebound?


Active member
Bent nose's? I LoVe me some Horses. But ALL those are Q's that should be asked before investing to much Personal energy into this. Remember Horses are just another protein in most of the world.