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Off the shelf retail store screw-in LED and CFL bulb comparisons


ICMag Donor
GNZ- So Basically instead of just trying to train the branches, Since they rip/break where I topped them. I should bend/crush the stems above that spot and then Tie them down?

Blynx- These stems crush really well. Its just that the way they grew from 1 branch-multiple branches was very weird lol. Damn I didnt know that you only bent in flower. I swear I read your whole thread haha. So should I tie them down after I crush the stems?

Im gonna try to crush the stems lower then I currently am, but above the areas that I topped . So it wont do any harm If I crush multiple different spots at one time?

Thanks for chiming in and giving some advice you guys.. I never really did this method before. I always only topped and trained branches.. Before I thought the only reason to crush a stem was so it heal itself and make a stronger notch to hold branches up.. haha well was I wrong..

Sorry I don't know what I was thinking when I typed that. I edited my post.

I do train during veg and into flower until the stretch stops.

I have crushed stems and then re-crushed them. I've also crushed the stems and then crushed above and/or below where I originally crushed to further train them.

I crush stems not only to control/slow the upward growth, but imo, even more important, the crushing/training is to fill in the canopy and make it full and even.

When you crush a stem, try to crush it in a direction that fills in an empty space in your canopy.

genetic freaked

Well-known member
What is everyone running for bulbs 2700k 3000k or 5000k?
Was thinking about doing a mix for both veg and flower..

How many bulbs can u run off of one plug? Was wondering if I can run 20 bulbs off one plug or if I would have to split it to 10 and 10..


Active member
Alright Thanks Blynx, Im gonna crush some stems again since you said it would be fine, and ill take some pics and post them up..

Genetic- I run 2700k and 3000k for veg and flower. It all depends how much your box is rated to handle. You would have to see if there are any other electronics plugged in that are also going to the same breaker as the ones you need to use for your 20 bulbs. Once you find out whats being used add everything up..


Active member
What is everyone running for bulbs 2700k 3000k or 5000k?
Was thinking about doing a mix for both veg and flower..

How many bulbs can u run off of one plug? Was wondering if I can run 20 bulbs off one plug or if I would have to split it to 10 and 10..

I run 2700k. There is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much obsession/speculation over color spectrum. It's fuking pot, shit grows.

A 16 gauge extension cord is rated for 15 amps. So yeah. You could run 20 bulbs off of one plug. the 14 watters only draw like 0.20 amps.


GNZ- So Basically instead of just trying to train the branches, Since they rip/break where I topped them. I should bend/crush the stems above that spot and then Tie them down?

I was more referring to training the entire plant than individual branches, crush the main stem 2"-6" above the soil and then tie the top of the plant down. I've taken this diagram from the thread I linked earlier.


Active member
Yeah Gnz I understand what you mean. I usually train my plants.These are 2 I have outside at the moment.
But I was thinking If I did that to these 2 SSSDH, it would slow down the growth to much.. I was thinking that crushing stems would promote lower/secondary growth shoots, becoming wider and bushier but still growing taller vertically..


EDIT- So This is my attempt at crushing the stem lower.. I think im going to try and tie it up to give it some support though.. This stem was actually pretty hard to crush. Above near the newest growth is 100x easier.

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Active member
So this girl is being vegged under CFLs and LED Bulbs, The taller part of her was where the led bulb was directly above pointing at.. I wanted to say thanks to you guys because this girl is the sister of the SSSDH girl in the last picture in the post above. She took to the bending&crushing of stems like a Fuckin Champ!! Unlike her sister lol.. This is exactly what I wanted, A Bushier plant even though doing that kinda restricted her height a little bit.

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Active member
51w screw-in LED tent (Day 47)
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108w screw-in LED tent (Day 25)
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So far I am quite happy with them. Much cooler than HPS and CFL.

Well the 51w tent finished up. I had some pics I took and my fuking SD card shit and lost it all. Thanks a lot technology.

Here are some nugs from the 51w LED tent:


Total yield from the 51w screw-in LED's was 47.5G

So damn close to 1g/watt! I'm very happy with that.

Here's the remaining 108w screw-in LED tent on day 51:


I do notice the buds on the 14w are bigger than those that the 8.5w bulbs produced. Still doesn't mean the 8.5w bulbs don't have a use, they are TREMENDOUS for any micro grower.

I'm very happy with them. Thanks Blynx for doing the original legwork and passing this idea on. It's been a fun little experiment and I will continue to use them along with my soon to be upgraded HPS tent. :tiphat:


Active member
Shit I forgot to add that strain I ran... (Sour Creek x Casey Jones) x Mob Boss. ... I have never been able to get over .7gpw with it in like 4 years.

Until now... with 51 whopping watts.

can some people grab a lux meter app/or meter if u got one, and post some numbers, this will be far superior than 'about xyz watt per abc'
ive started a thread about this while back but no visitors..
ive been googling a bit and while i get 300,000 lux max (thats about the height where i tie em down because any higher and theyll bleach if exposed long) to 5000 lux in the 'shadow' and 25000 lux at the bottom/seedling height, i see people with 600hps get 300k at their tops

this info is also beneficial for co2, which would be super easy to place in a small cab
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I orded another 5 way light splitter doo hicky & added another -5- 5000k LED's to my veg tent a total 114w draw which replaces my 86w mars hydro blurple light


Active member
I orded another 5 way light splitter doo hicky & added another -5- 5000k LED's to my veg tent a total 114w draw which replaces my 86w mars hydro blurple light
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OH man I gotta get those !! Ive seriously been using A Bunch of 2 way splitters lol.. I have like 4 of the 2 way splitters attached to one of those lamp sockets that look kinda exactly like the one in this pic you just posted!

Plus its good that there all facing down! Its kinda hard to run the LED Bulbs with my set up because its all angled weird.

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