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Off the shelf retail store screw-in LED and CFL bulb comparisons

for one plant thats amazing, should have made a trimmed picture!

lazy? i dont even feed, just stuff it full of organics when planting the seed :biggrin:
i think i check his soil vids out once, but that guy talks SO much bs its hard to get tru, but i think his 'basic recipe' is a good start but it was missing one or two things if i remember right, easy to add tho, i think seedmeal or something (alfalfa =AMAZING)
oh i think you need to mix his soil with compost or other medium because its HOT


Active member
are you sure there is none?
i partially disagree with the article.
light quality is something that metters, metter more if you are playing with indoor growing.

cool, thanks, that is exactly the type of info I'd like to see. There's no definitive proof but the COB spectrums do look better for horticulture. But the huge advantage is with efficiency, I get it.

Conversely the huge advantage of screw-ins is scale-ability. I would order up a Northern Grow COB light in 2 seconds but they're 190 watts and weigh over 10 pounds. Sometimes you don't want something that big. My 600w P.L. Light HPS fixture weighs 8 pounds including the ballast, that's got my flowering tent covered already.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
canopy mgmt

canopy mgmt

why chop plants to meat light height restriction?
why not adjust lights to meet individual plant heights?
1st run with these screw in supplementals.


why chop plants to meat light height restriction?
why not adjust lights to meet individual plant heights?
1st run with these screw in supplementals.
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Because micro grows are often in things like PC cases where you don't have the option of raising the lights. Most people don't chop the plants, they level the canopy by tying down or using SCROG screens.
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Mr. Sparkle

my badseeds almost done, bummed about the results but its free weed eh, under t8 & chinese bulbs (its 37days in flower btw)

Nothing to complain about there huff, looks like there finishing fast if that's day 37, but even still a lot of change can happen in the next couple weeks.

Keep us updated ;)

Zamaldelica at 14 weeks, for a yogurt cup contest, lol

wait i'm missing a yogi cup contest? noooo

i second that where's the yogurt cup contest
just happen to cut it last night, it had a few clear here and there but more and more amber all around, it also stopped growing for a week already so it was pretty much done
last time the "same" plant went over 9 weeks before i pulled it, it was fatter but this feels a lot more dense
the flowering time was something i was experimenting with, had some tricks up my sleeve to pull out, seems it worked but ill report when i have more consistent results


New member
Do you use daylight or cool white led bulbs for vegging and then switch to warm white for flowering? or is there not much yeild difference, if any between the difference bulbs?


most bulbs are 'warm white' but it needs more rl testing, we all know the theory..

Millions of dollars have been poured into rl testing by companies such as Phillips horticultural division over the years, it's not some theory, it's the results of many scientists testing, and documenting their obervations.


New member
Millions of dollars have been poured into rl testing by companies such as Phillips horticultural division over the years, it's not some theory, it's the results of many scientists testing, and documenting their obervations.
