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Object found in schwag?


Registered Med User
Never really fucked with bammer, but I found a little red spider in some bomb once.


Active member
I was hoping you'd play along... and come up with a nice sly story. lol :tongue:

Well in that case, I came home to smoke my bag of pot to discover it was missing!!:fsu:
..It showed up at my front door later drunk with its hairs all messed up. Testing had to be done. She tested HIV positive :eek:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

In '81 I/we found a pair of these scissors in 10K bucket of colombian that a friend had,
I was buying a pound and we were weighing it out when these came sliding out. This is not the same pair but it is only my 2nd set as I have a local source for them, they come in several sizes & are excellent for all types of trim work.

You can buy a 3 pair set on eBay @ this link btw.......
Chinese Scissors

The set sitting in my kief box would be the smallest of the 3 @ eBay.
I have found the normal grasshopper, bailing twine, plastic, lint, and one time in 1/2 lb. i found a dead bird. stank like shit, and was sqwashed to about and inch thick, needless to say i didn't smoke the surrounding bud.


donut engineer
I once had an pound of brick which, when cracked open, spilled out a bunch of dead earwhigs. God that was horrible.

Have had screws and nails, too. That's not too uncommon.

Buddy of mine found a shark's tooth in his sack once.


Active member
I have found the normal grasshopper, bailing twine, plastic, lint, and one time in 1/2 lb. i found a dead bird. stank like shit, and was sqwashed to about and inch thick, needless to say i didn't smoke the surrounding bud.

normal grasshoper

dead bird ?

motherfucker i wouldnt have smoked any of it


how much does that mexican go for ?

here outdoor 100-120$ oz foor normal herb

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
Commercial Schwag in the early seventies

Commercial Schwag in the early seventies

I've encountered a writing pen, some paper clips, matchbooks, various sized pebbles/stones, a menagerie of dead creepy crawlie bugs/beetles and also one could more than likely expect to encounter excessive amounts of seeds and stems (sometimes actual complete compressed fully mature seeded plants minus the root system) all of it usually came compressed in the handy dandy 1000 gram kilo sized bricks , but one could literally handsaw them into the 1/4 to 1 pound size as needed and for about sixty to 90 u.s. dollars for a (454 gram) pound one would get over the whining about the miscellaneous debris pretty quick, after all the big bucks in retail was 10 to fifteen bucks on up to even as much 20 dollars a (28 gram) ounce back in the early seventies.
One could Bong on down a quarter ounce or so of the 2 to 3 percent THC "Downtown Brown" with a couple other folks and weed (Pun) manage to eventually get mildly baked on it.

A couple Kilo's of bricked schwag picture link

IMB :)
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Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
When I was young(early to mid teens), I got screwed over. I received a sack full of lawn clippings and maybe 2grams of actual bud.

I've seen people spray down schwag with Windex to make it weigh more. I've personally found rocks, grit, pebbles, bugs and general dirt debris. One time I found part of a pill or some rocked up cocaine in one of my sacks.

I read an article some where about lead being found in some cannabis obtained from the streets / black market.

After growing my own, nothing but the best will do. Most people don't dry, cure and manicure cannabis properly. :mad:
(how much does that mexi go for ?)
Around here it is like 4 or 5 bills for a 1/2 lb. And decent outdoor is anywhere from, 1 or 2 bills for a Oz.
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The weirdest thing I've found in my bag has to be my neighbor! Get out of my bag! sez I.


I,ve only found a lot of red dust(soil) and grass hoppers and to many stems.

and plenty of *Nothing!

you send the big $ order to your mex friend in Cal. and *Nothing returns, unlike the first time with the small $ order :-(

stay warm GK
Back in 74-75 I found a cow molar in a key, yea a big assed 38 gram cows tooth! I've found grasshoppers too. The worst I ever found was bbs painted light green in a quater z to add false weight, dirty rotten dealer, 4 of us got together and kicked his ass!!!

RooR HeaD

Alright honestly this thread is a good laugh. i cant belive half of the things u guys have found in swag. i read one post some smokeables that was funny couldnt agree more i wish swag was outlawed same with beasters and any other tyupe of shitty weed. but honestly after reading some of the things u guys found why would anyone want to even smoke that garbage u have a better chance at catching some crazy diseas smokeing swag then fucking a stripper. dead birds,decomposeing finger hope u didnt smoke that. this is my outlook on weed cause hoenstly bad weed just makes me fell shitty and gives me mindgranes excuse my spelling just smoked some bomby. but to the point i stick to this too thats why i have a statsh soo i dont have to worry about it but if u cant get good weed then dont smoke at all its not even worth it in my eyes. weed is suppose to smell good and taste good not look like something i released from y bowel and smell like it as well. honestly ill never smoke bad weed again i smoked beasters a few times thats it never anything worst then that i refused to buy it or i wouldnt want to hit it.

but in good weed one time i found one of those small green catapillers thats all ive found.

pack a bowl

i'd smoke swag over beasters any day.. gets me higher.

edit: also, you never know if you will end up smokin that surprise sativa swag... shit can get you high as hell... just won't taste great, or even good.
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