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Object found in schwag?


Active member
HazeToker said:
I remember as a kid one of the first bags I bought had a few fucking dead spiders in it. Other than that In schwag back in the day I found mould. I havent even seen a bag of that shit in 20 years.

in one bag o' schwag i found a cocoon in a bud and when i tried to pick it off
a fuckin little jumping spider comes out...kinda freaked me lol :pointlaug


damn, my mom tells me these stories about things she's found in schwag, things like thrip larva, and once when she bought like a half or full lb back in the day, there was a pressed converse tennis shoe in that shit! smart huh.

i've found tie line (string to keep bales tight), mold for sure, and i once found some dank in this reg me and my mom got. shit was crazy. nug.

and ive got jet-black reg, and purple reg. no lie. :rasta:

i dont care man, im from the south, and im still down for a blunt of schwag anytime, anywhere.


Active member
string, yarn, lent , wool, hair, stiks, stems, seeds, odor of airplane glue, urinal cakes, ....do i need to go on?


I once got 5lbs of this lime green brickweed on front. I didn't even ask for it. I just owed a guy some money, and he wanted me to see what I could do with it. What I did with it was let it sit in the hall closet until he asked for it back. I had 2lbs the shape of 5lb coffee cans, a two pound brick, and half of another 2 lb brick. I got to picking through the larger brick one day and found a 10" long piece of plexiglass. I also found some barbed wire in a lb of beasters once.


Active member
Not really a story of what was found in schwag but it's worth mentioning. Some friends and I were in Vegas. My buddy and I are at the bar at the RIO getting hammered and a black dude comes up and offers to sell my very wasted friend a bag of weed (he just flashes it). My friend goes into the bathroom with the dealer to check it out, comes back to the bar alone, tells me it's moist but he bought it anyway and we'll dry it out. We go back to the hotel room and my friend busts out the bag of wet newspaper that he bought, what an idiot! He still tried to get me to pay half but I refused. I remember him (still drunk) going through all those little scraps of newspaper, unraveling them and whatnot, saying "there's gotta be weed in here somewhere." lol.

Truthfully, it looked like weed somehow when you didn't look carefully. Very crafty.


Grower for Life
there is a lot of weed around here from paraguay which is pressed with glue.....pretty nasty shit.

Storm Crow

Active member
Opening up a kilo, a friend once found a squished, mummified mouse! (Ewwww!) I've found a bit of wire, a small scrap of cloth, orange baling twine- more than once, small clumps of hard dirt and small rocks. Small rocks were the most common.



New member
my friend was breaking up some bud once it was like some reg but didn't look to bad all of the sudden i'm like "dude the hair on that bud is moving!!" he grabs it and its a little worm just crawling straight out of the bud if i didn't spot it we woulda been smoking that shit... it looked just like the hairs on the bud


Well-known member
I was helping a friend bust up a 10lb box o buds and found a gecko. The gecko was about 4in long and still was soft. This wasn't even brick.nice and fluffy.
This made us laugh and think of the Cheech and Chong movie, when Stacy Keech turned into a lizard. My friend sead he was a mexican trying to immigrate. :muahaha:



her dankness
You guys who say thrip larvae- How did you even SEE them? They're like 1.5mm long and no thicker than a whisker!

In my experience, people who can positively identify thrip larvae and people who smoke schwag are never the same people...


Well-known member
A mouse, various insect species, gravel, sticks, animal dung.
This was during my first couple years smoking, and in africa we get some interesting shwag, and stuff inside it lol

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