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Oaxaca x Panama regular

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
I’ve got 6 of these going outdoors. We’ve had some pretty brutal temps but they’re trucking along. I’m really excited to see how they end up in comparison to the A5 cross.
I’ve got them in smaller fabric pots for the time being until I see Preflowers at which point any females will go into 15 gallon bags on sip trays. (No more letting my roots penetrate the bags and into my soil that’s full of cotton wilt). The small bags are currently just sitting on top of then larger bags that they will eventually be transplanted into.

2 of the 6 are showing an odd leaf mutation. More rounded edges, lighter green speckling that isn’t insect related, and they don’t seem to move water through them properly. They’re much more delicate and want to dry out faster than the other 4 even though the soil is evenly moist. You can see the edges of some of the leaves where they dried out. They’ve had leaves like this since the first set. Growth rate wise they are keeping up right along with the others. Just more delicate and odd looking.


The rest are happy as can be, though some white flies seem to be particularly attracted to one of them.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
5 out of 6 are confirmed female.
I decided to keep one of the weird growth ones that was initially struggling and throwing weird paper feeling leaves. She’s a little slower growing than the other 5, but she seems to have snapped out of her issues.
I just up potted her so we’ll see if she comes to full health. The two with the weird leaf deformities definitely don’t react well to the heat here, even when the soil is moist they seem to get dry spots in the leaves. The other weirdo was too weird and struggling it got culled.
I’ll get some pics up once they start kicking into flower.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
All of these were up potted this week and waking up from a heavy rainy night last night. We had a gnarly storm with lots of wind and hard rain blow through. Zero damage, super happy.

This girl is one of the mutant ones with the weird papery leaves that hates hot/dry conditions. She has for the most part grown out of throwing the odd leaves, but still occasionally grows one. This is my “for shits and giggles” plant of the year since I’m not doing my traditional mutt plant (my dog ate her) 😆
This one is a very light lime green in person.


These two are fairly uniform with each other so far. Same smells, same general growth rate, node spacing etc.



This girl is a little different. Slightly lankier, softer stems, more delicate leaves and more of a spice to her smell.

And this is the male. Normally I don’t up pot my males and just keep them in 1 gallons until I get enough pollen, but I really wanted to see its development when not constrained and stressed out. The male is very similar to the two females that are similar.


Stoked to see how they develop.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Here’s what the mutant likes to do. A random leaf or leaf finger will just crumple up like that and then be dried to a crisp by evening time. These were all fine this morning.


I also noticed that almost every branch was beginning to fasciate and flatten out along the stem.
She’s gone now, ended up culling her and plan to stick a KA5H in her place. I don’t want to try and baby a plant through my conditions and end up losing it anyways after spending a bunch of time on it. The others are extremely strong and growing very well. So it’s 3 females and 1 male that will love long enough to collect pollen.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
All of them have fully adapted to being up potted after sexing and have really taken off.



And the male

Very little if any noticeable smell so far in Veg. Nothing even remotely smelling like weed and you only smell them if you press your face into them. The only distinct smell is on the male.
In contrast to these, if I go over beside the Zacatecas Tribute or the Panama Haze, I can smell them. The Zacatecas has the skunk to it, and the Panama haze has a spicy, musky old school weed smell to it.
Vigor wise, the OxP is much faster growing than the Panama Haze and the Zacatecas so far. It is also much bushier than the green mountain grape but around the same height. All are topped except the Panama haze which was only just topped this morning.

Low smell in veg, fast growing, gets super bushy, my soil isn’t nutrient heavy at all so she’s not a heavy eater yet.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
So just a note for future growers.
These do not like temps over 120°. We hit 124°f in my neighborhood today, the two more delicate feeling plants had some serious wilting today that ended up with some crisp leaves. The 3rd female had no issues. All were super happy this morning until about 11:30am.

It’s all good as I was about to do some pruning to keep these bushy and low, but something to keep in mind.


Well-known member
So just a note for future growers.
These do not like temps over 120°. We hit 124°f in my neighborhood today, the two more delicate feeling plants had some serious wilting today that ended up with some crisp leaves. The 3rd female had no issues. All were super happy this morning until about 11:30am.

It’s all good as I was about to do some pruning to keep these bushy and low, but something to keep in mind.
Those plants that survive would be worth growing again next year, their offspring too! Climate hardy selections made by nature!

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Some variegation on one leaf of the male

He’s trucking along nice and healthy. Just starting to flower.

So far all of these have responded really well to pruning. They’re making monster bushes with tons of lateral growth. I’m going to thin them up a bit tomorrow in preparation for a huge storm we’re supposed to get Saturday.


Well-known member
Are these available at any US seed banks? Otherwise I'll wait until Mandala opens again I guess. I hope ACE begins shipping to US again. These and Honduras are on my grow roster for the winter. Maybe Guawi too.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
A couple pics of the male I took yesterday. I just cut all the flowering branches and stuck them in a vase inside to keep the girls from getting fully seeded.
Extremely light smelling plant until you rub the stems. Stem rub smells like… poop. 😆 that was actually a very common smell on the Mexican genetic males I grew as a teenager so I’m pretty excited to see what comes from him.



I’ll get pics of the girls again soon. They’re all starting to flower and look lovely. They responded insanely well to pruning and made giant bushes.

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