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Oaxaca A5 Haze feminized


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks everyone for your updates and to new ones for joining us @Onuma Sativa :wave:

@el mani lovely :) she is already showing the unmistikable Oaxacan calyxes and bud structure

@El Timbo These cloudy, rainy (and highly welcomed) days we have been experiencing in this part of the Mediterranean are perfect for this genetics to switch into flowering mode.
She’s really filled out and should start flowering soon ..

Very promising bush in early August :D @The Baphomet big sized, and a picture of health.
How is she doing 1 month later, already into flowering there ?


ACE Seeds Breeder
Great job :smoke: @early_bird impressive yield you got from her, especially considering the hot summer conditions and the change of lamp in flowering. Glad smoke tests are promising so early, however, even for vaping, i like to let the harvest dry and cure for at least 2 months.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this new genetics with all of us. Enjoy! 🥳

@Neiko guess you already harvest your girls, congrats! ;) Please, keep us updated with smoke reports and your insights on the Oaxaca A5 Haze girls you had when the right time comes.

power puff

Active member
i like to let the harvest dry and cure for at least 2 months.
Indeed 3 months seems to be the sweet spot.....

I have 3 oax a5 and two golden tiger a5 about 7 weeks in flower and conditions getting harsch here at 53 north now. Cold rain and wet. They are under a roof so no direct rain but humidity is high. Fingers crossed for better weather soon. The 5 plants are all different. GT A5 one is A5 dom the other more Golden tiger.

With the Oax it seems I have 3 phenos, one very big buds, one more elongated branches that are floppy and a lot of smaler buds (I guess Oax dom) This one smells best but all citric. And one in between.

I did the in between pheno in spring and love the buds, but now they are more compact as they had real sun.

I hope I can make some worthy pics for you, for now they are cramped up...sorry.

El Timbo

Well-known member
Mine is untopped but it's developing a triple headed top bud. It also has some variegated leaves - all good though. About 3 weeks into flower.


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