Anyone interested in breeding azadacitracin, spinosad, and pyrtherum resistant mites and unleashing them in Oakland?
Has anyone forgot about how they lied to you? Is that ok with you? Do you really think you are supporting a good thing when you support the take over and regulation of the Marijuana plant by putting it into the hands that lied to you about that same plant...your whole life? Is that just peachy with you? Do you really think your life will be safer in the big picture? Is that really what this is about....your safety?
$3K per pound seems a bit steep, curious what the big cost factor is
only expensive leasing of growing space comes to mind, i know the rents are quite high in that area
Actually when I sit and do the math it's a bit less. But lets just say I do 5 lbs every 3 mos.. so I get 1.6 lbs/mo. not 1.
rent = $1500/mo
PG&E = $1400/mo
There will ALWAYS be a market IF you grow the Top 1% of the Top 1%.
And generally,at the price you name.
If smaller players fall by the wayside,it'll be because their work doesn't fit The Right Niche.
My .0002
...The ordinance would take effect in January of next year, but I'm very curious to see what the DEA does when they KNOW the address where 25K plants are being grown.
MMJ seems to be evolving into a highly legal and highly regulated system
highly legal because DEA is getting out(for the moment)
medical markets are a highly regulated market in this country, been that way for a while
not many mom and pop players in the other major medical markets, why should MMJ end up being different?
in my opinion, MMJ was a huge success in demonstrating large scale use of MJ was not the end of the world
but the time may be coming where it is outliving its usefulness, at least in some states
keep the existing system, and i think you are guaranteed a big corporate environment, current events seem to support this
MMJ dispensaries are like pharmacies, recreational shops could be like liquor stores, a lot more room for smaller players
There will ALWAYS be a market IF you grow the Top 1% of the Top 1%.
And generally,at the price you name.
If smaller players fall by the wayside,it'll be because their work doesn't fit The Right Niche.
My .0002
I was doing some math the other day, comparing my costs per # and what volume it would take to stay profitable in this industry. Using the lowest figure I could find (RAND's $38/oz -$608/#, ugh!) I figure growing 10# a month would net me around $2K, but that also doesn't include my time. Barely worth the effort, that. I doubt I would do all that work to make $2k a month.
In other words, if prices fall to those levels, you better have at least a 20-light grow (harvesting 10 lights a month), otherwise you're just losing money and it would be MUCH cheaper to buy weed than to grow it.
The guys who have under 16 lights? Their cost to grow a pound (indoors) are likely higher than they cost to buy, so might as well sell that grow gear now!
To also include the fact that the support for growing will hurt as well. Won't it be nice to see all the mom and pop hydro shops close up shop?
Lazyman...while I agree with your point....that RAND report isn't worth the paper it was printed on IMO. For argument sake and for a more realistic figure, lets say that top self drops all the way down to $2,500 a lb. Can you reconfigure your numbers going by that and give us your results?