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hahaha i love the dog pics man. not to mention your fucking outdoor plants!!!! :respect:

mm, can't wait to do some testing. :canabis:

everything looks stellar, great smoke report. i hope i can live up to that. lol guess i'll just have to smoke enough to make sense :smoke:


Damn...too bad. I was hoping at least some of the Reef would show in her as a consolation. Still got a grip o' seeds, mebbe I'll drop a few for shits-n-grins.

Wanna do another VH, though, and I know those genes are good.


*Stoned User*
Hey jay.. its kinda hard to tell if it is a pure lab or not but my guess would be yes.

Here is a pic of my favorite lab ever! She was a pure lab and we bred her with another lab. In her life, she had 22 pups!!! :yoinks: I had her for 13 years and she died last year after a fulfilling life (for a dog at least). :D Hope your pal gives you a dozen or so memorable years. Peace.



Registered Medical Patient
sweet doggy Trich...what up Jay!!?alls lookin great in here...how old is ur pup? He'll find his center of gravity soon, and when he does, hell be out runnin everything...My dog is 2 and a half, and fogetting the fact that hes a little overweight, hes fuckin fast as hell when he wants to be!!! Hes just really startin to get athletic tho, give em time....I take rides on my bike with my boy runnin next to me all the time...he'll go like 2-3 -4 miles easy!!!Love tha shit!!!Peace bro

- Z


wattup my man.heres my favorite dog ever his name was Capone i had him 8 years befor the popo shot him in my yard.he was Cerile Pittbull bomb ass dog.listend like a human since he was like 8 weeks old,i got him at 5 weeks cause the mom was neglecting just him he was gonna die if i hadnt took him when i did.where i was when i picked him out they told me to pick another one cause he wasnt gonna make it.they was thinkin it was funny...i took him that day went and got a case of pet milk and a case of baby formula made him a half and half mixture and bottle fed his lil as till he was stronger and could eat.this dog has traveled acros th country with me more then once.a true road dog.this is a pic of a polaroid pic as all the pics of him are polaroids except the one i blew up its 2 feet high x 4 feet long Kinkos did it for 70 bux.peace

he was 18 months here.hed wear those glasses all day bro they was his.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Whats up jay, Thought I would stop in with an update on the NFU girl. I will take clones and keep her till she is finished this run, If she is worthy she will remain if she isnt I'll offer cuts to you before tossing her.

Until next time be safe and take care, I leave you with a shot of the NFU girl in my garden!


leel: thanx brother! Outside looking good, and i as happily suprised to see buds forming. i guess outside Sun times has finally hit outdoor flowering!
action time indeed!

Should be getting the tester soon mate. thanx again.

Shitake: yeah man.. bit of a bummer with SG, but thanx for letting me try for ya anyway. the taste isnt the best, but its got a decent morning high. cant wait to see what the SGs outside might do for me. :)
VHs are looking great... im always keen to see you pop some of those mate :joint:

Trich: awww... cute dog bro. sorry to hear he has passed. pretty boy, and looking at this face compared to Securitys, i guess he could be a pure breed. neat!
13 years, 22 pups!? thats a busy girl! lol...

he was 6 weeks old Xmas day (when i took him).
hes getting speed up for sure. his feet are getting under him and hes turning corners much better. lol.
hes gonna be a fun dog when he gets older and a little more training.
looking forward to it.
3-4 miles is crazy! lol. Security has PLENTY of room to run, but if he wants miles, hes gonna have to do a couple laps. lol.

420 wookie: good time indeed mate! thanx for popping in an postin up.
come back tonight sometime (in like 12 hours from now) for a Bunkbed Update!

Y: hahaa... awesome pic bro.
never owned a pit, but i used to own a pure bred Bullterrier. beautiful dog.
great story bro.

Blaze: hell yea bro, keep the update of her coming.
sounds like a plan though man... ill take the cuts if you gonna throw em, but im not sure how long we be hanging onto her though. she cant compare to her sister thats for sho'.
When will that NFU be going into flower?...

Everyone: ok guys, testers should be getting their samples soon enough, so look for some more NFU reports soon.
Tonight you should be poppin back in, with day 1 flowering inside the Bunkbed!
also, for those still not in the know, make sure ya check out indoor soil section and check out Blazeoneups new thread.
trust me, you dont wanna miss it.
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well i guess im the first to chime in and say "the eagle has landed" LOL i'll be givin her a go tomorrow yo and fill out the smoke reprt for ya then...although she smells so good i might throw a lil piece in the bowl just to taste her...;)

it wasnt too bad gettin it outta the vault you sent it in yo...
thanx for the goodies imma enjoy them tonight after i eat me some budder.
goodlookinout my man...im sure its gonna be bomb,imma smoke it with a couple homies and see their reaction too...

look familiar? this will be its home till i fire her ass up.

smoke report tomorrow.peace yo-Y-


excellent.. hopefully the other boys will get theres tomorrow then.

nice pics, hope ya enjoy it mate, but remember, shes a TEST weed... shes not the killer you are growing in your rooms. lol.
my killer is my Urkle... but we will smoke some of that someday soon though brother. :joint: :joint:

go ahead and try a bowl bro... that top should break up to make 2 joints a a couple bowls.
what DVD did i send you?... and had you seen it before? lol..
i tryed to guess movies you guys might not have seen before... heh


Major Shitake to ground control...Major Shitake to ground control...Eagle number two has landed, repeat, Eagle number two has landed! :laughing:

So after I helped my neighbor tow his broke-down Bronco home, I get home, lo and behold- I've a nice package awaiting me! So after unpacking (my fingers smell like...PB&J!!!) I decided to get down to business.

What the hell am I up to???

A little closer now:


What a nice, tight nugget! Should easily make 2 j's or some bowls. Haven't decided yet. Since I'm a complete one-hitter-quitter-lightweight (unless I'm feeling cheeky) I think I'll opt for the one hit and get on with the report. But I'm gonna have the guys over for a jam this weekend, and they are very seasoned, fairly heavy tokers, so we will share a fatty and I'll have a proper report in a few days.

My initial impressions prior to breakin her up...nice structure, nice visible trichs, fairly tight nug. She wreaks pretty good, too. I'd say 8/10 on the strength of the aromatics. It's a fruity, sweet, mixed berry smell. Imagine tossing extremely ripe blueberries and strawberries into a blender and making berry paste. Yum! A very, very pleasant aroma of which I haven't smelled anything comparable in quite some time. I'm impressed, and, before I spark her up, I'd be disappointed to lose this cut solely based on aroma. So if your other PU's blow this away, I really REALLY wanna smell some!

So, Ima have a lil toke later tonight (got plenty of stuff to accomplish before I'm ready to settle in) and get backatchas!

Oh, as long as we're sharing pup pics, here ya go:

Thanks NZjay! I look forward to breaking this nug up and wreckin' her like she was a new girlfriend! :muahaha:



LOL i thiught the dvd was the smoke report questions hahaha i didnt even look yet hold up...its the soul plane...good flik to get high to fasho,goodlookinout.

yeah im gonna try a bowl im gonna wait till my chik gets here and let her taste it with me.see what tastes she says she taste she has no knowledge of the strawberry taste you talked about so ya know...

yup cant wait till we smoke ur urkle with ya bro and match ya with my kalichakra...(god i cant wait to chop them bitches....i think im gonna plan me a trip right when round 3 gets done so i can come and check ya out at a good time!!!!! LOL HAHAHAHA
company on the way bro gotta get off the computer ...fuckin company LOL.
oh btw i passed 5!!!!!!


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Im not going to post a NFU smoke report but this is my opinion.

NFU smells simular but different then urkle. Its density and texture are very simular, It grows a little faster and larger. Possibly yields more.

The smoke taste simular to urkle on the exhale but different on the inhale. Urkle is superior to NFU simply because urkle taste good to the last puff,when you roll a nice J of NFU it taste good till about halfway through where it begins to lose flavor and by the end of the J the last hit taste nothing like the 1st hit.

Urkle packs a little more flavor better on inhale slight edge on exhale little more potent and surely the last hit off a j will taste just as good as the 1st puff.

Thats my opinion!


hey awesome guys!

Shitake: good deal bro! nice pics! looking forward to the read...
you will get to try my Urkle bro, i promise ya. :joint:
Berry paste! ooooo!! good call... i agree in finding that smell hard to compare something to. thats the Urkle coming out in her...

Y: SOul plane.. hehh.. ok.. i guess you seen it before.
btw, i never said anything about strawberry TASTE... lol. she smells like strawberrys to me when growing/breaking er up dry.

Blaze: totally agree with everything ya said bro.. thanx for the input man. always welcome here. good to see ya showing off ya skills on ICmag a bit again man..

Everyone: ill be getting photos of Day 1 12/12 in the bunkbed soon folks!
might take me a little bit to upload as im currently busy, but they will be up ASAP!
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ok guys, here we are. Day 1: 12/12

Bed all sealed up in the dark.

open the door:

and lets look inside:

lets start the lights up:

and i wanted to focus this update on the Venomheads.
you probably wont even recognise them.. here ya go:

some G13D personal ... no idea how far along.. maybe 5 weeks?

veg room: the smallest of the bunch i decided to keep her in veg.
she fell sick a while back, and fell behind everyone. i got her back to healthy so im gonna grow her bigger.
i think shes Original Purple Urkle, so im gonna clone her once, flower the clone, and make sure.

and 20 clones:
not looking the best! i screwed up and they got 6 hours of dark.. they really didnt like it for some reason! only 5 days since cut though, so hopefulyl they will root fine and bounce back. otherwise im taking another 20 clones, direct to soil! i decided to use the rest of my rapid rooters up.

well... thats it! back to the weekly updates folks.. so make sure ya check back often.



Registered Medical Patient
those Urk girls look great Jay...very nice & bushy and short, I like short bush, I mean bushes!!LOL
I love the bunkbed idea bro, pure genius!!!Catch ya later..Peace

- Z


Hoo-weee! ON is what it is!!

Get ready for some stretch on those VH's. Maybe 3X in height. They look great, btw. Hopefully they work better than SG did! :bashhead: I'm sure your green thumb will guide them right.

In the spirit of things, I dropped 5 VH's today.

Congrats on the flip!



ok Y soundin off with the smoke report...im lit up like 20 minutes ago and we gonna do this together yo.first smoke of the day.

o.k been puffin her for about a 45 minutes now,while surfin around the web...did you guys know they found a dead bigfoot body in goergia?they are doin DNA tests now go to CNN.COM if you dont believe me bro im trippin out,read the whole story...they said theres more alive in the same area they saw them too.


First glance Bag appeal: 1-10 ---i say my bud that i got was a good 7-8
Visible trichcomes: 1-10 ---8 my bud was glazed
Colors present: 1-10
Reds: 7 my nug had a nice red look to it filled with hairs
Greens: 2
Purples: my bud didnt have much purple at all so i gotta say a 1
yellows: 1
Others: orangish red

Bud Density: 7-8 i got two cool joints off my nuggy,i honestly didnt think it was gonna break up as good as it did.

Rate and explain The Smells when you are breaking it up:
rate the smell: well i already had strawberries in my mind from NZ'S's description so i had my lady break it up...as soon as i gave it to her she said it smells like some kinda berries....smells like berries is what she kept saying..myself i smelled it real fruity from where i was at..on further inspection it smelled fruity but more on a hashy fruity tip..real bomb ass smell.

Strong, or weak smell: 1-10 . solid 8-9 smelled real nice

First hit comments:wow chest expander,tastes like incense NOT IN A BAD WAY AT ALL : 1-10 ----8
Does it burn well? 1-10 ---hell yeah i been tokin this J right here by myself for atleast an hr....i keep lettin it go out im stoned....nicely nicely
Is it Smooth 1-10 ----5 not smoothe its kinda harsh but i kinda like harsh weed though so i dont really mind at all.
Lung expansion with a good hit? 1-10 ---9 J you already know this shit will make you cough,gag ,then spit!!!!

What are you feeling?: relaxed,after being at thr dr.this morning(had to be there by 8 am was there maybe an hr.) nervous as hell and all the crazyness that was on my mind,i feel real calm now relaxed i could probably take a nice long weed nap,but i wouldnt wanna waste this good ass buzz!!!!

Head high? 1-10 ...shes a 6 to me a good mellow buzz .Body high? 1-10 ---8 like i said im buzzin like yo cousin ;) relaxed as hell even my back that always hurts until i smoke in the morning feels good right now
Potency: 1-10 ---7 its a solid buzz fasho but i like my head high a little more stony then this.this however has me so relaxed i been postin this post for maybe an hr and 5 minutes..lol
Hit you fast? Or creeper weed?: naw it hits ya in the face real quick with a stiff jab.no waiting around wondering if ur gonna get high with this one ...shit i still got like 1/4 of the joint left and i can feel it real nice as a matter of fact as i looki see my answers gettin longer :laughing: im startin to ramble on and on so you know thats always a good sign.
Would this be best as a morning/afternoon/night smoke?:

How high are you? 1-10 ---its a 7-8 this is my first joint of the day,the most true buzz imma get today.im feelin real good and my eyes are feelin like they would look high LOL
How long did the high last?: still smokin but is been a good hr.and 20 minutes with my slow typin ass ans im still puffin so should be nice...i'll edit the approximate time in this post later...

All testers are also growers, so:
Is this a strain you would want to grow? 1-10 this strain id prolly like to keep around for myself just for that different buzz if you can work out the hermie tendencies...although it doesnt seem like either the original erkle or the NFU are suted for my room because they stay so short(just like im startin to feel about the ss)id keep it around for prsonal smoke im high as hell and i can feel it gettin more intense as im typin,im glad i did this report in real time so i can see the effects its makn while i take so long with my slow typin ass we goin on 1 hr.and 35 minutes and the buzz is still rollin good.obviously if it were a choice between this and the original id have to choose that original gangsta Erkle but i think this strain has its own personality and could be a great mom to pollinate for a great cross if ya could figure out what that was that made it herm...if ya could get this body stone mixed with a lil more in ur face head high it could be a thing of beauty my man...for sure
Final comments: it has a good ass buzz mellow relaxed ...like the man Katt Williams said,this weed has alot of that shit they call "fuck it"in there.makes me wanna sit back and relax watch a move and do everything a little bit later LOL...im fuckin hungry as hell already it gave me the munchies big time and micky d's stopped servin breakfast 17 minutes ago :bashhead:


im not looking for average smoke. im looking for high quality keepers.
Final opinion of this Pheno of Purple Urkle?: 1-10 i give it a solid 8 im stoned yo i cant even front,this some bomb ass weed man,it ttastes real good the harsh at the end dont bother me a bit.if you dont cough you dont get off ;)
like i said up top,this could be the start of somethin off the fuckin hinges if you decide to play with it and cross it a few times to different strains and see how bad ass you could freak her,my man J you might be on the way to havin to think up a name for some new shit yo.

thanks for lettin me test out ur test strain NZ it was a pleasure fasho;)
good lookin out on these fig newtons im smashin right now too yo :jump: .if it wouldnt be for them bein right here next to me i woulda been hungry as hell because i aint gettin my high lazy ass up and goin to the kitchen LOL :laughing: imma just be thirsty in this mf :muahaha: ...
peace my man fuckin goodlookinout. i tried to be as honest as i could man,i figure as you being my friend and lookin out like ya did you didnt do it cause you want to hear peeps sayin its a fuckin 10 just cause they feel like they owe you for the free nug...i feel like i owe you somethin for the nug...the truth is what i owe you ...its some bomb weed bro the buzz is still hangin strong id grow it if it wasnt for those two things...as soon as you start croossin her up yup i want some ;)LOL peace my brotha.-Y-

EDIT:total time it took me to post this afeter proof readin right quick 1 hr. and 43 minutes...LOL
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