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nice solid report J.im sure ur prolly a lil immune to it though.
i'll tell you what though that joint looks like it will make ya kik ur heels up for a few fasho.
btw i never got a pm from you,did you send me one when you said you was?
peace -Y-

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Great report

I thought it was one of my pictures when I seen the RAW package, it made me double take

Just checkin in mate


Registered Medical Patient
^^^^^haha dog!!!! Great report Jay, Ive been waitin for this...I stopped, rolled a BIG spliff, and started to smoke it as I read ur report...ahhhh,much better..!!LOL
Im sure ur tasters will be very happy w/ their samples...You the man bro, great history on the NFU as well...good stuff mate, Peace

- Z


Y: lol. funny you should say that. i did mention on the CD you will be getting, that there is a chance you might find a seed. but germ at your own risk. its possible, and likley that it could be a hermie when grown out.
ive found maybe 4 seeds so far, and didnt hesitate to throw em out.

Sir: lol. that cracked me up. aww man. you know i would love to share with everyone. maybe in near future mate ;)
good to see ya, and theres one review for yah. more to come soon enough.
take care..

Caligreen: heya mate.. :wave:
yeah its quite interesting, and hoping my testers will see this too, but on the outside, there seems to be almost no purple. but once cut up, there is purple in there! its like a majic inside out purple bud or something. lol.
yeah, i collected those seeds from urkle over the years, and then popped one to see what happens... and... well... this was it. heheh..
its been fun for sure.

check the purple bits around in there.

Y: ya know bro, maybe you are right.
tonight i had company over. both people know im a grower, and am currently growing, so of course i blew em out on NFU.
first joint, the younger dude took a nap. lol.
then we went out for dinner, come back, and i rolled 2 joints. one right after the other. i was feeling good, i look over, and dude was asleep again. lol.
i did tell him it kicks like a mule! lol.
thats the Urkle trait coming out in it all the way. the heavy indica high.
great for meds.
shit, i forgot bout the PM! lol. got done with that post and left to smoke a bowl. damn stoners.

Dr Dee Oh Gee: lol. nope! mine! nearly empty... im sure only like 5-7 papers left from 300! getting dangerously low, also, dammit i smoke too much. lol.
RAW are ok, but they are really slippery to roll which i sometimes struggle with. im still learning to roll.
i do like that they are longer than a usual paper though. im all for longer, fatter joints!
next time i get to the head shop, im picking up a few packs of my real favs.

good to see ya bud... now sit.

good doggie.
*hands you a THC cookie!*

Zeus: lol.
excellent man, that really is a cool thing for you to say. i really appreciate it and im glad you enjoyed the report. hope you enjoy some Purple Urkle next run brother :) apparently 'leel liked his taste of her. lol.
thanx again man. always welcome here.
take care!

Everyone: im nice and baked on this NFU right now.. staring into a full bunkbed.. honestly, i could probably go to flower today, but i hope i dont regret it, i think im gonna go another week and go flower next friday!
you dont get to see the bed/girls in the bed until then! so go roll a joint, cuddle your mommy and cry about it, but too bad :joint:

testers: as suspected i didnt make the mail. company turned up early and on time (for once - right??!) so i couldnt get away. monday is looking good though.
i used an ancient chicken teriyaki technique i learnt in 'nam with the nugs.
just dont eat the peanut butter, and all i can say is...

...Im glad im not the one getting that jar out of there. suckers! lol...........
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
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Registered Medical Patient
nice pics Jay...those beauties are gonna yield nice for ya, they are lookin great, bushy and all that good stuff...I love the dog bro, is he a pure lab, or does he have smoe pit in him?? He looks llike a great companion...Peace bro

- Z


sup J i se ya twerkin it yo;)nice ass scrog that baby is growin likw crazy.
ur dog dont like mountain dew or what? haha peace bro -Y-


Zeus: thanx for the comments dude. appreciate it.
im not sure if he is pure lab or not... can you tell at all?...

he was given to me by a family who couldnt take care of him, so i took him.
younger than you normally would, but it was either take em, or let him struggle as a young pup. hes a good boy, still so very young. gonna be interesting to see how big he will keep getting. lol.

hes smart, but his body is slow. lol. its funny.
he knows "sit" and "stay" now... but never wants to sit still for longer than a few seconds. its funny coz his front leg shakes as if hes waiting to get off the mark in record time. hehehe...

he also enjoys playing fetch with his teddy bear. brings it back and everything.. which i love. im lazy... but ill sit out there with a joint in one hand, and throwing with the other :joint: :joint:

Y: heheh.. ever since a pup, he loves destoying plastic bottles. lol
while i was trying to get the 2l in the pic of the G13, he went over and grabbed it... thinking it was for him. lol. after the walk, he got the reward though...

HighLow: hey mate, thanx
round 4 is in clone stage right now :D
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yeah J he looks like a good one yo.
sheeaaat your lucky to get a few seconds outta him yo,trust me i been handlin dogs for years,pups are like babies as in they have short attention spans and any lil thing can distract them from the command bein givin at the time.if hes learnin the commands ur golden yo.as he gets a lil older (dogs mature real quick) he'll get the pride outta makin you proud of him by listenin yo.
dogs can read ur feelings yo,they like to please/make you proud.
i had a red doberman once yo,this dog was so high strung yo i was like this bitch needs a helmet,im talkin retaded yo.i worked with her everyday yo,the dog had the shortest attention span in the history of dogs yo.then she went in heat right,and then after that first heat it was like a totaly different dog.bam everything i tought her was there in full speed yo.PERFECT i didnt even have to say the commands anymore,just make the actions with my hands,snap my finger she'd sit,point at the ground she lay down.shed stay so long i'd forget i told her to stay LOL shed be whinin like "mf tell me i can move bitch!"
she was a good girl i had her for like 9 yrs.i miss that dog.
i never had anything but pitts since then,now thats a good dog yo,dont believe the hype they are family dogs to the maxx.
the next one will be a Dogo Argentino you ever see one?beautiful animals yo.
well this ss got me ramblin yo...my bad.peace
High NZ, :joint:
NZjay said:

HighLow: hey mate, thanx
round 4 is in clone stage right now :D
He's a cute pup man! My doggie is like that too, he likes to destroy anything he can get his wickedly sharp teeth into..
Whoops :redface: I meant to comment on those Soylent Greensand the rest of y'r outdoor garden as well...They look fantastic mate!
:wave:, Low


*Stoned User*
Damn jay you did a great job on training those ladies. The G13 and SG look like they have as many tops as possible on those plants. Very impressive! :joint:
The pooch is looking good. I had several labs growing up and they are smart and loyal dogs. They can be a handful sometimes because they rarely wear out but it looks like he has some room to run. :Bolt:



Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great smoke report bro! I'm loving this new outline. It let's the grower be honest and descriptive with every aspect of the plant and it's medicinal values :yes:
Thanks for spending the time :smile:

Ah, now that looks like a cute and friendly, healthy young buck right there :yes: Make sure he don't eat your stash! :yoinks: :biglaugh:
Unlike the looks of our resident lab Dr. Dog...hehehe :pointlaug (he gonna git me for that)

Awesome outdoor shots bro! That's what I'm talkin bout :dance:

You're going to have a very merry holiday season my friend :woohoo:


hey guys...ill get back to ya personally in a bit.. i gotta run right now.. i just wanted to say:

Testers: the chicken has flown the coop! lol...


ok, lets get yas back now! :)

Y: good story bro. i see Securitys gears turning over when im training him.. but i know his body does things his brain does want too, if you know what i mean.
hes running alot better nowadays.
When a tiny pup, he couldnt run 4 steps without trippin over himself... but the other night we were playing, and he was showing daddy hes got some speed now. still somewhat cumbersome, but hes improved 10-fold. physically and mentally. :D

hes an awesome dog now hes getting older :joint:

Package is in the mail bro... dont expect da killer killer, but i still hope ya enjoy it bro.

Buddle and Sven: i cant believe i still get new watchers.
i hope you both stick around. This Friday, youll see the Bunkbed looking near full this run.
i promise to try and make it worth your viewing! heheh.. come back guys!

Highlow: :wave: yeah, teeth are like needles when so young... Security has most of his adult teeth in now though.

Tricho: thanx alot mate. i really appreciate your help man, and glad you stick around here. Yeah, hes got plenty of room to run out here man. hes can stretch all he wants.. hehe..
so what you think, he look like a pure lab or what?....
something else in there?...

TML: thanx alot dude. appreciate it. :smoke:
i did send my testers a CD with the report i used for the basis of what i wrote above. basically questions i want opinions on as a grower. they dont have to do that one if they have another one, i even changed a few things as i was doing the actual smoking. hehe.
hhehe.. Security wont eat the plant... (i hope!) he really doesnt like getting high... which is a change from the last dog i lived with that would come running at the sound of my lighter. lol.
hows the baby doing dude... enjoying being a daddy?? :)

Friday we will have pics, and it will be day 1 of 12/12 for the Bunkbed Round 3. stick around. this one is gonna be fun!

Testers: was told they should take 3-5 days... but its more likley gonna be 3. *shrug* so, according to him thursday/friday.
i look forward to reading your reports.
i wrote a quick template on the CD you guys will get, or you guys can simply copy the one i wrote above and add in your own opinions.
either or!
feel free to write your own if you want! :jump:


right on NZ,i'll be watchin yo.thurs. or fri sounds good to me brotha.
yeah man that dobe i had,she was a pothead too yo.shed go around the circle with the joint and want everyone to give her a shotgun!! what was even crazier though you could tell she was my dog because she was like me...she wouldnt hit no bunk yo! swear to G yo,she'd turn her head and get away from you if you tried to give her some bunk like she knew by the smell of the smoke if it was good or not.hehehe we would be rollin when shed turn somebodies weed down like dayum yo the dog dont even want that bs. yeah she was a beast yo a good ass dog.her name was Ruca (means like... lady or my lady...ya know like ur chik... in spanish).



Wow...that outdoor scrog is growing in layers, huh? Wish he/she had better flowering tendencies.

Security's looking good. Would be nice if he knew how to precision drill some drain holes in the Dew bottles :D

Looking forward to tasting the new gear, mang! Think I'll share a J with the bandoleros...they always give me honest feedback when I tell them I'm trying out something new.

Also can't wait to see the new round get under way proper. Have a good week, brah!



Y: sweet man.. sounds like a cool dog :D

Shitake: hehe yeah.. they will do fine man :)
obviosly i sent you a bud of the Soylent Green too.. shes not very good sadly.. heh.. kinda smells like cat piss? i hope the smell doesnt overtake the other bud, but share one with ya band for sure. get all the feedback for me. sounds good.
the colas i sent you all should actually make 2 fat joints easily.. maybe a few bowls afterwards even. we see... enjoy it man. hope ya do to some point anyway. lol.