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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
i am a sun down to sun up guy. i like to watch both, and hate the heat of my desert days. sleeping makes sence. i will roll a lavy spliff and wait to see that Out door.


*Stoned User*
Hey man. Good looking harvest. Now onto another round. :Bolt:
Those outdoor ladies are doing well. Sorry to hear about the chipmunk problem. :wallbash:



wattup J those chipmunks are a trip huh firs you be like aww look its cute,then that mf starts hoppin around and you be like that aint nothin but a lil rat.LOL lil fuckers.
peace yo.


Sir: i hear ya with the heat bro... heh.. good to see ya..
got the outdoor pics for ya below brother.

trich: thanx man.. yeh i really cant think of anything else that it could of been... i dunno... but oh well right?... two less plants may end up a blessing for the first round with a near full bed :)
i hate over growing my space. costs yeild alot imo. :)

Y: i know right!... lol.. cute fuckers. wonder if they taste any good? lol..
i gotta admit, been tempted to seek revenge on some certain rabbits around here, eating all my tomatoe plants! i had 8 out there.......... i got 2 left. :badday: thankfull big enough now i dont think the rabbits are interested anymore.

Bigtimer: thanx! good to see ya, and thanx for the rep mate.

Everyone: ok, some outdoor pics!
i had some company over, and we ended up taking a walk outside.
so of course we ended up standing infront of my 3 plants i had.
i know these people, and know they wouldnt try to get me in trouble, but i wouldnt put it past them to come and try to steel them. so, i took measures.
i told them that i was gonna kill 2 of them, because they were getting bigger than i wanted.. and they went with it.
but instead, i dug them up, but them in 5gal bags, and moved them into the woods to finish.
lets check it out!
i took Security with me... ya know... in case a killer deer tryed to get me.

Soylent Green:

and the G13D: looking very large and sassy.

so now in the garden is just the SCROG Soylent Green.
i should get in there and do some more trimming soon.

and Speaking of Soylent Green... she had to come down.
she was starting to see up, so i pulled her down.

and thats about that.

hope every one doing good and staying safe... its time for me to go roll a fat boy.
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
sit boo boo sit. goood dog! i like seeing the out side gals. they look like they dig that real sun dude. argh seeds, but you knew it was a herm i guess. mo meds for you. thanks for postin


Well...congrats (?) on the SG harvest...sorry shim just didn't pan out. Hope it works, though:D

I like the security pic...lickin' chops..."mmm green goood...mmm"


NZ nice yo.ur dog is photgenic like a mf in one pic jes behind it smilin,and in another pic his tounge is all out like mmmm mmmm (slurp) gooodies.
that scrog is definetly blowin up yo.
all the pics are story tellin like a beast.-Y-


Active member
aight man, you need to get your ass to the doc and get checked out. We want to be seeing your grows for many years to come. This blackout/walking and falling down stuff ain't right.
But them nugs you got hanging are right on.
Maybe not as purple as last time, but still damn nice looking bud. :canabis:
That pup looks like he sure likes going for a walk in the woods. With them girls out there I guess he'll get to make that walk regularly.
Oh, here ya go:
thought you could use a little chipmunk pic.
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Hey NZ!

NZjay said:
i took Security with me... ya know... in case a killer deer tryed to get me.

LOL he's like: that plant is gonna be sooo yummy I got dibs on that one!
Great Dog Man!!!

NZjay said:
and Speaking of Soylent Green... she had to come down.
she was starting to see up, so i pulled her down.

and thats about that.

hope every one doing good and staying safe... its time for me to go roll a fat boy.
Nice pull man, despite being seeded should give ya some more meds.
Do you do smokereports?? :biglaugh: just curious to know how those Soylent Greens smoke.
:wave:, Low


Sir: hehehe.. yup, i knew it was gonna seed up... i was just waiting on it :joint:
more meds like ya said... so its all good.

Shitake: thanx bro, i tried for ya, and i enjoyed trying!
i think these venomheads are gonna make me forget all about the Soylent Greens though.. heheh.. thanx again mate.
Security is a good boy off his leash too... makes it a good walk..
funny thing though, most of the pics i wasnt trying to get him in the shot... but everytime i would point a certain way, he would stand right infront and smile. lol.. dumb dog. :D
Looks like we wont have to wait too long to get the NFU taste though mate. will be sure to get ya a nug of the SG too... :)

Y: lol yeah he is photogenic... to the point of annoying me. lol.
he was funny out there. hes a good boy, and will be very loyal i can tell.
i gave him a hit when he was a pup, he seemed to be ok with it, but the next time to see if he wanted a hit, he ran. lol.
i should try him again now hes older... heheh

Hazy: lol, thanx for the Chipmunk pic! little fuckers :spank:
thanx for the support bud, i will be going to the doc ASAP for sure.
good to see ya mate.

highlow: thanx mate. dunno if Soylent Green is gonna be worth a smoke report honestly.
shes not very resinous, and doesnt have much smell, so im not sure how good the final product will be.
the seeds took away from the trich development im pretty sure. :badday: even so, we will see mate.

but, if a report is what you are after, there will be 4 NFU smoke reports from 4 different smokers (Y, Khaleel, Eatshitake, and myself) in a few weeks time :joint:
you will have that to look forward too...

Speaking of, i think ill go roll one. peace! :joint:


On the road to clone only...
wow that scrogg is coming right along...I totally dig that bro....I hear ya on the temps f-in' with the colors of the urkel...cool days around the cornor


Y: anytime bro..

JIC: awwww... dont be! we sort something out... :)
might need a Urkle tester .. dont have enough to share with too many this round, and i owe all these mofos anyway :joint:

Scrappy: heya mate... yeah shes doing good... i like the g13 the most outside right now personally, she looks wicked. my dog thinks so too.. ehhe
yeah, bring on the cooler temps for sure!

im gonna guess maybe 2oz or a litle over of Purple Urkle, and there was prolly 3 oz of NFU, but i hit it hard this week. lol. time to slow down and pace myself. hehe...


Soylent Green still hanging: Changing a bright orange.

my lame attempt at a Macro!

slow in here for a bit... decided not gonna show yas round 3 in veg until they in the bed. :)
ill be hanging with Blaze for the day, picking up supplies soon enough!

im excited folks. round 3 is gonna be big for the bunkbed :)


Niiice! Sweet nuggets of joy, I can't wait to taste!!!

Have a great weekend, mang!



hell yeah J nice ass pull yo.them nugz look hella dense my man.
they got some color to them yo not like before but you can definetly see the purple in them buds.like shitake i cant wait to taste either bro.peace-Y-


prof: sup?.. thanx man :)

Shitake: hehe thanx bro.. would love to send you all some Urkle too... but i dont have enough.. maybe next round aye? ;)

Y: dense is always the perfect word to describe purple urkle, and the trait remains in the NFU pheno. looking forward to getting the samples out there soon enough :)
i will be the first to admit, shes not the killer like her original sister.
shes better than the usual crap, but sadly, shes slightly dissapointing to me.
but, nonetheless, some reviews on her will still be nice to hear.
even if you all give her 1/10, i dont mind. heheh...

B/R: thanx mate. the respect it mutual dude.
cheers for poppin in. round 3 will blow this round out of the water.
stay tuned. :joint:

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