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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
I did get rained on.. last schpritz was at about 11:30- heaviest of the day... we were all out there shaking plants. Sun is coming out now... been shaking all morning.
Man nomad woke up this morning to alot more rain than expected. Was supposed to drizzle and now i have been shaking for almost an hour :wallbash:
Thats what I get for not making a cover for them.eeerrrrr. So wet did your ladies get. It seems like sac got more rain than up north.


Active member
it has also been raining here for 2 days now all day.
But the frisian can take it , she is a strong slut :laughing:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Love the Over all shot of your ladies.. They look great i like the woman over to the hippie's right with the spear shaped colas.. NIiiiiice.. be back later.. peace.



if the plants are supported for some wind and weight they will do fine.you dont want to blow the water deeper into the bud,blow upwards.unless you get days of heavy rains.the buds are then soaked anyway.just go full on then.

3rd I

Wow that's an early rain by months...huh?...at least you guys get to shake your plants...got an inch over the weekend at the spot with 20mph winds...let ya know how they are tomorrow night...hope everything is drying out for all you guys...no more rain please :noway:


LEAF BLOWER!!!!!!! great idea.
Yea I was thinking of this too but wasn't sure how carbon monoxide would effect them. Also I have a can of that electronic duster stuff, you know air in a bottle you spray your keyboard with. But not sure about all that so I just shook the plants and btw I've never done it before and man those plants are like a freakin sponge I shook and shook and water just kept coming. I wonder how long it takes for mold to form?
Yea cali weather can be a real trip. The worst to me is in spring, like sometimes it will rain right up until June and then BAM, 100+ degrees.

Hash Man

yes it can. i lost 2 nug tips to boytritis already... damn catapillars hatch overnight in the tips and cause mold instantly... seems like they really like the purple stands...anyhow the leaf blower sounds good if is raining lots... i will go this season without one but may have to pick one up next year.... all i can do now is spray kaligreen every night and bt every morning... hows that serenade working?


Active member
going to spray it tomorrow morning. would love to use kaligreen... but I gotta say, I'm scared. Last spray cost me dearly... I can't afford an atomizer.

Hash Man

i have been spraying hard with no ill effect... maybe just dont let the sherp touch it. i threw my bottle of serenade out after i sprayed it on a nug with om and i went out the next morn and the on was still there. either way im sure youll handle it... crispi leaves suc tho. good luck


Active member
OK... looks like we all made it thru the rain... My area definitely got a more mild drenching... I had a feeling that you all were going to get slammed a bit harder. I have found that Accuweather.com has the best animated radar to see what you are in for and how much longer it will last.

The dew this morning was very heavy too... rain is not our only problem these days... moisture of all kinds has to be kept in check. I am going to buy a couple more box fans and blow air up into the insides of my plants... I am even considering using the 4" vortex and all the ducting i have... cut some holes in the ducting, plug the far end and just run it from plant to plant... If I had some 4" t's, i could figure out something pretty trick.

I got my wasps yesterday. I think its late as my research says that they are most effective when you are seeing moths all over your garden. That was august. Next year I'll start a bi-weekly application starting in Mid-July.

I am going to hit em with Kaligreen this evening... I am still a bit scared, but I am going to personally mix the solution AND put it into the sprayer through a filter AND cut an inch or two off the narrow plastic feed tube inside my sprayer so it does not suck the dregs up off the bottom of the rez. Any other ideas (warm water?) are appreciated.

My new speakers came in the mail... I know.. I know... how could I have gone out and bought expensive studio monitors when I could have spent the money on an atomizer or whatever? I have not mixed music (I am a techno/house/oldschool jungle DJ) since returning to the USA and I have been fucking dying. Also... partners are coming from El Honduragua for the trim. He is the best DJ I know and she is a connoisseur of fine beats... I have to get back into practice before they get here so that when we're not trimming, we're dancing. My setup is digital right now, as most of my wax is still in EH... (not having to travel with 100lb boxes of vinyl is one of the best reasons for the digital switch) but one of these days somebody is going to head there to collect our dog, the Scion's dad, and our records.

Hash Man

yea man the dew is picking up, i should start to shakethe nuggies more often now...

with that kaligreen just make sure and dump it in while the water is still being sprayed into your bucket, it mixes all the way and doesn't just sit at the bottem , waiting to concentrate and water levels sink...

right on you gotta have the music.. i threw raves and spun music for quite awhile, only to leave the life because it required me to work at night time... I found I am a daytime worker, but still have love for the good beats and good spins... these days you really dont need records, sure there is a small small bit of digital lagtime when your trying to scratch, but when you get used to it its nothing... I gave all my records away, and gave my turntables away, when i was into giving all my stuff away..lol...
im gonna go look for cats man... later.