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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
Nomaad..how's it going man? One of these days I am going to write and ask you about your experience in South America.Has my interest indeed. I admire your tenacity with the grow too.You going to light deprivate next year too?
I appreciate your advice in the opop forum.I admit I could be a lot more aggressive with my pruning and lsting. One of these days I'm going to have a garden small enough to give the girls the attention they deserve.I care for a quadrapalgic 70+ hrs/wk and have an indoor and outdoor grow...oh and a family..lol. Kids are grown..peace

Humboltlocal..you have two of my favorite strains in your winner.Who's Hindu kush did you use? I am just getting into making my own beans so..it'll be a while.I do have an awesome Asian fantasy x dj bb that I love and finishes early believe it or not..peace


The Hindu was already HK/BB when I got it I have just done the breeding since then. I will ask my friends that I got it from. It has gotten much better since I added the Grapefruit.


Active member
Nomaad..how's it going man? One of these days I am going to write and ask you about your experience in South America.Has my interest indeed. I admire your tenacity with the grow too.You going to light deprivate next year too?
I appreciate your advice in the opop forum.I admit I could be a lot more aggressive with my pruning and lsting. One of these days I'm going to have a garden small enough to give the girls the attention they deserve.I care for a quadrapalgic 70+ hrs/wk and have an indoor and outdoor grow...oh and a family..lol. Kids are grown..peace

Howdy Buddle. Thanks for stopping by.

ahhh. grown kids. what a lovely concept.

Yeah... I am going to do light dep next year. The plan is to build a greenhouse or two and start vegging my first run (supplemental light) in late january. Veg em BIG thru Feb and March, flower in April and May and by June, while vegging for the light dep that goes in all of June and July and comes down at the beginning of August. Of course, the full summer garden will happen too. So... Hopefully, harvests in early June and early August and the outdoor in October.

After this season of building the greenhouses during the winter months and dialing in the process, I will have November, December and January to be elsewhere focusing on other things.

We went to back-to-school night at my eldest's kindergarten and were told that 100% attendance is expected from us all... I really like her teacher... very openminded and has a good teaching style (especially for a public school) but some of the things about it drive me up the wall. Like the idea that I'm prohibited from taking my kid out of school for an extra week on top of all school vacations. Kinda sucks. I could, but I risk my kids promotion to the next grade or whatever. And the whole pledge of alleigiance thing...ugghh. Sorry. I respectthe American flag and what it means to many people... but I don't pledge alleigiance to anything... and I don't like my children- intentionally born in another country- being forced to memorize this nonsense. Kids just want to fit in... I tried telling her to just take that moment during the pledge to say a prayer for the whole world or something... she tried, but its kind of impossible for a five year old (like her) to alienate their self from the group...especially when all the robots, little and big, are chanting their ridiculous nationalist lie. With liberty and justice for all. LOL. :end rant:

So... back to the business at hand. It rained a tad last night. Everything seems to have dried off and its just now looking like it will clear up soon. More rain forecasted for tomorrow. Boo. Just another thing to worry about.

Shangri-la sent me a PM with the following warning. I thought it was worth sharing.

Watch out for those caterpillars. I have several colas that are 4-5" across...nice THICK colas. They look 98% perfect on the outside. Over the past few days I've been peeling back the individual nuggets from the main cola to peek inside and have been horrified to find MOLD. I am certain this mold is from cats. They seem to like to randomly munch from top to bottom....leaving a trail of mold in their wake. BEWARE and keep a close eye on the thicker colas.

Sound advice, I'm sure. I just called HYdroPacific in Ukiah, who was supposed to have ordered my preadtor wasps... they never did or lost em... so they are going to try again... dunno if its too late or what... Does anybody know the length of the caterpillars' life cycle?


Active member
Bubba shot with tattooed hippie for perspective.


I'll take some better dedicated shots when I am down in the garden.

3rd I

Nice overview shot N...you need to get the hippy a uniform though...maybe a nice dark green polo with N.B.G. embroidered on em' (Nomaad's Botanical Gardens)...need a professional look right?

Hash Man

looks big man. ive noticed a large yieding bubba hybrid from the 707 called U2.... just wondering if it could be that.... Either way tho, looks like your well on your way to a happy year. HM


Humboltlocal..you have two of my favorite strains in your winner.Who's Hindu kush did you use? I am just getting into making my own beans so..it'll be a while.I do have an awesome Asian fantasy x dj bb that I love and finishes early believe it or not..peace

I just found out today that my HinduKush x BlueBerry was a Sagarmatha seed. Anyone grown that before? Like I said, it has gotten better with some other genetics crossed into it.

Nomaad, Your Bubba looks about four times bigger than mine. What is that monster plant to the upper right of your hippie?


Active member
The Bubba in the front and to the right looks like my pre98.Mine isn't as big but its nice and boy does it stink!!!
Plants look primo Nomaad.BIG difference from the beginning..nice job.
I have lost a couple colas from borers.Look for sawdust like droppings.If you see some, look for a whole in the stem and your borer will be inside there. peace...no catepillar damage.

try comb

Active member
nice overview...........is the plant to the back left of the hippy the blue dream?????? that hippy is gonna be famous someday.


yeah nomaad, always a pleasure to drop in. Lookin good!

"Watch out for those caterpillars. I have several colas that are 4-5" across...nice THICK colas. They look 98% perfect on the outside. Over the past few days I've been peeling back the individual nuggets from the main cola to peek inside and have been horrified to find MOLD. I am certain this mold is from cats. They seem to like to randomly munch from top to bottom....leaving a trail of mold in their wake. BEWARE and keep a close eye on the thicker colas. "

a patient with a large garden i know of has had most of his large plants infected with cats or worms. they left a trail of rotten yuckiness and pretty much went after the tops of the colas. I am lucky no sign yet on mine and most of my girls are only two to three weeks away, but these guys had like a month left at least. sucks for them.

whats up with all the long hair being called hippies lol...just cut off mine after 4 years. people dont think im a hippie anymore...i kinda miss it

yeah that U2 hashman was talking about is definatley legit, very good outdoors and in, gets large.

dam an asian fantasy cross...keep those beans for when we need to replenish the worlds ganja genepool.

humbolt local, i havent grown that strain but sagarmatha has always caught my eye with their strains. I should try them out.

keep up the great work nomaad, glad to hear of a responsible parent/patient. I know a few too many patients who arent. k+ for you


classy grass
Hey what up jointed one...thought you were camping

I've smoked that U2 or whatever before and loved it...didn't know a bubba hybrid?

Sad to hear you're friend's loss...that early morning coffee/bong snap/complete garden inspection is so key. I'll be damned if those cats take me out.

Nomaad- nice photo...they're of good size. Hoping that bubba tips the scale. :joint:


Active member
Thanks, everybody, for the love.

Re: hippies. I don't lump every long-haired individual into the "hippie" category. The Sherpa actually identifies as a hippy...yeah. Can you believe it? Proudly identifies as a hippie. I know, I know... he must not have gotten the memo. ;)

Anyhow... another morning search for the caterpillars is about to ensue. Nice to wake up to a clear sky... I was beginning to worry. Looks like tomorrow's forecast for rain has changed and now its expected for this evening. Boo. Seems like If we're going to get rain, its better if it comes in the AM so the plants have time to dry well in the sun... ah well...can't argue with nature. Hashman... come over and build me some greenhouses as soon as you're done with yours. ;)


Well Nomaad I asked Fisher but havent heard back yet, so I'll ask you the same question. Are you going to make hash with all the scraps from those big bushes and if so how will you do it with that large anount?

- Jenn

try comb

Active member
Well Nomaad I asked Fisher but havent heard back yet, so I'll ask you the same question. Are you going to make hash with all the scraps from those big bushes and if so how will you do it with that large anount?

- Jenn

i think most ppl in that area give the trim to workers and get half the product/cash .........

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