it just so happens that the ones in the highest orders of freemasonry were also the main proponents of atheism and evolution/eugenics.they preached this idea to sow seeds of discord so that the 2 would cancel each other out in the near future.its funny they preached these ideas and behind closed doors worshiped about hypocrisy.theres so much more to all this that i dont want to put in writing from my ip addres.we dont have more than 5 years left before things change like they never have before.grow as much bud as you can and enjoy what you love. there is a war going on that most folks dont see and when they finally do it will prob be to late to take scares the shit outta me especially when i say what im saying and folks lash out or dont get or are just to close minded to see what could be scares me to know what is going to happen.its very real to me