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NFL 2019-2020


In my empire of dirt
time stamp: 16:37 pst, the middle of a fine afternoon
i still have chickens to tend to and ...stuff to do
ivfe seen some of those craft bottles, where a shot is like $all you money
one day im going to cut down on my drinking, one of these days....
you could get a nice outdoors grow in if it stayed good till sept., might even get some nice colors from the cool temps
what kind of vape do you have?
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Well-known member
Nah i spent hours of research buying that fake ass Rolex. They have come along way. I could spend $550 and get a watch that would probably fool most jewelers but im not paying that much for a fake watch. Yet. No i dont like Apple baba. I can figure them out if i try but they are garbage to me. My mom has an Iphone 6 or 7 that works fine i guess.its pretty slow. i want her to get an Apple Watch but she dont have money for that. My brother should buy her one but hes an asshole

Leinenkugal makes a pretty good Black and Tan baba. Dont know if they still make it. used to be pretty decently priced. Holy shit that kimchee looks good pops! im gonna have too make that

How much is that Scotch superx? I shouldnt drink hard stuff but i like it. I prefer japanese whiskey but i like a good scotch

Hey Hawk hope your well, it was such a long time ago I'm guessing it was between 40-50 euro because its 10 year old. You can buy the normal bottle which isn't aged for 30-35 euro, the powers whiskey (which is Irish) is the most expensive by far because it was a limited edition and only so many bottles that were made. I got it for free of a close friend when he closed the bar down, a shot of that powers whiskey was selling in his pub for 26 euro a shot, I wouldn't pay that sort of money myself. I have seen shots of whiskey here ranging from 20 euro up to hundreds...


Well-known member
time stamp: ots 16:37 pst, the middle of a fine afternoon
i atill have chickens to tend to and ...stuff to do
ivfe seen some of those craft bottles, where a shot is like $all you money
one day im going to cut down on my drinking, one of these days....
you could get a nice outdoors grow in if it stayed good till sept., might even get some nice colors from the cool temps
what kind of vape do you have?
Im currently pulling on the mighty plus I also have the crafty plus the pax 3 and the volcano digital.
The mighty plus is my go to vape and favourite for flower and extract, has great battery life, the pax3 is better for outdoors as its more discreet. I use to use the volcano as a desk top vape, I would be filling the chamber with kief to often which started to affect my judgment and many other things. The volcano is back in its box, it was just leaving me in a zombie state and nothing was getting done in life. Go feed those chickens buddy, do you get many eggs?


Well-known member
The copa American cup is on, any of you guys been watching it or keeping up to date with it?
Wonder if Babb had a wager on Argentina...


In my empire of dirt
Im currently pulling on the mighty plus I also have the crafty plus the pax 3 and the volcano digital.
The mighty plus is my go to vape and favourite for flower and extract, has great battery life, the pax3 is better for outdoors as its more discreet. I use to use the volcano as a desk top vape, I would be filling the chamber with kief to often which started to affect my judgment and many other things. The volcano is back in its box, it was just leaving me in a zombie state and nothing was getting done in life. Go feed those chickens buddy, do you get many eggs?
hahah the chickens are off doing there thing, it wont get dark for at least a couple hours or more
i get about 2-4 eggs every day
i was looking for a vape but not one of those cartridge ones
one i could put like ground up weed in or like you said kief, but walk around with
all the places here seel are these disposable cart vapes, where you just smoke it and chuck the pen
i guess thats what the market wants, but i if you ask me that is some low budget shit right there


Well-known member
Hey pops I'm familiar with the cartridges I have friends over there who mentioned them in past conversations.. The mighty plus is a great vape made by storz and bickel (German) for ground up flower and extracts,and gives of great flavours, the only negative point I can think of is its size, it resembles a small walkie talkie when it's in your hand, so its not small or discreet (you obviously wouldn't have a issue because its legal over there) I quit tobacco 13 years ago and was bought the older version of the volcano as a Christmas gift, I have been vaping from that time and have gone through countless ones since then. This is my second mighty plus so I don't really bother with the other ones, the odd occasion I will bring the pax3 with me for hill and mountain walks.. The best vapes usually come from America or Germany.. Its great having your chickens and eggs man, to many fox's around my part.


In my empire of dirt
do you vape tobaco juice too x?
i love smoking ciggies, but no one here smokes so i just quite a few months ago for now
so the px3 is portable? that would be good too
i was just thinking about toking around the house
yeah, its legal here in cali, but i still like to be cool about it
ill blow my smoke off the trail and not when people are around
/unless they are part of the group im hiking with


Well-known member
No pops, I don't go near tobacco products of any kind since quitting 13 years ago.
My daily routine is consistent and travels in the same circle, get up in the morning do some lite training or go to the gym, finish the gym and go to work. I wouldn't vape in the morning or at work, it's only when I get home I would vape in the evening times until lateish at night. I have worked for different people in the past I would of maybe had a sneaky vape here and there but not with my current employer..At weekends it's non stop around the clock..

There was a time in my life when it seemed to be 24/7 of vaping and everything in my life revolved around vaping. (I got bored of it and lacked motivation) now I enjoy it a lot more from having daytime breaks being of it. I certainly look forward to it when I'm finished work and can't wait to tear into it when I get back home.


In my empire of dirt
right on man! for me i just love cigarette, but i dont smoke them all the time
i will smoke for months straight and then just quit
/have not smoked in months
here in california, i roll in a different circle and no one smokes
they all want to run and hike and do fun stuff like that
im all for it and i would often be the guy smoking a ciggy on the hardest part of the trail or sneaking off for a toke or to crack a beer
i hear you about not smoking at work, when i worked i would drink coffee or water, but nothing else and it was rare for me to indulge in a toke or drink on company time
but after hours it was all good
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In my empire of dirt
so the dead phone bites me in the ass
i ended up calling the mrs and she said shes been trying to reach me all afternoon
on the dead phone
her finger is ok, but they ended up putting a pin in it in addition to the stitching of the tendon
she sounds like she is doing great but we will see how she feels tomorrow
/you know, after the drugs wear off
i told her if she wanted i would take her out to lunch or dinner


Well-known member
FL panthers in the stanley cup finals, Buzz?
I think there is no ice in Florida. No one plays hockey in Florida. It is all fake.
In answer to your question, "I do not know."
I hear donkeys are really friendly and easy going to people, unlike mules.
Donkeys are bad asses.

Dont ask me how i know this.
I'll take care of this for you, @pop_rocks . How do you know about a crooked finger and prostate massage, @Bababooey ? Asking for @D. B. Doober .
Was that all homemade, Buzz?
Yes it was and it was all done in house (the ribs were cooked in and out of the house). MamaD went all out searching for new recipes and it was delicious. There were six of us at the table and no one went home hungry.
in korean the word "-gogi", means meat and the word that comes in front will tell you what kind of meat it is
So doggogi it is.
Didnt he used to do lsd during games or is that someone else?
It was a Pirate by the name of Dock Ellis.

@superx, I'd sip a whiskey along side of you. The single malt scotches I like have gotten so expensive that it's a rare treat to bring one home. Dalwhinnie 15 year old highland is very tasty, and I have found Balvenie Doublewood 12 in its place for a decent price.

American bourbons have skyrocketed in the last 5 - 10 years too. I used to get Old Weller Antique 107 about 30 years ago for $40 - $50 per 750 ml bottle. Not any more.



In my empire of dirt
always fun to post this, doc ellis and the no hitter

that would be kagogi @buzzmobile and i think its still a popular dish in some parts of korea
it seems like the price ofe verything has sky rocketed in the past few years
nothing is cheap anymore and it just seems to be getting worse
mamaD really outdid herself man! that looks like an awesome spread and im sure it tased even better than it looks!
#chefs kiss

so i was craving breakfast burrito today, you know, something with eggs, cheese, potato and sausage in it (it also has a smear of beans too!)
i had to bring my moms car back to her place and get my truck so i stopped on my way home and got a couple
f'n grinding


Horse-toothed Jackass
I dont spend a lot of $ on betting, it's more so i can get some interest in games that i normally wouldnt be interested in, but Pops makes sense, it's kind of a pointless activity. In the back of my head i keep thinking if i can actually become successful at it it could be a reliable income stream but the % of successful sports bettors is like 1/1000, if that.

The neighbor having pet donkeys that u occasionally care for seems like a good situation, it's like u get to play or spend time with them but youre not responsible for them 24/7.
Id love a deep fried candy bar, soooo bad for you but as a treat once in a while should be alright. Deep fried pizza sounds intriguing, but u didnt like it, i think Pops mentioned he had a deep fried burger once and didnt like that either.

The regular jameson's is about $25 for a 750ml bottle, on sale i can get them for like $17 and they go on sale every 2-3 months it seems like. The black barrel is $41 bottle, if it goes on sale it's probably like $35, kinda rich for my blood but i might splurge if u think it's worth it.

I normally hit the sack around 10pm CST, i used to be a night owl but not anymore. I suppose i could be one again, just have to adjust the sleeping patterns.

U dont eat any sugar or caffeine, Pops? That seems awfully healthy. I guess the alcohol takes the place of sugar in ur diet.
I think once the playoffs started and especially into the later rounds, all the pre conceived notions of who's better got tossed out. I didnt have the wolves whipping the defending champion nuggets in the 2nd rd. In the 1st rd didnt have the wolves beating the suns 4-0. Didnt have the mavs beating the wolves 4-1 or losing to the celtics 1-4. Im thinking maybe I do better when there are more upsets.
The favorite going into the finals were the celtics but after the mavs handled the wolves defense i thought they could score on boston, turned out i was wrong.

You can get a realistic fake rolex for $500? That's intriguing. Im guessing at that price it's stainless steel, not gold.
Not sure about Leinie's but maybe u were thinking of Yuengling, they make a black n tan, but part of the fun is having it separated in the glass, the 2 beers are different densities, the guinness sits on top so the first sips are mostly guinness and the last ones are a mix of the two.

Is that kelly's roast beef, DB? How much are the fried clams, like $20?

I did have a bet on Argentina vs canada, won that, glad i didnt bet messi to score, he had a couple nice opportunities but didnt have a goal.

I have no personal experience with prostate massages but i have heard of such things, Buzz. Have you ever seen Road Trip?



In my empire of dirt
what in the f'k?!
i missed a whole part of the thread where @D. B. Doober ate clams and hawk researched a $500 FAKE watch
i need to step my game up boys
/its must be the lack of sugar and caffeine in my diet
dont luz money on the small bets @Bababooey , save it up and go big when you see the sweet action!
/next bottle is one you and not the cheap stuff
that would be cool to have neighbors that had donkeys!
do you have old carrots or apples? @superx

really man, for $500 you could buy a real watch
why do you want a fake watch?
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
what in the f'k?!
i missed a whole part where @D. B. Doober ate clams and hawk researched a $500 FAKE watch
i need to step my game up boys
/its must be the lack of sugar and caffeine in my diet
dont luz money on the small bets @Bababooey , save it up and go big when you see the sweet action!
/next bottle is one you
that would be cool to have neighbors that had donkeys!
do you have old carrots or apples? @superx

really man, for $500 you could buy a real watch
why do you want a fake watch?
They were good buddy! 👍 5 tarter sauces