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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
hahahf'n hawk! you bet that sounds greasy as f
when you say dirty is this thing caked with ching-chong crime and filth or what?
or is it just becasue obvious knock off watch is obvious?
rolex are nice but they arent cheap
LOL i did my research. it shouldnt be obvious to anyone except an expert or a jeweler. the only thing im worried about is the cyclops and the date reel. im a damn idiot. i could of got one without it. In the US its not illegal to buy fake stuff. its only illegal if you sell a bunch of them. think yall might be impressed with it. yeah i need that kimchi recipe pops. ive been getting cabbage lately. My mom made this Scottish stuff called rumpledy thump or some weird ass name like that. it was alright. she didnt do it right i dont think though


In my empire of dirt
LOL i did my research. it shouldnt be obvious to anyone except an expert or a jeweler. the only thing im worried about is the cyclops and the date reel. im a damn idiot. i could of got one without it. In the US its not illegal to buy fake stuff. its only illegal if you sell a bunch of them. think yall might be impressed with it. yeah i need that kimchi recipe pops. ive been getting cabbage lately. My mom made this Scottish stuff called rumpledy thump or some weird ass name like that. it was alright. she didnt do it right i dont think though
what in the hell is "rumpledy thump"
/i need a terp, call in @superx
cabbage is good and i actually like it better than lettuce
you can out it on sanwiches when you cut it fine and boil it
and lets not forget slaw

so i just got off the phone with the ex
it turns she is going to the hospital for finger surgery tomorrow
she dosnet need a ride, the boy is taking care of her, but that is the kind of shit i used to do
she cut the shit out of her fingers earlier this week (she sent me pics) and went to the hospital but i guess it dident treat it right and now one of her fingers is all curled over
/tendon damage
so she has to go in and they are going to sew it all back together
we had a few laughs, but she is on her way to her dance class
i hope the finger dosent fall off
/i told her i would take her out for soup when she was up to it

xoxo mrs.chicky


Well-known member
so how did the college baseball come out?
Not so good. Thanks for asking. Sloppy play in the first inning set the tone for FSU. Add some base running mistakes and the early lead held up. I think it was the 3rd inning and the Noles had bases loaded with no outs that really hurt.
13 minute ball game below.

Tennessee had a helluva defense and their pitching was pretty good. They also have two studs in the lineup that beat the cover off the ball more than once. There will be no Indians playing this weekend. Tennessee and Texas A&M will be playing for the Championship. I am going to go with, "Wait'll next year." I will root for the VOLS over the Aggies. Jimbo Fisher is gone but his stink still lingers over College Station.
no can do milk weed, im lactose intolerant
Me too, must be the Croation floating around in me. Take at first bite to prevent bum milk gravy.


Just so you know, @pop_rocks , I have my tongue in cheek at all times when I speak of the Gators. Many folks in Tally Town refer to them as Gay Turds. Please continue with the banter.


Do you know what jorts are?

Food porn pics coming up. I only got shots of leftovers though. There are puff pastry rounds stuffed with parmesan and pesto, corn and black bean salad, risotto, blackberry cobbler, and some ribs.
Lots of laughs and shared memories with loved ones yesterday.



Horse-toothed Jackass
TN and Tamu havent played each other yet this season, despite being in the same conference, but i think ur right, gotta go with the vols. Plus they have this pitcher on the team, nicknamed Vollie Fingers for his magnificent handlebar mustache, who Buzz also posted a pic of:
vollie fingers.jpg

It may not look like it, but that's the peak male physique right there.

Hey DB you know u can add in punctuation on your text to talk. You can say 'period' or 'comma' and add in some punctuation, since u cant be arsed to actually type it out.

I used to love Guinness draught, my fav drink was a black n tan, or half guinness half bass pale ale. With the advent of craft beers in the US i tend to drink more ipa's and stouts nowadays but that black n tan is still my go-to if i ever hit up an irish pub (lots of them around Chicago area).

Yeah DB he meant 20C, not F, it's summer for them too and i doubt ireland sees 20F even in the winter. Does it get that cold in the winter, Superx?

Alright, so i see taiwan is north of the phillipines, so its kinda like a sub tropical climate? Kinda like Florida? How is ur mum doing, she going to be there for long? Hopefully china (ie western Taiwan) doesnt invade while she's there, otherwise flights out might be hard to find.

So you use peat for fires? What does that smell like, just very earthy and grassy? Yeah that would be a very homey smell. I love a nice peaty whiskey too. Do you get TV signals out there? What do u use for internet, satellite? Sorry for the questions, but like Pops im somewhat fascinated by rural living. Buzz seems like he lives off the beaten path too but not too far off, theres probably a walmart within a 15 min drive for him.

So youre on the grid and have access to reservoir water, that's very nice, those are the 2 big utilities that are hard to replicate on your own. Sounds like u have a decent amount of land too so like Pops said it should be pretty private. Do you grow any cannabis outdoors? If the soil isnt suitable, 5 gallon buckets will do. If the soil is peaty then it's acidic but limestone is basic so can neutralize the acidity?
From what u said it's pretty risky to grow but with a smaller, personal type grow maybe leniency could be had.

I did not know sauerkraut was just cabbage and salt massaged together, ive always just bought it from the store. We dont often buy fresh cabbage here but ive made some cabbage rolls before when we did, if i find some pics ill post them later. Like Pops said kimchi is just cabbage and like a spice mixture (garlic ginger red pepper etc) rubbed on the leaves.

Ive been disappointed before by the English national team but what sucked about yesterday was i had already made a bet on them a few days before which i forgot about so i placed another bet on them so i lost twice, lol. I did make some $ back on spain v italy, also on argentina v canada although the odds on that were poor (-550).
I have a bet on the US vs Bolivia on Sunday in the Copa cup, also NHL is tonight and ill put a bet on the oilers vs panthers. You watching the FL panthers in the stanley cup finals, Buzz? I believe theyre the miami team.

Are those your neighbor's donkeys, Supx? I hear donkeys are really friendly and easy going to people, unlike mules. I'd love a pet donkey, and not just because ive seen all the shrek movies.

I think Hawk would do well in China/Japan. Maybe when you get a chance you can go over there, maybe teach some english, get to know the cultures. Let us know how that fake rolex purchase works out.
Did ur mum make bubble and squeak? That's mashed potatoes and cabbage. A filling if not very well rounded meal.

Sorry to hear ur ex is needing finger surgery, Pops, hopefully full function will be restored. On the plus side if the finger never fully straightens perhaps her prostate massages will be even more effective than usual. Dont ask me how i know this.

Ur right Buzz, half of the Florida man memes come from north Floridians/gator fans. Theyre practically south Georgians, which is strange because they hate UGa.

Was that all homemade, Buzz? Did everyone bring a dish or did 1 person cook all that? It's like a southern Thanksgiving. I'd tear that food up, that's a 3 plater for sure, not including dessert.
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D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Last time I bought a Rolex from China it was really bad. Didn't look close to the real thing. Hawk save your $50. Hey ever think about a Luminox? That's what I have


In my empire of dirt
-no cut offs in the pool-
ive heard of jorts before, and here on the west coast we tend to wear our shorts long
im pretty much out of gator material until i post up a sweet pic of the shirt my moms friend got me
i dotn watch college sports, but they do have a decent football/baseball/basketball program from what i remember
yeah i know all about those pills and have to take them if i want to eat iced cream or things like that
they also make a milk with the stuff already added, bu i dont really drink milk that much
holly cow man! that looks like an awesome spread
like baba said, was it like a pot luck or did you guys make all that yourself?
i remember rollie fingers, he played for the padres a long time ago
i actually had a padres hat he autographed
how are you making bets and forgetting about them?!
you are a degenerate gambler
i saw some soccer on tv yesterday and watched it for a little bit. they also had some mlb tihng on last night, but it looked lame
yeah taiwan is a sub tropical island for the most part
it dosent get too cold there in the winter but the summers get hot and they have typhoons from time to time
i think she gets back mif july, i know its after the 4rth
so i went back and LOOTED the fridge
i took those probiotic drinks
i was surprised! they were a little thick but had this nice pineapple taste
i was going to knock back the whole pack (they are small bottles), but it says probiotic and i dont want to over do it and have a repeat of the tootsie roll incident (the dreaded bum gravy)
ill definitely have another one later tonight
oh i also found this for @superx

thats authentic asian lady kimchi her friend makes
it smelled really good so i took it home with me and i might have to get some bulgogi or some kind of asian food to go with it
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Well-known member
-no cut offs in the pool-
ive heard of jorts before, and here on the west coast we tend to wear our shorts long
im pretty much out of gator material until i post up a sweet pic of the shirt my moms friend got me
i dotn watch college sports, but they do have a decent football/baseball/basketball program from what i remember
yeah i know all about those pills and have to take them if i want to eat iced cream or things like that
they also make a milk with the stuff already added, bu i dont really drink milk that much
holly cow man! that looks like an awesome spread
like baba said, was it like a pot luck or did you guys make all that yourself?
i remember rollie fingers, he played for the padres a long time ago
i actually had a padres hat he autographed
how are you making bets and forgetting about them?!
you are a degenerate gambler
i saw some soccer on tv yesterday and watched it for a little bit. they also had some mlb tihng on last night, but it looked lame
yeah taiwan is a sub tropical island for the most part
it dosent get too cold there in the winter but the summers get hot and they have typhoons from time to time
i think she gets back mif july, i know its after the 4rth
so i went back to her house and LOOTED her fridge
i took those probiotic drinks
i was surprised! they were a little thick but had this nice pineapple taste
i was going to knock back the whole pack (they are small bottles), but it says probiotic and i dont want to over do it and have a repeat of the tootsie roll incident (the dreaded bum gravy)
ill definitely have another one later tonight
oh i also found this for @superx
View attachment 19020859
thats authentic asian lady kimchi her friend makes
it smelled really good so i took it home with me and i might have to get some bulgogi or some kind of asian food to go with it

Hey pops your absolutely spoilt buddy, I'm working up a hunger watching the football on TV 😆
Any chance you can pass that bowl over here, I will settle for the leftovers if not.
If you ever manage to snag the recipe please post it..Bulgogi I'm not familiar with, is it meat based? Will definitely work with the acidity from the kimchi. What will you wash it down with? I'm just sipping on a whiskey (just the one) and enjoying the game.. will post a pic from my phone as this tablet won't be testing my patience. Sorry about your exs finger as well buddy hopefully it mends quickly.
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In my empire of dirt
ive had that!
so how would you pronounce the name, like a true gentleman!
/and not the drunken reprobate i am
/phonetically of course
im not for drinking the brown liquor, but when i do its not the cheap stuff
/same goes for mescal
i will be sure to get the recipe from her when she comes back
bulgogi is korean for beef
in korean the word "-gogi", means meat and the word that comes in front will tell you what kind of meat it is
hahha just one drink, that looks like a nice pour
i drink mostly vodka and unsweetened herbal tea with a twist of kimchi!
enjoy the match


Horse-toothed Jackass
Nah DB, Hawk likes his smartwatches. He likes all the techy stuff, maybe he's a geek at heart. Hey Hawk have u ever messed with apple stuff, or ur an android only person?

I can just about smell that picture, Pops. Is that the real kimchi from ur mum's fridge? Looks well fermented. If u fry it up in a skillet with some butter or oil it makes an awesome topping for burgers and fries and rice and such, probably best to do it outside if u can.

Florida's football program has been mid at best lately, they do have a good track and field program, they might win a team championship at the ncaa championships going on now. They have this girl who looks like a blonde blue eyed model but she crushes even the africans in the 10K race.

That's cool that u got a rollie fingers hat. Didnt he used to do lsd during games or is that someone else?
Yeah Pops, ive done that before, made a bet a few days ago and forgot about it and make the same bet before game time, what gets me is that i never accidentally double up on winning bets, only losing ones lol.

Also, this is for superx, i bet on Poland +1.5 vs austria and of course they give up 2 goals after being tied at halftime and i lose my bet. Then I chased it with another bet for both teams to score with France/Netherlands, ended in a 0-0 draw. I tell ya, betting on footie is going to drive me INSANE.


In my empire of dirt
unless @superx is telling you something, why are you even betting on the "footie"
you just cant stay away from the action
f'n @shithawk420 does like his gadgets and like to buy weird shit
better than @D. B. Doober blowing his money on spit and those fancy coffee drinks
/lay off the dip man
speaking of apple stuff, so i gave my mom my extra charging cable when she went overseas, and guess whos charging cable just stopped working
yeah, this guy
i would go to the apple store but...
well im drunk and dont want to drive
but amazon is there for me so i ordered a couple new ones and they said it will be here tomorrow
you bet thats the real stuff man! her friend makes it in big jars and i guess my mom goes over with her own containers
it actually smells really garlicky but its not too spicy
you are kidding me man, right?
ive never heard of pan frying kimchi, its always something on the side like all those other pickled dishes they have
i just might have to try that


Well-known member
TN and Tamu havent played each other yet this season, despite being in the same conference, but i think ur right, gotta go with the vols. Plus they have this pitcher on the team, nicknamed Vollie Fingers for his magnificent handlebar mustache, who Buzz also posted a pic of:
View attachment 19020698
It may not look like it, but that's the peak male physique right there.

Hey DB you know u can add in punctuation on your text to talk. You can say 'period' or 'comma' and add in some punctuation, since u cant be arsed to actually type it out.

I used to love Guinness draught, my fav drink was a black n tan, or half guinness half bass pale ale. With the advent of craft beers in the US i tend to drink more ipa's and stouts nowadays but that black n tan is still my go-to if i ever hit up an irish pub (lots of them around Chicago area).

Yeah DB he meant 20C, not F, it's summer for them too and i doubt ireland sees 20F even in the winter. Does it get that cold in the winter, Superx?

Alright, so i see taiwan is north of the phillipines, so its kinda like a sub tropical climate? Kinda like Florida? How is ur mum doing, she going to be there for long? Hopefully china (ie western Taiwan) doesnt invade while she's there, otherwise flights out might be hard to find.

So you use peat for fires? What does that smell like, just very earthy and grassy? Yeah that would be a very homey smell. I love a nice peaty whiskey too. Do you get TV signals out there? What do u use for internet, satellite? Sorry for the questions, but like Pops im somewhat fascinated by rural living. Buzz seems like he lives off the beaten path too but not too far off, theres probably a walmart within a 15 min drive for him.

So youre on the grid and have access to reservoir water, that's very nice, those are the 2 big utilities that are hard to replicate on your own. Sounds like u have a decent amount of land too so like Pops said it should be pretty private. Do you grow any cannabis outdoors? If the soil isnt suitable, 5 gallon buckets will do. If the soil is peaty then it's acidic but limestone is basic so can neutralize the acidity?
From what u said it's pretty risky to grow but with a smaller, personal type grow maybe leniency could be had.

I did not know sauerkraut was just cabbage and salt massaged together, ive always just bought it from the store. We dont often buy fresh cabbage here but ive made some cabbage rolls before when we did, if i find some pics ill post them later. Like Pops said kimchi is just cabbage and like a spice mixture (garlic ginger red pepper etc) rubbed on the leaves.

Ive been disappointed before by the English national team but what sucked about yesterday was i had already made a bet on them a few days before which i forgot about so i placed another bet on them so i lost twice, lol. I did make some $ back on spain v italy, also on argentina v canada although the odds on that were poor (-550).
I have a bet on the US vs Bolivia on Sunday in the Copa cup, also NHL is tonight and ill put a bet on the oilers vs panthers. You watching the FL panthers in the stanley cup finals, Buzz? I believe theyre the miami team.

Are those your neighbor's donkeys, Supx? I hear donkeys are really friendly and easy going to people, unlike mules. I'd love a pet donkey, and not just because ive seen all the shrek movies.

I think Hawk would do well in China/Japan. Maybe when you get a chance you can go over there, maybe teach some english, get to know the cultures. Let us know how that fake rolex purchase works out.
Did ur mum make bubble and squeak? That's mashed potatoes and cabbage. A filling if not very well rounded meal.

Sorry to hear ur ex is needing finger surgery, Pops, hopefully full function will be restored. On the plus side if the finger never fully straightens perhaps her prostate massages will be even more effective than usual. Dont ask me how i know this.

Ur right Buzz, half of the Florida man memes come from north Floridians/gator fans. Theyre practically south Georgians, which is strange because they hate UGa.

Was that all homemade, Buzz? Did everyone bring a dish or did 1 person cook all that? It's like a southern Thanksgiving. I'd tear that food up, that's a 3 plater for sure, not including dessert.
ive had that!
so how would you pronounce the name, like a true gentleman!
/and not the drunken reprobate i am
/phonetically of course
im not for drinking the brown liquor, but when i do its not the cheap stuff
/same goes for mescal
i will be sure to get the recipe from her when she comes back
bulgogi is korean for beef
in korean the word "-gogi", means meat and the word that comes in front will tell you what kind of meat it is
hahha just one drink, that looks like a nice pour
i drink mostly vodka and unsweetened herbal tea with a twist of kimchi!
enjoy the match
Just deleted a long reply to Babba, at my wits end with this tablet, will try again. I can't blame the whiskey as I have only downed the one. I'm not a Gentleman lol 😆 but I would pronunce it; Glen-mor-angie it's a Scottish single malt Pops.(10 year old) The Scottish make some fine single malts (as do the Irish) when purchasing a bottle and find myself being selective about it or just looking something special or rare I tend to go with Scottish. Yes it's a decent pour because I decided on only having the one so might as well make it a decent one. Do you mix the tea with the vodka? Or sip on them separately. That food sounds like a fine combination, I might give in to temptation and have a second shot, it would be rude of me not too 🤔 😆


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah Pops, that's when i get into trouble, betting on sports i know almost nothing about. Then again, sometimes the more knowledge about a sport can lead u into trouble. I was having good success betting the NBA starting in March, when the playoffs hit i was doing well the first round or so then I hit a 2-18 stretch. Like how does that happen? Even if i threw darts at a board i'd go around 8-9 or so. Afterwards I did better but was still below .500 the rest of the playoffs.

Yeah cook some of that kimchi in some fat (oil, bacon grease, butter), it'll smell something fierce but it's like this spicy, caramelized, still somewhat crunchy goodness. Can throw it on pizza or inside quesadillas, etc.

I hated losing a long post I was working on, Supx, so i started writing them in a word or notes program and then paste it into a browser.

I guess any true Irishman has to have a taste for scotch. Any of the Glens will do:

Have you tried Proper No. 12? Does it taste like piss? Like a better whiskey filtered through someone's kidneys?
Jameson is pretty good imo.


Well-known member
Nah DB, Hawk likes his smartwatches. He likes all the techy stuff, maybe he's a geek at heart. Hey Hawk have u ever messed with apple stuff, or ur an android only person?

I can just about smell that picture, Pops. Is that the real kimchi from ur mum's fridge? Looks well fermented. If u fry it up in a skillet with some butter or oil it makes an awesome topping for burgers and fries and rice and such, probably best to do it outside if u can.

Florida's football program has been mid at best lately, they do have a good track and field program, they might win a team championship at the ncaa championships going on now. They have this girl who looks like a blonde blue eyed model but she crushes even the africans in the 10K race.

That's cool that u got a rollie fingers hat. Didnt he used to do lsd during games or is that someone else?
Yeah Pops, ive done that before, made a bet a few days ago and forgot about it and make the same bet before game time, what gets me is that i never accidentally double up on winning bets, only losing ones lol.

Also, this is for superx, i bet on Poland +1.5 vs austria and of course they give up 2 goals after being tied at halftime and i lose my bet. Then I chased it with another bet for both teams to score with France/Netherlands, ended in a 0-0 draw. I tell ya, betting on footie is going to drive me INSANE.

Hey Babba, these tournaments are so unpredictable especially at the early stages it's hard to predict which team will truly turn up for form. I'm not a betting man but spain or Germany are going to take some beating its the only teams I have been impressed with so far. Haven't seen any real spark from the other teams to think otherwise.. Dont go wasting your money Babba send it on to me and I will spend it wisely. 😉

Those donkeys belong to a old farmer he's a gas character and a tad on the eccentric side.
It use to be a sanctuary but dwindled down to the 3 donkeys in total, we tend to there needs occasionally as he's rarely about... The turf smells exactly as how you described it Babba mixed with some ash wood that creates a nice flame and puts out great heat..

The plot of land we reside on wouldn't be that large but big enough to suit our requirements, if we ever decide to build onto the cottage in the near future we a have ample space to go hybrid on it. I grew outdoors in my previous place of residence, I usely suffered from mold because they would never finish by the end of September the first frost would normally kick in around October. Whatever did finish would be run through ice for making bubble as it wasn't worth the hassle of trimming. You can get seeds now that are more suited for my latitude for growing outdoors, I have no interest in doing autos as I have access to decent quality indoors flower 24/7..

Pops, That Scottish dish you mentioned is alien to me I have never heard of it. I've been to Scotland many times and have eaten toad in the hole, Cullen skink 'spelling' it's fish soup I have eating lots of haggis (there national dish upon they are famous for) also deep fried Mars bar (choclate in batter) sounds bizarre but really nice, also deep fried pizza which is pretty fucked up, I didnt care much for that, my other half thought it was nice..

Seeing as watches have come up in the conversation, I have never owned a watch in my life I usually arrive on time one way or the other. I would usually look at my phone if my timing had to be precise..


Well-known member
Hey Babba Jameson black barrel triple distilled is very nice, very oaky and smooth herself finished of the last shot just a while ago 😜


In my empire of dirt
of course you need another one, you cant let me drink alone!
that looks like a nice selection there
yeah i pour a few fingers into a pint glass and throw some ice on it then just a splash of ice tea for flavor
i dont really eat sugar or drink caffeine so im kind of limited on my choices
thats nice that you can grow on your land and have room to build on to the house if you need to
so how long is your actual growing season? like if i had plants in the ground right now would they finish?
here in san diego we can run some long season stuff outdoors, or even indoors if you are crazy enough
/dont judge me!
most of the stuff is pretty fast finishing now, like 7-8wks
ive grown autos before and some of them were actually ok
you are blowing my mind man, ive never heard of this before, pan fried kimchi
i think you know the round ball a little, where did the wheels fall off?
/who was the favorite going into the finals?
but the footie? naw man
how about this, send it your betting money to me and i will take a photograph of the money and send that to @superx
then its like we are all winning!


Well-known member
The powers bottle I received from a friend in Galway who owned the bar, was a very expensive shot of whiskey. He give me this bottle when the bar closed down. Limited edition
of course you need another one, you cant let me drink alone!
that looks like a nice selection there
yeah i pour a few fingers into a pint glass and throw some ice on it then just a splash of ice tea for flavor
i dont really eat sugar or drink caffeine so im kind of limited on my choices
thats nice that you can grow on your land and have room to build on to the house if you need to
so how long is your actual growing season? like if i had plants in the ground right now would they finish?
here in san diego we can run some long season stuff outdoors, or even indoors if you are crazy enough
/dont judge me!
most of the stuff is pretty fast finishing now, like 7-8wks
ive grown autos before and some of them were actually ok
you are blowing my mind man, ive never heard of this before, pan fried kimchi
i think you know the round ball a little, where did the wheels fall off?
/who was the favorite going into the finals?
but the footie? naw man
how about this, send it your betting money to me and i will take a photograph of the money and send that to @superx
then its like we are all winning!
For sure pops we could all do with the extra bucks, those bottles have been sitting there for a long time.
If it was years ago they would be drunk in no time, nowadays it's only on the rare occasion we might have one or two, or special occasions...The weather here is very mild and we rarely get heat waves or long summers. The cold spell starts any time between late/Sept early/October if you don't harvest them by late Sept the frost will wipe them out in October.. I use to do one large indoor grow a year under 6 x 600s this was enough bud to last me the entire year.. Somebody else does it now which saves me the hassle and unwanted attention 🙄 Cheers buddy.

Babba are you not normally sleeping at this time? I have no idea with the different time zones you guys are at, it's 12.30 at night over here. Time for a vape, and a final shot of whiskey (famous last words 🤣)


Well-known member
Nah i spent hours of research buying that fake ass Rolex. They have come along way. I could spend $550 and get a watch that would probably fool most jewelers but im not paying that much for a fake watch. Yet. No i dont like Apple baba. I can figure them out if i try but they are garbage to me. My mom has an Iphone 6 or 7 that works fine i guess.its pretty slow. i want her to get an Apple Watch but she dont have money for that. My brother should buy her one but hes an asshole

Leinenkugal makes a pretty good Black and Tan baba. Dont know if they still make it. used to be pretty decently priced. Holy shit that kimchee looks good pops! im gonna have too make that

How much is that Scotch superx? I shouldnt drink hard stuff but i like it. I prefer japanese whiskey but i like a good scotch