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NFL 2019-2020


Horse-toothed Jackass
Au contreire mon freire, T-bell does have a real deep fryer in every store. They use it to fry their taco shells, nacho chips, chalupa shells and potato wedges on the regular. Now ur right, when they do offer fries they should probably have a 2nd fryer just for fries but for a fast food store they probably dont fry enough things to justify a 2nd fryer.

I hope that online gambling law passes so the average joe can sports bet in Cali without having to walk into a casino. The indian casinos should get with the times and come up with their own app/site so they get a piece of the online action.

Ur not wrong Pop when talking about that nicholas cruz kid, they showed videos of his interrogation after he was arrested and it seemed like he was pretending to be crazy so he could plead insanity defense? But it was like a sane person trying to act nutty or something from what i heard. And ur right, just cause ur mom was on crack, or ur uncle dressed up as a clown and raped you in the attic, you deserve sympathy but that doesnt give you the right to abuse or hurt/kill innocent people. And for that matter, plenty of people were born coke or crack babies and dont end up psycho killers. But for the jury, maybe they thought that was enough to not fry him, just lock him up forever and throw away the key. Imagine being 17 and never seeing the outside of a jail cell for the rest of your life, till youre 80 or whatever. Heavy stuff man.

If you like the veggies on burgers do you like the whopper? That's the best part of a whopper to me usually, the lettuce tomato onion pickles on a whopper, almost makes me think it's healthy lol.
Wendy's makes a decent chicken sandwich, do you get the spicy version? That is actually genuinely hot for a fast food sandwich imo.
Ive been to red hot ranch before, maybe get it once a year, they do make a good smashburger for pretty darn cheap ($6 for burger and fries, probably more now). But gotta watch out for the crispy edges, somethings they get a little burnt and if the cook leaves the burnt part on (their cooks all look like young ex-felons lol) you'll get a nasty bite that tastes like ash. That only happened to me once though.

You heard someone get shot? U sure about that? Hope they werent carrying the baby when they got hit. So are there a bunch of police all over, interviewing witnesses and what not? I'd lay low if i were u, u didnt really see anything anyway.

Cowboys beat the lions eventually but took them a bit to find their offense, and it was the defense getting turnovers that really helped. Chargers lost to the seahawks, u think brandon staley will get fired? He was a good D-coordinator for the rams but the rams dont need help on D it's their O that's on life support. Bucs got run over by a tanking panthers team, Hawk you must be loving this: Brady wrecking his marriage and any shot at another ring in his last season. Steelers-fins game was kind of boring, dont think either team scored in the 2nd half lol but tua pulled out a win in his 1st game back from a concussion.
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Well-known member
I'm actually the only one who saw the beginning.other people heard the gun shots.i told my brother and he started making calls.i think we got the whole story.its only a 500 population town.when I know more I'm sure I can send you guys a link in pm.this shit happening is unheard of around here.i think the last death we had was 10 years ago when a worker fell doing windmill maintenance.

The packers was a close game but no cigar.Tom Brady is saying he's gonna play to 50 now but he could just be pulling a Brett Favre.i didn't get a chance to watch the night games cause cops were everywhere and shit.its wild.i know the punk kid.hes either dead or going to prison for 50 years.probably on meth and who knows what.im glad I didn't go out there or I could of been shot.alot is still speculation.ill know more.fuckers got nothing better to do but talk stupid gossib.got 3 different stories.

When I go to Wendy's I usually get the chicken bacon Asiago sandwich.personaly I like it better than the baconator.i think there might be a spicy version.i think you can get it grilled or fried.its about a $6 sandwich.next time I go to town I think I'll get one.baconator fries are good too.

Sorry boys.i wasn't sure if I should make a thread or not.i can here the cops on the megaphone telling him to come out or they are going in.its raining and lighting and they have had enough.ive seen some shit but not like this.these guys aren't even trained for this.they just keep saying to come out over and over.im gonna be up all night.
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Horse-toothed Jackass
I think ive had the chicken bacon asiago before, a long time ago, never went back for another one but maybe lll have to try it again. Yeah, nice thing about wendys is you can get their chicken sandwiches grilled or fried. Mcdonalds does the same thing too but their chicken sandwiches arent as good.

So youve got a hostage or barricade situation there in your neighborhood? Wild stuff. You should take some video and post it on y-tube if it's still going on. Hopefully it will end or has already ended peacefully. Then maybe u can get some sleep haha.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
wow man, that is crazy hawk! i hope the baby is ok and the shit settles down
its never fun to have a stand off with cops going down in your neighborhood
i hear you about not wanting to get in the middle of someone elses fight, especially if they are crazy and shooting guns off

i havent had wendys in ages but you guys have me craving bacon burgers!
i dident thnk taco bell has real friers in their stores? have you seen them
i always thought the shells came pre cooked and they just heated them up on site, same for most of the other ingredients
/i once saw them pouring a big bag of taco meat into the steam tray abd thought how that would make like a hundred tacos!
we are going to taco tuesday tomorrow night at the real taco join and im going to grind! if i remember i will take pics!
my thighs are still sore from this weekend but the scrapes are healing up nice, i just scrub it with soap every morning and let it do its thing
you know next time we go to the sandwich counter at sprouts i will take some pics for you guys! it was fun and really affordable! you fill out this card with what you want and they make them for you on the spot
plus they have other stuff like pasta salads and soups that i could try too
tawmys tee'ahs are the sweetest right about now! and im glad tuas bobble head did not fly off last night
so when do we consider the giants legit? they keep on rolling and it looks like a wild ride
chargers are probably the worst 4-3 team out there right now and its almost like their strategy is how can we f'up this game
half the nfc is playing .500 football or below so what can i say
its beena wild start to the season and its just going to get better! im going to stick around


Well-known member
Look up ohio Illinois shooting.yes the name of the town is ohio.wish I recorded it when it first started but then the punk went to his house.i was gonna go down the street and record it but the town was on lockdown.should of beat his ass years ago.strange no mention of the baby.probably because they are still investigating.i guess he had a trial date already this month for agg assault on the same man he killed yesterday.he is done for.fucking punk robbed me and my uncle about 15 years ago.
If you look on YouTube there's a ghost documentary on the town.first time on seeing it's supposed to be a haunted house.i always knew that girl was batty.ou get to see the town I live in.its basically just that one street.nothing fucking here
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Horse-toothed Jackass
Is this your old neighborhood, Hawk, or the new one? If it's the new one then it seems like drama follows you everywhere, for some unfathomable reason.

This guy posts y-tube shorts from his job at the bell, here he is frying chalupa shells.

This dude also posts short vids from the t bell kitchen:

Ur right, their hard taco shells come pre-fried like the kind you buy at the store, i was wrong about that they dont fry them in house, just reheat them first. But the chalupa (gorditas) shells, potatoes, fries, cinnamon twists, cinnabon minis (breakfast item), theyre all fried in house.
And yeah, all their meat comes pre-cooked in bags, just need to put the bag in a bin of hot water till it comes up to temp and can be served. The beans and rice come dehydrated in bags and are mixed with hot water to rehydrate before going on the hot line for serving.
I watched this video and it made me not want to eat there ever again lol. The refried beans and beef looked alright, everything else looked past the hold time.

Danny dimes had a good game vs the jags, 200 yds passing 2 tds, 100 yds rushing and 1 td. I think he's on pace for something like 850 rush yds this year which only like 4 qb's have ever done: lamar, vick, russell wilson and maybe randall cunningham?

I think a lot of chargers fans people are complaining about the Off-coordinator, mike lombardi, that it's hard to make a top notch QB like herbert look as bad as he has so far. Having Keenan Allen miss most of the season with a hamstring injury doesnt help the offense either but at least austin ekeler is doing well.

Holy cow Hawk I thought you were kidding about the shooting and barricade situation in your hood. Wild stuff. You got some crazy neighbors, but it sounds like this guy's probably never going to see the outside of a cage again so that's not bad.

Bears surprisingly beat the patriots and it wasnt close. Kept expecting zappe to lead another scoring drive but bears D played well, forced him into 3 turnovers (2 ints and a fumble) and the bears run game (helped by Fields' scrambling) kept chugging along, playing keep away (time of possession 37 mins, Patriots TOP 22mins). Surprising win, lost my bet on the pats (lol) but i think pregame they were saying 70% of the money was on the bears since the line was so high (8.5pts).


In my empire of dirt
Premium user

holly crap hawk that is crazy stuff, good thing you are getting out of that town man
sounds like this turd was a nut and if he shot someone dead in cold blood i hope he gets what he gets
whats this about a haunted house? i tried googling it but came up with those bs party city haunted houses you pay moeny to go through for kids
there used to be a "terror house" or what ever they call it close by where we live
people would pay money to be scared shitless in the place, but it was not like supernatural, more like torture and sere stuff -survival and extreme things like that
that movie paranormal "stuff" (i cant remember the name of the realflick, its all crap) supposed to have happened in a house near here too, i think rancho bernardo or penasquitos but we have a lot of haunted places here in san diego
post up a link if you can man, ive know people who have lived in "haunted houses" and there is some weird things that happened in our old house plus in a place we camped at in the desert
halloween is less than a week away and that was a lways a magical time for me when i was a kid
we could stay out after dark and we got pillow cases full of candy!
plus the weil is supposed to at at its thinnest and the link between the living and dead is supposed to be closest if you believe in that kind of stuff
the chargers are just filled with fail right now
i think mike williams is hurt now too and jc.jackson might be out for the year so the chargers are looking worse
whatever they are doing in ny seems to be working and i think they could be legit
9ers pick up run'cmc and that could bring some juice back to their offense
they play the rams again this next game and im not too enthusiastic about this one
thanks for that rabit hole baba, i just spent the last few min watching taco bell videos
man, where can i get a bag of that precooked taco bell meat?! that sounds like a dirty sunday for sure


Well-known member
I've known the punk for 20 something years.hes a pos.looks like they are charging him with 3 counts of 1st degree murder and home invasion.not sure why 3 counts and no kidnapping and battery on an elder.i saw him do it too.i heard the megaphone down the street and the flash bang they used.

Sorry I don't know how to post links on my new phone pops but if you go on YouTube and type ohio,illinois it's the first thing that pops up.no pun intended.you can see the shit I've been talking about.corn country.

I better not be stuck here.im illegally paying rent to my mom.this place isn't livable.now she's on crazy meds or something saying I gotta get out when I thought I was gonna stay with her.now she's changing her mind by the minute.im about to snap.shes my payee cause I'm on disability and she's illegally doing it.can I take her to court and get my money back even though there's no contract,,? Sorry boys.i know this isn't they place but can't get advice anywhere unless I wanna talk to the corn.i can't live in this house this winter.ill get sick and die from the black mold.

Anyway I've fucking had it.i can't do this shit anymore.probably get some fentanyl.should of done it along time ago

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Taco Bell really? With that guy on parole and the diarrhea in the meat or beans?
Patriots got floored. I stopped watching after little while. Got tired.
Store doesn't have my Grizzly Snuff, only Copenhagen.


Horse-toothed Jackass
I just looked up mckamey manor and that stuff sounds wild, it's a haunted house where the guests volunteer to be subject to torture porn. They sign a waiver that allows the employees to physically assault them, tie them up, waterboard them, force them to eat/drink unknown substances, etc. They can use a safe word that will end the tour immediately but no one has finished the 10hr tour or won the 20K prize if u finish. Crazy stuff.
I think the original “Paranormal” movie was low budget independent movie that found a lot of success with the halloween crowd, spawned a few sequels.
That makes sense that the line between the real world and the spirit world gets weaker at certain times, halloween, certain astrological events, etc. Best be careful this hallow's eve, you might see some things you shouldnt be seeing...

The rams will face Cmc in 2 consecutive games; they played the panthers in week 6, had week 7 off, and will play san fran in week 8. They held him without a TD with the panthers, Cmc is now on a more dangerous offense but the rams D is still legit so we'll see how they do.

Yeah Hawk that guy sounds like a real piece of work, and now with a dead body he's facing life in a cage. Well, that's one problem out of your hair.
Sorry to hear your mom's acting nutty again, maybe just let her blow off some steam and she'll calm down and be more reasonable. Not sure what legal recourse you have, i know there's lawyers who specialize in disability cases so maybe one of them you can talk to, also you can talk to the social security/disabilty office and see what options if any you have.
I'd say drugs are never the answer, they just make things worse in the long run. Plus fent is in everything now from what i hear, even street cocaine often has fent in it. Terrible times we live in.

Here's a video of someone making their copycat taco bell beef recipe, to get that same consistency they actually mixed up the beef and seasoning in a stand mixer with dough hook to make it smoother, added water and food coloring and cooked in an instant pot (around 2:45mark). But everyone who tasted it said it tasted like the real thing.

That darrell brooks guy gave his closing argument yesterday, one of his 'arguments' is that he was honking his horn as he was running people over so it's y'know, “OK” what he did because he tried to warn them first or something. I expect the jury to come back guilty sometime later today.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Baba there's a rumor that a juror posted on Reddit... was sympathetic to the defendant. "Judge is biased" and shit.
No taco hell for me. I go to Anna's Taqueria in Porter Sq. Burittos the size of a small baby. Steak, black beans, white rice, salsa (chunky not watery), quacamole, cheese, cilantro. Super buritto. Jarritos pineapple soda. Been month or two since we've been to Anna's. Authentic though. 👍
I think the jury is going to take a long time...I call hung jury on Darryl what's his name.
Had to walk the mile or so to get dip tobacco and coffee. Took like 45 mins round trip. Damn. Ass was bleeding. Like dripping blood from my butt cheeks, no hemorrhoids. Damn man can't get a break. What can I say I have sensitive bum cheeks. Happens often from walking distances with dirty butt/swamp ass on long walk. Damn. Well that's about it. Not sure when world series starts.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
so yah walk down the block and your ass is one fi'ahhh?!eh DOOB'AH

you need to toughen those butt cheeks up man, stick around after class and i can give you some "tips" to help you out
oh and just so we can go all out crazy clown twon for halloween

that was one of the videos i watch baba when i went down that f'n taco bell rabit hole!
about how about this d'bag who made his own taco bell meat man, its nothing special
but it would be rad to get a big bag of taco meat lik that
bood'bah gives birth to baby sized fresh burrito and disposes of it in high school bathroom trash can
/bonus unlocked! jarritos is the shit too and me gusta pena!
fook mang, if you are going through that trouble to cook, why not make a legit taco meat taco? f'n hipsters
derrr, we reinvenet things that are already made and call ourselves original
we actually went out to taco tuesday last night, ordered a bunch of different stuff, including one called a buche taco! f'n a man was this the prok!!! we are definitely getting this one again
thats good you are taking walks and getting out bd and its fun to get out and about and take in the sights
plus on your way back from the pack'y you are packing a fat lip
when i walk im digging on seeing the halloween decorations in some places! i esp like to see the home made ones! thats a place that loves halloween
ive seen plenty i wish i could unsee most of itman! let me off this ride
at least i can go to some bdsm joint in the suburbs and have my nipples twisted!
/pops wants to believe

so something about football
rams play the 9ers, im not too looking forward to this esp with the addition of runcmc
but the rams could go 2-in a row?!? woohooo
but it would be a big win for the rams snapping like a what 7-8 game regular season losing streak to the 9ers?
/the last time we beat them...oh yeah last year in the playoffs! boom
i like this giants v hawks match up and hope to watch some fo this game! im letting the dogs out on this one and saying giants!
so finally a game that might not suck?! b'more v tompa brady
/i hope we drank on bradys tears tomorrow boys! pops picks up bill
i like the lions v mia match up, j.goof has wonky neck too!
jared goof.gif
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Well-known member
I already knew brooks was gonna get life.not sure what he was trying to accomplish.its funny watching the prosecution acting like they were awesome and did something.he basically did their job for them.thats why they let him talk.he dug his own grave.im just glad it's over.it was getting hard to watch.

Oh Brady is playing tomorrow? Well you guys know how I feel.i didn't know ravens were doing good.that will probably be a good game


Horse-toothed Jackass
I saw that online post, the poster's name was “justice4darrell” so it was probably one of his friends/family. Or just a troll, i think the poster admitted he wasn't a juror and didnt expect his posts to be taken seriously and deleted their posts.

It's good u got a nice walk in, bad that you suffered during it. Like Pop said, maybe throw some baby powder or vaseline in your chafing spots before setting out, that way the friction wont hurt you so bad next time.

I think the thing with the channel where they made the taco bell meat is that's their schtick, they make copycat fast food recipes, also review fast food, give out fast food hacks, etc. They had a hack for panda where their recommendation is to buy the 1 entree/1side meal and then add entrees for $1.25 each cause that's cheaper than buying a 2 or 3 entree/1 side meal.

Rams host the 49ers and yeah, the only time they beat them recently was in the playoffs. Rams got worked by SF in their 1st game earlier this year, not sure if home field will make a difference. If that pass rush gets home on stafford could be looking at a long day on offense for them. I have a chance to pick up Rams Defense though in fantasy, the niners do give up a lot of points to opposing defenses so not sure what to do, my other option is patriots defense vs the jets who lost their promising rookie RB to an acl last week.

Bucs host the ravens tonite on TNF, ravens are favored by 1.5. Ravens havent been playing all that well lately but like Pop said the bucs have been falling apart, lost last week 21-3 to the tanking panthers (fired their coach, traded away cmc and robbie, started XFL mvp PJ walker at QB).

Yeah Hawk, jury came back after 3 hours of deliberations (including 1 hr the day before) with Guilty on all 76 counts. I think most of the time was spent just organizing and signing all the verdict forms. Ur right, he had no chance in 'el of winning, maybe that's why he was acting all outrageous during trial. If youre going to go down, at least he did it on 'his terms', fwiw.

The woman bought a chicken pot pie from costco recently, she heard online it was good and they only sell it around the winter holidays. Took about 45mins to cook but it was tasty, crust was nice and flaky, filling was savory (maybe a little too salty but it was ok) and had plenty of white meat chicken.

costco pot pie.jpg


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i might have to check into that panda hack babs, ive been craving take out chineese food again lately
i told you about how last time i went, we usually get the family meal, its like $30 but comes with a bunch of food
but instead this time i got two three item meals and when you look at all the noodles and rice (we get 50/50) it had more sides plus 6 instead of three mains
plus it was a lot cheaper, i think i could have gotten another combo and still come in around $30
i will have to dig deeper into that channel and see if there is any moves i can steal! like the pickle juice for chic fil et sandwiches some of these food hacks are super simple
that pot pie looks pretty good and its getting close to the season where you want to bake and eat hearty foods!
we had lasagne last night and it was awesome! plus it warmed up the house and made it smell all good
im hoping the rams can keep pace with the 9ers and we will see how runcmc factors into the game
i think the rams are still in that slump and until i see differently i cant really get too hyped
/but i can still get hyphy for some football

cant wait for tonights game to start!
tonight we drink tom brady tears boys!


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think they have an I&O hack where you order a quad-quad and an extra bun and extra sides and then split them into 2 double doubles? Or something like that.

Do you have regular chinese takeout also or no? I think we prefer a decent chinese takeout as opposed to panda, although panda is pretty good too.

Did you make the lasagna yourself? I know costco sells these big frozen lasagnas for like $15 or less, get 2 of them and cook them up (they take like 90 mins to cook lol) and you could have lasagna for a week or two.

Their rookie RB, kyren williams, might play this week for the rams. He got hurt week 1 (high ankle sprain) but now with cam akers gone he might have the #1 job to himself. Not sure how well he'll do though, rams O-line isnt really getting any push up front.

You'll have to excuse all the tom brady hate, DB, none of us like the guy. Yes, we're jealous of his success and the patriots success.


Horse-toothed Jackass
This really is ending up to be a nightmare season for Tom brady. Finished 13-4 last season, won the superbowl before that, led the league in yds and pass td's last season, he could have tipped his cap and ridden off into the sunset at the top of his game. But no, he retired and then un-retired, causing conflict with his wife, might even get divorced. And this season the bucs offense is all sorts of discombobulated, and their record is 3-5, might not win their division which is filled with supposedly terrible teams, probably wont even make the playoffs at this point.
Brady himself doesnt look too washed although his numbers are down: he has a 65% completion percentage, about 290yds/game and 9-1 td-int ratio. He can still sling it when he's got protection and open receivers. People are saying maybe he'll go to San Fran after this season if he still wants to play.