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New Mission Revealed : Bogs Sour Bubble BX1



Progress Pics

Progress Pics

1 of 2 , 4' girls

Tha other 4' girl showing a pollinated cola

And tha DMT

Won't be long now fellas

Enjoy ,


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
looking great savage, keep up the fine work. great to see BOGs genetics being preserved.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
so what's the aroma, and flavors like?


Comeon guys!!! share the dank lowdown.

Making me wish we had scratch-n-sniff monitors! lol


Active member
Grindhouse of life!!!! :jump: :woohoo:

I really don't want to miss your upcoming projects......

Will be monitoring your progress......thanks for all that you do!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Superbudz , thanks fer tha support . Always good to hear positive comments ....

Sup buddy , thanks . I think so too ....LOL .

Rocky Mtn. hi , if you've toked on Bubba , that's tha dominating taste and aroma . Imagine it finishing with a light sweet bubble gum and you've got it ....

Guinea pig , again thanks fer positive vibes ....

Well we were hoping to have some Sour Bubble fer you guys down in tha Bay Area next week , but Harborside has decided to not pick up any fer some time so ... We're still in talks with other Bay area clubs , but until shit gets goin' , my folks in Sacramento are expected to pick this stock up . We will also have limited Ultra Sonja (UK Cheese X Blue Sonja) fer pick up .

As posted in my Sonja thread , plenty of Sour Bubble will be available pretty soon to SBay .

Be well y'all ,

Bubble Puppy

The demand for your Sour Bubble is going to be huge.I'm hoping your release is nice size.

Guest 16149

Loved the Blue Sonja and the Prophet, cannot wait to get my hands on the Sour Bubble :)
cant wait bro... steele I must again say how kind it is of you to allow many of us to gain/regain access to bogs gear, particulary sourbubb... thanks bro now hopefully I can afford them when they come out... much love and happy growing


puffpuffpass said:
cant wait bro... steele I must again say how kind it is of you to allow many of us to gain/regain access to bogs gear, particulary sourbubb... thanks bro now hopefully I can afford them when they come out... much love and happy growing

I agree with these sentiments completely, definitely looking forward to trying some out. :headbange


MM , yeep , it is tasty .......

Bubble Puppy , no doubt , I'm hoping that I have enough packed and ready to fulfill this need .

Blaner , very happy to here of your love from those two crosses .

Puff Puff sup dude , I really hope I've made enough to satisfy at least another round of demand for Sour Bubble . I'll be shipping in 40 packs , 11 beans per . and gonna do a fist full o' BIN's with a couple auctions fer tha core ass bidder's when tha BINs dry up . Try keeping 'em reasonable and hopefully plenty of folks get what they need .

GDB , thanks fer joining and hope you get a chance to snag a pack as well .

Be well y'all ,

Care Free 1

Active member
Alright Steele
Got some cash set aside, and waiting patiently for those SB beans. I will do just about anything to get them, so I'll be watching. Missed out last time, but with 40 packs going up, maybe I have a chance this time.

Thanks so much!!!

Care Free 1


no shit

no shit

man they went fast at the club in sac.I missed out but maybe next time the club might get more seeds. :cuss: Really would like to get my hands on them seeds.Soon just time.


Vinny , that club your speaking of is about to get some stock dropped on 'em . Be ready , I'll PM ya when tha duty is done ....

I will say , these seeds are very fresh and VERY hard . They would be best to scuff as some folks that have received 'em have had some problems getting 'em to pop . Our germ test 19 outta 20 .... Just scuff 'em good fellas





Never had problem with getting any of ur seeds to germ 100% success.

Sweet cant wait to try and get some of those.Is this going to be a long term project,are the seeds going to be around for awhile thru grindhouse. :headbange
finally got my sourbublebx1 :headbange took out 3 scuffed them good like you sad steele and into some water and less then 24hrs they all drop to bottom with 2 crack nicely and now into wet paper towel and now the wait begains... cant wait to taste some,,,, :rasta: good germ rate 3 for 3 yeah... rounders
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Steele...Happy to hear there'll be SourBub soon..Did you happen to send any of the Ultra Sonja to SBay? That is one I'd really like to try. Keep up the good work and thanks for putting it out there for us.


Vinny , I can't really say how long GrindHouse will continue supplying tha
Sour Bubble BX1 1IX . It's here today though .....

Rounders , stoked they popped fer yas. All about tha scuff on these beans , they're pretty fuckin hard ....

KBK yeep , we shipped in 13 packs of Ultra Sonja . We produced these as an SBay exclusive . They are an untested cross and tha fathers will change next generation , we just did a preliminary test to check tha outcome . We in no doubt expect , super sticky , aromatic and heady nugs with a lot more yield & high than what tha UK Cheese customarily produces .

Be safe an' grow HARD ,


Active member
was lucky enough to enjoy steeles blue sonja and it has the most euforic high of anything either myself or my wife has ever come across, tough to beat for daytime high....now i need his sourbubble for a proper night time stone, do you suppose they will be at the bay in the next week or so SS?
again, thanks for bringing these strains to us steele.