Senior Member
I'm just hoping that this is an exceptionally bad year and that any other years moving forward CAN'T possibly be this fucking bad. I've pretty much written off my Cacoon #4 plant as it's pretty fuct and won't produce much. The Caccon #2 is doing alright but they are still all over it and the BLR has been relatively unharmed but they have just started gnawing on that one's stems. The BLR is the priority. I need to get out there and do another spray. I'm up to 1 Tablespoon of the garlic/chili extract and 2 teaspoons of neem oil per 48 ounce spray bottle. I'll probably even do 1 tablespoon of neem 'cause fuckem. Budset is starting to set in and I won't be able to spray like this for much longer - then I'm really fucked.
I'm pretty over it all really. At least the greenhouse is protected for the most part otherwise I would be REAL fucking emo.
This is proof why the 6 plant count is bullshit.