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Neat MicroPC growbox with FLUOROS


Hey Micro, thanks for stopping by. :D
The new planter is big, I think roots will grow lots now. It's also way better for breathing than the ice cream container I was using before.
I know #1 is missing calcium, based on Stitch's thread. I have diff product names in stores here, so what should I look for when buying medicine for it? Might I have anything at home?

I have this scrog idea using the rails I put on the edges of the case. Trying to finish and improve the idea yet. I also need the cabon filter ready, and some light leaks must be fixed. Hope I do it by this weekend.

Dear pieceofmyheart, last night before I crashed I made the 3rd one fit.

Remember we said 2 weeks ago that this weekend I should switch lights?
We think #1 is ready now. Maybe tomorrow after fixing leaks, can't pass that.
Two gotta go.

:confused: Should I keep all 3 inside the case? :confused:


Oh yeah, forgot to tell.
Everything was replanted with new organic fert soil, new perlite and worm fert'd soil. :pimp3: :canabis: :canabis:


Active member
i would veg longer, you have alot more head room to fill in. start bending them in all strange direction's. so you can veg them as long as possible to get max yield. if you only get 1 female you will want to make the best of her.


I agree with smokeateer... LST those plants and keep them veging for another week at least. Maximizing the yield is crucial! BUt keep in mind that your female plant is going to double the size when flowering!


Get some pro-mix, or just a soil-less mixture. You'll notice faster growth if you give those roots some more room for air. Your soil looks to dense from your pictures. Peat moss, vermiculite and perlite with some lime is what I use. Then i just add ferts to the water.


Active member
if you were growing a pure haze i'd be worried about stretch. but once they start stretching it's nothing you wont be able to manage. trust me. they look about 2 or 3 week's old now. i'd veg them another week 2 week's would be great though. so they'd show sex in veg and you would get your girl number's before switching the light.


Actually, this is bagseed, so I dont know what type it is.
If you check the picture on the top of this page, you'll see #1 on the bottom of the case, with a lot of room to grow towards the light. It's growing slow now, cause it's been 3 days I replanted, and all my plants grew slower during the first days after replanting. But it is growing and will get faster this week
To move #1 closer to the light, the other 2 must get out. If I wait more, it will get bigger now during veg and will get insanely big during flowering.
#1 was born in the beggining of august, check out first post.

Still living the dilemma...

Thanks for your input, I appreciate.


Yesterday I swapped one lamp.
So there is 2x 6500k 25W, 1x 4000k 20W and 1x 4000k 15W, making it 85W now.
#1's stem is thicker, she's been right in front of the wind since she was replanted.

Look! Baby leaves growing bellow the old leaves all over the lower part of the stem.


Active member
i can see why you'd rather not fill in your grow box than over fill it. then run out of room for your plant's completely. if you flipped the light's one week from now and got all girl's you would be in luck. but if you switched the light and only got one girl, you really could'nt expect much of a harvest. im still strongly suggesting low stress training. it will not slow growth at all. here's a walk through with lot's of informational photo's. it would allow you to grow your plant's alot longer time wise. plus they would utilize your space by using room side way's and vertical. please look it over and give me your opinion.



Active member
With all due respect to the other posters here I'm still suggesting that you flip now, or maybe at the beggining of next week at the latest.

You said this was from bagseed - what kinda buds were in the bag? was it commercial or dank kind bud? commercial would be some form of sativa and stretch will be considerable. kind bud would probably be an indica hybrid with 2x stretch. They look sativa dominant to me by the leaves.

So my first reason is I think even if only one of your plants is a girl you will have enough growth to fill a scrog due to the sativa dom appearance of your plants.

My second reason is container size - if you veg for another 2-3 weeks you'll be completely root bound and you will not have anyway to move into a bigger planter.

If you switch soon and determine sex you will be able to transplant the girls into a larger planter to allow them to grow big roots. Remember what is above ground can only be equal to what is below ground. You can't grow big plants in keg cups.

I know some suggested waiting for preflowers, but it has been my experience that not all strains show preflowers. Further if they were going to show preflowers it would be around 6 weeks (which is now if they started in August). Finally since you are working with an unknown bagseed strain you have no guarantee that you will get preflowers.

Finally I want to point out that you can always turn back to veg if the plant isn't big enough after two weeks of 12/12.

So let's just say you flip now and after the two weeks it could take for them to show sex you find that you only have one girl and she only stretched a little bit. Well then just transplant the one girl into the biggest container you can fit in there and turn the lights back to 18/6 or 24/0 and let it veg another week or two, then flip again.

However I think it's highly unlikely that you'll need to do that.

Either way good luck :yes: and I would suggest getting a couple of the big boy 42 or 45 watt warm white CFL's as the extra light will effect yield more than the veg time.


p.s. fwiw pure haze is columian x mexican x thai - so if these plants are from commercial mexican weed you should expect the same kinda stretch as a pure haze!
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Active member
i would say sugabear's suggestion's are deffiently the cautious way to ensure you dont run in to any trouble. ive grown mexican bagsed a couple time's. i will say it's not nearly as stretchy as haze. if he were growing haze he could switch the light's at birth and be doomed to maintain atleast 3 foot tall plant's. most long flowering sativa's stretch to 6 feet when started on 12/12 from birth. the bagseed. ive always grown always finished around 8 weeks. i dont think it's possible for you to fill a screen after switching a small plant like that to 12/12. first off the would mostly stertch out the node's they already have. not nearly producing as many leave's or new nodes as they would in veg. not to mention when a plant is flowering it's not as flexible as it was invegative state. so if you tried to bend the plant over while it's stretching you would likely flatten an area of the stem with a crease. aka pinching. snider, i think suga bear has a good overall point. this is your first grow and you'd rather finish it than try and get your yield high as possible.


Active member
Hey smokeater :respect: to you bro!

I do have to admit that my experience is all hydro and stretch is much more considerable when growing in hydro.

snider - maybe split the difference and veg for another week and then flip?



Active member
This is your first grow, if you can tell sex from pre flowers....my hat's off to you. I can't do that and I have been growing for a year. I don't see that waiting to switch them after you can tell the sex is the way to go, waste of time.

When I was growing in a rubbermaid box, I flipped them at about that size and then did LST.

LST on 2 weeks in flower plant

Top view

What they looked like when I put them into flower.
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Active member
snider the ultimate veg time is entirely up to you. but i think we all agree you should do some form of training.


Active member
sugabear, i can see why you would say switching to bloom might would fill a screen. hydro is some of the fastest growin shit ive ever seen in my life.

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