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My Guerilla '2008



Thank you all of you guys for support. I'm very happy you like my babes.

Bubba Kush S1 x Erocket/Danish Passion. I'm soooo happy. The only plant in my garden and it is female :jump: Just look at her 11 finers leafs...

B3N7 x ErdPurT female :D Her wide indica leafs are fantastic...

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Perun from Darwin Seeds.

This 2,5 m hight girl just started to flower. She is sooo nice looking flower. Her pistils are white and pink (50/50) Sorry not visible on pics :D

Some more of B3N7xErdPurT female :D I just love this strain

and Nebula/LSD/SWT3xErdPurT (male? hmmm...) If it is male I'll transplant him to a new spot about 100m away from girls for to get some nice pollen. All the rest of this cross I have (3 girls i think) are nice green.

And my little spider (brachypelma vagans) just before 13th. moult :D

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nice spider grunwald bro. wow the bubba cross looks interesting. cant wait to see futher development!

seems like darwin seeds is producing some nice and early finishing strains like perun!!


Active member
Grunwald that is really great looking garden. Pls what is your lattitide if its not a problem? That Perun looks really greaat and soo big :) All is fresh green and greatly growin. U will be really addicted after this autumn :D


Hey, nice pics....you should really have a warning before the spider pic though! *shudder*...each to their own, i suppose. :D


Nice spider M8 now go and flush him out the toilet hehe only a joke :) But i think they are too Creepy , My brother has one I feel like i have to smash it whit paper every time i visit hehe But B3 N7 yes they are just great cross and they look good in your nice garden too bro just keep them pictures coming :) Have you a picture when your spider eats?


Monsters are coming!!! haha... Great job my friend!!! :yes: Looks wonderful!

Best luck! :wave:
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grunwald, if U're going to move this Nebula/LSD/SWT3xErdPurT, show us some pics of this operation :)

beautifull garden! rgrds! :wave:


You will not be forgotten
really enjoyin the pictures and glad to see everything is goin well your way, ill be watching for more updates!


Erocket x Danish Passion :D

Night Hail Ultra :D

LowRyders :D I harvested about 50 good seeds and maybe 3 g of smoke hehe from 3 little girls :laughing: But better then nothing...

Zygfryd :D

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Cute she is zygfryd and yor plants look so good , lidt har også ret som man siger , hehe so the low ryders is ok

little j

looks great grunwald. i got to get me some of those erocket,erd purts, danish passions. the little ball of fur looks cute too. little j

sow the seeds

Looking great grunwald I'm loving all these Danish grows/strains. Hopefully they become widely available this winter/spring.

Love the cat pic too...looks like it should photoshopped into something funny heh.


Active member
oh man C99 is supa dupa smoke, one of the best for sativa lover :) happy boy :)
All your plants looks great, what a surprise with so experienced grower :) hehe big up my friend


Sorry for deleting my last post... This is the picture from that one:

Yeah ddt ... C99 is REALLY GREAT STRAIN. She made me fly very high :D DrGreenthu made it just perfect! We had great time there on canoe racing with that weed :joint: All the rest was great as well.

Thank you all you my friend for your kind words. Zygfryd went to the country for to to catch some mouses there hehe

Now it is the time for update from my guerilla grow :D

ErdPurT/Litzi Skunk x Erocket/Danish Passion i Hashberry x Erocket/Danish Passion:

Me and my plants :D (I'm over 190 cm high)


Bubba Kush S1 x Erocket/Danish Passion... I was wrong... It was a male... very huge male... About 3 meter today :badday:

Erocket x Danish Passion. She is flowering very nice now.

Nebula/LSD/SWT3 x Erocket/DanishPassion. I still don't know anything about the sex. I hope it is female...

B3N7xErdPurT :D She is 3 m high and very bushy. If it is female I'll have heavy harvest from this plant...

Root of the biggest plant this year. It was outmix from Plantator. 3,5 m high. But unfortunately a male. His sister just started to flower

I'm very happy from my grow this year. It is the best I ever had :jump: I'll end with 17-19 females :D

I gave high PK fertilizer today for all the plants. I hope for a heavy rain now (it is in forecasts :D) But without watering plants goes really very good on my spots.
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Great update grunwald :smile: we´ve been waiting for that my "greenheaded friend"... :laughing:


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