Hiya gog!
Thanks for the input!!! Nitrogen overdose - probably so, the curling developed after giving the CaMg+ - so in my impatience I probably gave too much too quickly, or stoner me dumped in tablespoon instead of teaspoon doses Probably should give them a good flush followed by a conservative feed, watcha think?
Hiya Leeroy! Thanks for stoppin by, I think they lined up to give ya a salute :wink:
Thanks for the input!!! Nitrogen overdose - probably so, the curling developed after giving the CaMg+ - so in my impatience I probably gave too much too quickly, or stoner me dumped in tablespoon instead of teaspoon doses Probably should give them a good flush followed by a conservative feed, watcha think?
Hiya Leeroy! Thanks for stoppin by, I think they lined up to give ya a salute :wink: