Please post that story in the CLS mistakes, failures, and malfunctions thread!!!! I'd love to see some photos too if you have them.
This is why he is claiming he doesn't use the pump in his system. He keeps bringing up and people keep claiming no fire has ever happened. Well it has. Its just some relevant proof that the appion shouldn't be used. He isnt talking out of his ass about that.
KVERY sorry if you thought I meant you. CC refers to ConnoisseurConc and the comments/attacks he has made.
CC has been making personal attacks on Grey Wolf and some others have been making personal attacks on the video women in the Mr Ext video. It would help the thread if everyone stopped this and we could stick the relevant facts and topics of the thread.
I corrected the post to read more clearly.
Grey Wolf I respect you and your work. In these years we have found ourselves on different sides of the same coin. This isn't going to be fun or pretty, but that's how it is. I want to answer every single question you have. Your going to have to answer mine, at least I would ask that you would. The problem with the format that you have provided is while I am answering one question, some one is responding to the last one multiplied by 50 and it becomes a mess. I will stick this out until we are somewhat satisfied, this would for sure become the never ending debate and we are both busy men.
Im going to start with the answer to a few of your questions all rolled into one.
I dislike public appearances. Ive been like this for a long time and it is mainly for the fact of being in the industry that we are in. In many companies the inventors stay in the lab, and the marketers and salesmen do their job. Same here. I have no desire to be in the lime light. Im not selling myself, but my product. I left that to the girls, because they enjoy it.
I realized that was not was was desired by the community. They want to see a male, and a person to represent the product. I will do this. This is my way of beginning this process. I will come here and answer any questions, even dumb ones about the color of the belt on the ladies as long as its presented in a civil way. Our next videos will have me in it. I wanted to make it about the product, and not me.
As to the ladies in the video. You have brought up some danger issues, which stem off into many directions. I feel that in all honesty you are not one to point the finger here, but thats just how it is.
Lets address the static issue. I will play devils advocate here for a moment. Lets say that Kendals dress was the most statically charge device in existence. She would be positively charged. The moment she reached out and touched the handle of the device to purge the oxygen, she would discharge onto the exterior of the device. The problem with your theory is that she would discharge as she touched the handle, a metal handle completely grounded to the device. Once she touches it she would be discharged. All this occurs in a millisecond,before the valve has a chance to be opened exposing the discharge to any gasses. Even if she opened it as fast as humanly possible, there is no possibility of the gasses beating the spark.
Point two: You don't need to evacuate all the oxygen in the system for it to function. When we purge the oxygen out, we do just that. The oxygen is not flammable in a relative sense compared to butane. We use butane's pressure to expel the oxygen up and out. What comes out is air, not butane. No one is suggesting you free flow butane into the atmosphere.
As far as being a pipe bomb, two thing would need to occur. It would need to be sealed, and there would need to be a spark introduced into it.
Devils advocate: I had a buddy who was a gas guy who worked with gas lines. He worked with it live and I always asked if it was safe. He explained that the problem is the accumulation of gasses in an area, not the pipe igniting. He then proceeded to light the gas line on fire which I thought was crazy. And it just shot a low flame out of it. Just like a torch, or lighter, co2 burner or fireplace.
In order for this to become a bomb a few things would have to happen. There would have to be the correct oxygen to fuel ratio. Not just oxygen in the system. A perfect ratio. There would also have to be an internal ignition source.
One: there will never be an internal ignition source. We do not run our solvent through electrical devices such as vac pumps and HVAC units. Fire rated or not, its plugged in.
Two: Static. I've explained this before but I will do so here again. When you are positively charged you cannot produce a shock between your two fingers because you are grounded to yourself. You are also not producing internal sparks the whole time. If the exterior of the device, when sealed, was exposed to a shock it could not produce an internal shock due to also being grounded to itself, just like your body. The spark would occur on the exterior, and have no relation to the oxygen levels inside the unit. There in no way for this device to ignite any more than a can or tank of butane.
There is a very simple fix for those that still want to vac the unit. We simply offer a stainless column with a 1/4 threaded npt port on the side of it. All the parts of the device are interchangeable. We currently have 4 column options. Extremely low cost, tube and ferrules, and you could vac the device all you like. You would also be able to put whatever vac fittings you have and not be held hostage by out $100 gas fitting we would use.
So let me understand this. Your going to tell me that GreyWolf has NEVER said that an appion is safe to use, yet has pictures of him using it all over his site. So what exactly is going on here then? But your going to sit here and berate me on a one second off gas of oxygen. When we have both been open blasting for ten years?Seriously. If you got a fire marshal to approve of a non fire rated Hvac pump to run butane you both had better take a serious look at your actions. Just because you can trick some unknowing fire marshal into something doesn't mean shit. I absolutely, positively, GUARANTEE that if you showed a fire marshal appions own documents about explosion and contamination issues and told him it was just because they were tired of rebuilding pumps he would look at you like you were straight full of shit. I mean its not like they repeated keep putting out documents very, VERY clearly telling you guys to stop doing this and telling you exactly why. That is one of the reasons I personally get so upset, because you guys just don't get it. You'll make every excuse in the book why this is ok and it is not. You speak for companies when you have no right to do so. When they speak you disregard it, and blow off their warnings. You tried to do it to me today. Lucky for me I work with that company and know exactly how they feel about the valves. And lucky for me I have personally spoken to the engineers at appion about this issue in the past and you sir are not correct on either statement.
You are wrong about leaching. Again, I work in an industry that may be a little too precise for this issue. PTFE leaches into butane.
lol dude you obviously dont know Graywolf, hes been using an explosion proof TRS21 recovery pump and advocating that this be the ONLY recovery pump, aside from a Haskel or Caresaver used for our purposes....These may have been used at one time, like many have.......But people learn, and people evolve.
ok im done lol
The question is has one been blown up in butane extraction service, and the link you provided clearly shows flammable substance X caught fire during refrigerant recovery from a home refrigerant system. Exciting but no explosion, though presumably indoors.
Still unknown but thought to be R290, or something equally high pressure, vis a vis low pressure n-Butane.
Nothing on ventilation or an identification of the source of the leak.
Sooner or later someone will, for one reason or another, but the issue is perspective. How likely is it to happen and if they have paid attention to adequate ventilation outdoors, how serious will an event be?
And to bring us full circle again. Does that in any way affect the list of issues I've identified above???
Yeah I honestly don't know much more about the subject. I came across the forum while searching for a proper pump to replace the one I currently use. I said it before and I'll say it again. I don't know where or what I'd be doing today if it wasn't for you. I wasn't trying to fuel CC's fire. I just read forum post and got pretty alarmed. Thanks for always taking the time to respond. You have no idea how much you have inspired me to continue my education!
You sure the TR21 is explosion proof?
Edit: I just found a link to the TRS21. Thanks! Didn't know about this pump!
Well. I have been in contact with the managers of one of the largest celebrities in the world, and definitely in the cannabis world. They have asked me to come to the Xgames in Colorado and present them with the first Mr. Extractor off the line. I think that I'm going to take some time off the internet and go handle that. Things like that can go either way and might not happen, but I'm going to do my best. I'm meeting with the owners of a major magazine tomorrow on the device. Also, in the demo today I received two sales on the larger units sight unseen based off of a demo of the little unit and the product it produces. I'm just getting a little too busy, and off track.
So I will try to get back to answer some questions when I have a moment but I need to focus on these priorities. But your questions are important and I will do my best to get back to you on them. Thanks for your time. I hope that you guys have a few things to talk about. Thanks for letting me speak my piece.