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"Mr extractor" discussion


Well-known member
spamming his business for free would be my guess...........

Hey Blazing, do you work for mr extractor by chance?


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
This is outrageous! You removed connoisseur concentrates post? Are you guys really that desperate to win a debate that you need to remove his posts? I can see that this thread is completely one sided. I was wrong about this site. Clearly everyone is able to dish out a abundance of insults and unsubstantiated claims about his product but arnt able to handle a little thrown back in their own direction. Nobody won or lost anything in this debate. But removing his input in this conversation makes this site and their administrators look just as bad as CC. For all I know he could of responded to everything and you guys just deleted it so gray wolf would appear to have won. This site is clearly NOT the place I want to get info from.

You seem to be new and in a hurry to be outraged my dear as well as seriously confused as to who removed the spam and who is carrying on the debate.

The spam erasers are IC Mag's neutral gate keepers who are charged with insuring sneaky rascals aren't ignoring the forum rules. They blocked a post I tried to make too!

I am the one pushing for resolution of the debate and do not work for IC Mag. I am a volunteer mentor, not a moderator.

There is an important distinction, which makes your reaction look uninformed at the very least, if you aren't actually associated with CC, which your join date would suggest that you are.

In such a hurry as to not only lose sight of who did it, but what was actually removed and the actual significance.

Not to mention the clearly published forum TOU regarding spamming by non advertizing vendors.

My unanswered questions remain, as does the non spamming portions of his dancing around and avoiding answering the questions.

Clearly no one has won anything, and the issue remains unresolved, because Drew withdrew.

If you've read them, then you know that the questions are not about Drew or Graywolf, they are about specific issues that I suggest you should personally know the answers to if you want the truth.

What can they hurt if he is legitimate and they are invalid?

If you have issues with the questions, or the reasonableness of them, feel free to express those specifically, but please don't expect respect stamping your feet and declaring the leading international cannabis forum biased and rigged because your champion isn't able to play games at will.

As a tongue in cheek after thought, if you believe such an off-in-asnoot act carries weight on this technical forum, and haven't figured out what is going on with CC by now anyway, you are most likely wasting your time here.
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This whole thread is full of negative vibes. I will "cool my jets" and wait for the site admin to explain the situation. I am not interested in making fun of anyone. That's what losers do.
You seem to be new and in a hurry to be outraged my dear as well as seriously confused as to who removed the spam and who is carrying on the debate.

The spam erasers are IC Mag's neutral gate keepers who are charged with insuring sneaky rascals aren't ignoring the forum rules. They blocked a post I tried to make too!

I am the one pushing for resolution of the debate and do not work for IC Mag. I am a volunteer mentor, not a moderator.

There is an important distinction, which makes your reaction look uninformed at the very least, if you aren't actually associated with CC, which your join date would suggest that you are.

In such a hurry as to not only lose sight of who did it, but what was actually removed and the actual significance.

Not to mention the clearly published forum TOU regarding spamming by non advertizing vendors.

My unanswered questions remain, as does the non spamming portions of his dancing around and avoiding answering the questions.

Clearly no one has won anything, and the issue remains unresolved, because Drew withdrew.

If you've read them, then you know that the questions are not about Drew or Graywolf, they are about specific issues that I suggest you should personally know the answers to if you want the truth.

What can they hurt if he is legitimate and they are invalid?

If you have issues with the questions, or the reasonableness of them, feel free to express those specifically, but please don't expect respect stamping your feet and declaring the leading international cannabis forum biased and rigged because your champion isn't able to play games at will.

As a tongue in cheek after thought, if you believe such an off-in-asnoot act carries weight on this technical forum, and haven't figured out what is going on with CC by now anyway, you are most likely wasting your time here.

If you are the community leader, as everyone has implied, then I will respect that. But you need to realize that I am new to this site and I don't know who is who and I am learning. If you read back you will find a post where I complimented you. I personally am not offended that CC was asking questions about your integrity and value of safety for other human beings. i believe that gaining that knowledge helps me decide who to listen to when I need advice.

Please don't imply that I am affiliated with CC. My comments had nothing to do with supporting him and everything to do with this site and how it is ran. It is very sad that you feel the need to make that sort of reference. People follow and act like you on here and you should set a good example.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
This whole thread is full of negative vibes. I will "cool my jets" and wait for the site admin to explain the situation. I am not interested in making fun of anyone. That's what losers do.

Yes it is and some would argue it started when Drew poisoned the well.

Some would also argue that anyone not expecting repercussions, would be simple minded.

Some also expect special treatment beyond the TOU that the rest of us get to read, which they may or may not get.

I agree that losers make fun of people, but not sure exactly who is making fun of anyone. Did we miss something?

For a moment forget that there is conflict here and look at the list of questions.

Do you think it is important that the device meet ANSI/ASME pressure vessel codes? Where are the stamped prints and component list?

For your information, I posted mine on this forum.

Do you think it is important that a supplier of such devices should carry adequate product liability, to insure they don't just fold and run in the face of a claim?

Do you think the opinion of the fire marshal should carry any weight as far as the safety of Drew's device is concerned. Is there any reason to not run it, or the demonstration video by the local fire marshal?

Looking at the list of differences that I posted between passive and active systems, does the passive really seem as much safer as presented by Drew?

Are there any that are untrue?

Please don't let the simple need to clarify those points get confused by hoopla and fanfaronade.

They are simple direct questions, and brothers and sisters lives and well being are in the balance.

Also good to keep in perspective, this is a technical forum, not a social feel good media like Facebook, and the rules are different.

Facebook gives extra points for marketing, and technical forums find Madison Avenue repugnant and ask for supporting data.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It is very sad that you feel the need to make that sort of reference. People follow and act like you on here and you should set a good example.

Who defines and judges a good example? You?

And what if I acted like you just did, and flew off the handle without having a clue what the facts were?

We are talking about peoples safety and lives, not your fragile feelings.
Yes it is and some would argue it started when Drew poisoned the well.

Some would also argue that anyone not expecting repercussions, would be simple minded.

Some also expect special treatment beyond the TOU that the rest of us get to read, which they may or may not get.

I agree that losers make fun of people, but not sure exactly who is making fun of anyone. Did we miss something?

For a moment forget that there is conflict here and look at the list of questions.

Do you think it is important that the device meet ANSI/ASME pressure vessel codes? Where are the stamped prints and component list?

For your information, I posted mine on this forum.

Do you think it is important that a supplier of such devices should carry adequate product liability, to insure they don't just fold and run in the face of a claim?

Do you think the opinion of the fire marshal should carry any weight as far as the safety of Drew's device is concerned. Is there any reason to not run it, or the demonstration video by the local fire marshal?

Looking at the list of differences that I posted between passive and active systems, does the passive really seem as much safer as presented by Drew?

Are there any that are untrue?

Please don't let the simple need to clarify those points get confused by hoopla and fanfaronade.

They are simple direct questions, and brothers and sisters lives and well being are in the balance.

Also good to keep in perspective, this is a technical forum, not a social feel good media like Facebook, and the rules are different.

Facebook gives extra points for marketing, and technical forums find Madison Avenue repugnant and ask for supporting data.

I agree. I would like to hear the answers to any and all questions that are listed above in your questions.

CC's post was erased so I am going off of memory.... What I read was that he would be back when he had time to sit down and do it. If he is not back in a reasonable amount of time then I will guess that he has no intention of answering or is not able to answer the technical questions.

As far as making fun of someone I was referring to a different members post - Krunchbubblle....... he said to Chillout and laugh at the cat.
Who defines and judges a good example? You?

And what if I acted like you just did, and flew off the handle without having a clue what the facts were?

We are talking about peoples safety and lives, not your fragile feelings.

I think every individual judges and defines who they think are good examples. This is MY opinion and thats all it is a opinion. If you disagree that is fine there is no need for debate.

I don't feel that I flew off the handle, I read the post saying that admin cleaned everything up and since I have posted you have told me that I was correct and the admin cleaned up the site. Are you suggesting to me that they removed every post of his because they all broke the rules of this site? I am not trying to be rude to you by saying that.

I agree and once again say that I would like to hear the answers to all of the questions. Safety is important.


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Have you guys even read through the entire Mr. Extractor website?

You did read my gripes about the compression fittings on the return line ball valve seen in the videos? You did read Drew stating they were up to supporting the upper storage tank? Well they didn't at one time use compression fittings, I hope they don't mind if I post a couple of pics from their Galleries/Fabrication page, no compression fittings, and the top entry point is welded.

Also, a point he wouldn't explain is how to dispose of the butane from the storage tank, no mention at the site I could find, but there is the following quote from the "Operational Parameters," so they're insisting it must be emptied unless you're going to store it in your back yard, yeah right...

"Do not store him in an enclosed space. If you must, make sure there is no butane in the device.

Again, while he will probably never leak always error on the side of caution. Butane is a dangerous gas when it accumulates in an enclosed area. People love to set him on their desk. We do. While he’s empty."


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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I think every individual judges and defines who they think are good examples. This is MY opinion and thats all it is a opinion. If you disagree that is fine there is no need for debate.

I don't feel that I flew off the handle, I read the post saying that admin cleaned everything up and since I have posted you have told me that I was correct and the admin cleaned up the site. Are you suggesting to me that they removed every post of his because they all broke the rules of this site? I am not trying to be rude to you by saying that.

I agree and once again say that I would like to hear the answers to all of the questions. Safety is important.

The situation may be changing beyond just deleted spam. I went through and noted that all of Drews direct posts are now indeed deleted.

I also agree the answers to the questions are important, so I will move the discussion elsewhere.

PS: You can still read all of Drew's posts that anyone responded to, and see both unedited sides of the conversation.
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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
As far as making fun of someone I was referring to a different members post - Krunchbubblle....... he said to Chillout and laugh at the cat.

I was making fun of someone by saying chillout and laugh at the cat I posted? Whats going on here, did I miss something?

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
I think being able to vacuum a system down to remove the fumes before opening after a run is super important. Material soaked in butane and a tanks full of fumes are way too dangerous. Static is a real issue here and will start fires.

CC was right that if a person is going to discharge, it will be when they touch the machine. A few dozen milligrams of butane in air from opening the bottom or bleeding air are not going to present a hazard even in a freezer. I also dispute the danger of material soaked with flammables, since I work with such spent things all the time.

You aren't freaking over all the consumer goods which use flammable gases as propellants or flammable solvents, are you? Those manufacturers don't seem too concerned, and neither are chemists in labs, working with flammable solvents all day long. You know diethyl ether - super prone to exploding - comes in metal cans?

At work, hundreds of gallons of flammable solvents are vented into the air per hour, with no precautions against static, because no explosive level is reached. Barrels of flammable solvents are grounded because fire code says so, but that is all. When tankers transfer solvent to our tanks, there is no precaution against static at any time.

Refrigerants other than ammonia aren't flammable, but the release of most of them to atmosphere is tightly regulated, except when purging air - in which case it's completely professional.

Adding the butane is the most dangerous part of the whole bit.

I don't see how responding to this thread is spam, or how this thread is good for his business. CC should have the right to do so. The hating continues.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
CC was right that if a person is going to discharge, it will be when they touch the machine.

Have you ever pulled a synthetic garment over your head in the dark and notice the discharges from one spot on the material to the other? Everything is bonded to a common ground, yet there is the spark!

Again, ask your favorite fire marshal or read NFPA 77 if you question what the experts think about it.

A few dozen milligrams of butane in air from opening the bottom or bleeding air are not going to present a hazard even in a freezer.

So, let's look at that theory in more detail. Are you saying that the volume of butane in the glass tube wouldn't be an issue if ignited?

How about the tank below that would be open to the glass tube during venting?

I also dispute the danger of material soaked with flammables, since I work with such spent things all the time.

Do I understand that you are arguing that an open tube of butane soaked plant material is not an issue of safety concern?

You aren't freaking over all the consumer goods which use flammable gases as propellants or flammable solvents, are you? Those manufacturers don't seem too concerned, and neither are chemists in labs, working with flammable solvents all day long. You know diethyl ether - super prone to exploding - comes in metal cans?

At work, hundreds of gallons of flammable solvents are vented into the air per hour, with no precautions against static, because no explosive level is reached. Barrels of flammable solvents are grounded because fire code says so, but that is all. When tankers transfer solvent to our tanks, there is no precaution against static at any time.

Refrigerants other than ammonia aren't flammable, but the release of most of them to atmosphere is tightly regulated, except when purging air - in which case it's completely professional.

Adding the butane is the most dangerous part of the whole bit.

I don't see how responding to this thread is spam, or how this thread is good for his business. CC should have the right to do so. The hating continues.

I'm confident that you are not going to find a fire marshal that will endorse mixing the butane and air in the tank for starters, or one comfortable with opening a tube full of butane, as well as plant material soaked with it period.

There is a reason they wrote NFPA 77 about static electricity, which is self explanatory if you will read it before continuing this conversation.

I get it that you are convinced you are right, so how about we agree to let a fire marshal decide how safe it is. That is what the active system suppliers have to do for commercial use.

Do you see any difference?
I was making fun of someone by saying chillout and laugh at the cat I posted? Whats going on here, did I miss something?
Please accept my apology. I just misinterpreted what you said. I hear people refer to people in slang and they say "cat" lol when referring to men. I thought you were referring to connoisseur concentrates.


I love my life
CC was right that if a person is going to discharge, it will be when they touch the machine. A few dozen milligrams of butane in air from opening the bottom or bleeding air are not going to present a hazard even in a freezer. I also dispute the danger of material soaked with flammables, since I work with such spent things all the time.

You aren't freaking over all the consumer goods which use flammable gases as propellants or flammable solvents, are you? Those manufacturers don't seem too concerned, and neither are chemists in labs, working with flammable solvents all day long. You know diethyl ether - super prone to exploding - comes in metal cans?

At work, hundreds of gallons of flammable solvents are vented into the air per hour, with no precautions against static, because no explosive level is reached. Barrels of flammable solvents are grounded because fire code says so, but that is all. When tankers transfer solvent to our tanks, there is no precaution against static at any time.

Refrigerants other than ammonia aren't flammable, but the release of most of them to atmosphere is tightly regulated, except when purging air - in which case it's completely professional.

Adding the butane is the most dangerous part of the whole bit.

I don't see how responding to this thread is spam, or how this thread is good for his business. CC should have the right to do so. The hating continues.

Don't freezers blow out all the time when BHOtards purge in them?

This passive system, doesn't use a pump so the contents poured out are similar to open blasted placed in the freezer. I am not personally that freaked out about apions or synthetic fabric (because I pull a nice vac before opening my system).

In lots of places they warn you about static at gas pumps, I guess there are some number of fires each year. I still talk on the cell phone and use metal gas cans, doesn't mean that is the smartest or safest...

This CC guy has taken good free advice about fixing compression fittings, and will no doubt improve his design based on this thread.

It is just laughable to think about all the money that is being spent claiming to invent and patent prior art.

My guess is none of his rambling retort dealt with my assertion that any off the shelf closed loop active system could be used passively (ball valves, ball valves, heat exchangers, and new wave cook tops...)

This group is actively sharing ideas that this guy claims to be inventing.... Piecing together stainless steel in a specific way is interesting and fun, not something I see as patent-able.



There are FOUR lights!
That makes no sense whatsoever!!! Please explain how removing parts of this tread is a ok thing to do? You all are unbelievable!!!

He may have crossed the boundary of giving out info about his product to Promoting/Advertising his product
without paying like the other vendors do.
He may have crossed the boundary of giving out info about his product to Promoting/Advertising his product
without paying like the other vendors do.

That is ironic considering the majority of people on this thread are complaining about the fact that connoisseur concentrates won't answer their questions

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
That is ironic considering the majority of people on this thread are complaining about the fact that connoisseur concentrates won't answer their questions

More like he didn't when given the opportunity and then left.
Tech Note: Metal cans and pails are the correct things to use when using flammable liquids. They should be bonded to prevent sparks.

The issue at the gas pump is to not leave the can sitting in a vehicle when filling. Plastic gas cans are rated for outdoor use and have a small conductive ability. For indoor use bonded metal is the only thing that passes NFPA 30 (10 years ago).

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