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"Mr extractor" discussion


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
GW, "How about those of us building competitive systems that are using pumps and equipment that are certified for the purpose."

CC, "Good, a right step in the wrong direction. Eventually this industry will follow all the others in the same field of high purity medical grade gas transfer, and they are all passive."

The Haskel pump is out there, kicking but, and safe, cheap recovery pumps are on their way, you're blind.
I can't believe how many of you have picked a side and stuck with it, it's OK to admit when you were wrong, we're all learning still. Both garywolf and CC have made some good points, but CC is hardly being destroyed.

Graywolf and some of you others are debating in a rather dirty fashion and its cool to see CC not responding in kind.

Would love to see rebuttal from graywolf on the points CC had made.


I love my life
I can't believe how many of you have picked a side and stuck with it, it's OK to admit when you were wrong, we're all learning still. Both garywolf and CC have made some good points, but CC is hardly being destroyed.

Graywolf and some of you others are debating in a rather dirty fashion and its cool to see CC not responding in kind.

Would love to see rebuttal from graywolf on the points CC had made.

A 6500 system that we could all piece together for less than 1K (links all over threads in this forum of suppliers of SS parts).

For heavens sake why don't you personally open a thread and show us how awesome the system is.

As of right now I have an interested in building a passive system as something to do and potentially beneficial for over night use (set it and forget it like a coffee maker).

I have no desire to rip off the 6.5K system, but I'd love to have a more active PASSIVE section in this forum.

The proof is in the pudding as they say, and I'm confused as to how one creates a large and stable muffin (as cc posted), without a vac pump???

Anyway some satisfied user in a med state must be willing to start a thread of their success and satisfaction, no????

It doesn't take much to get anyone in this forum to spend 1,000 on parts and play with trim, just give us a reason ;)



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Even if I shared them you couldnt legally design the same system. To be clear they are in the patent process, but still legally protected. This includes the sight glass on the tank, the overall design of the system, and a lot of stuff not listed and stuff you have not yet seen on this simplified version. Our patents cover 4 different types of machines, and not just scaled up versions of this one.

If you build your own I'm sure we wont say anything but good stuff. I think we will only go after companies and groups that sell or distribute devices that infringe on our patents.

This whole extraction market is based on FREE designs with GreyWolf pioneering the whole thing.

In my humble opinion Drew. I would stay away from MEP’s that have 30K pumps laying around because of a design flaw. Or I certainly wouldn't be handing out their resume.
I see sex, lies & video tape…..Yawn!!!! I suppose it’s a nice story. Just so you know. When you imply my father is responsible for your bad business decisions & hurting the community. I take that personal!
You whine about how dirty a (non rated) recovery pump is to rebuild, yet you knew it wasn't rated & still “SOLD” it with a clear conscience. You were given a gift & did no more research on legal/safe alternatives. Shame on you Drew whatever.
What this industry lacks is professionalism. If you can’t sell your unit based on its merits, this particular crowd here will expose you for that.
Wonder if the home book network has a thread you can sell your lil stories?


I love my life
Right off the top of my head I think the BHOgart I work with could function as a passive system.

(1) set up system with 4"x48" column (appx 1.1kg material)

(2) Connect room temp solvent tank to IC69 heat ex-changer

(3) Connect IC69 heat ex-changer to top of 48" column

(4) VACUUM entire system to -29.5"Hg

(5) Chill IC69 to -50f and flood with solvent

(6) Flood 48" column with ball valve open

(7) close ball valve when solvent pools to desired level in collection pot.

(8) Soak for X.xx min with IC69 and liquid solvent line open, dump valve closed

(9) close room temp liquid solvent line

(10) Open dump valve

(11) Heat collection chamber (12" spool with 48" column attached) with new wave cook top (works great with SS and temp controls as low as 100F)

(12) Connect IC69 heat exchanger #2 to the 12" collection pot

(13) Vac IC69 #2 and line to the collection pot to -29.5"

(14) Connect IC69#2 to recovery tank vapor line

(15) Temp control IC69#2 to deal with inbound vapor from collection pot at 100F

(16) Temp Control recovery tank as needed to accommodate inbound vapor from IC69#2

(17) Open vapor port on recovery tank, collection pot and IC69#2

(18) Watch as the 100f hot plate evaporates all the solvent

(19) When system pressure = 0 and IC69#2 and recovery tank are at proper temp to have recovered all liquid, close all ball valves to IC69#2 and recovert tank, and collection pot.

(20) Evac to atmosphere with a vac pump or recover with a recovery pump as one chooses (but this is the last of the last of vapor and the system has sat over night..., so I'd dump to atmosphere).

(21) Pour off onto vac oven shelves at desired consistency (10"Hg- XX.x"Hg)

(22) Vac shelves to muffin

(23) Purge all shelves XX hours at YY.Y*F

(24) Enjoy amazing product.

That would be a single pass of 12lbs of so of solvent through my 1.1kg of material, at the crio temps I like. And injecting with the system at Vac to start (I can always heat pressure assist if need be).

I am pretty sure the BHOgart that I have modded up with all kinds of T's, Crosses, and ball valves could extract as I described. I'll set it up for an overnight experiment. I don't like running the pumps at night anyway...

I don't see why my yield would be any different than any of my other single pass 1.1kg runs.

We'll see.

So far ConnoisseurConc had time for walls of double talk but no real time spent with the substance of any questions.

This thread should get locked for the waste of time it has become.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I appreciate your response and in the effort of continuing to answer further questions I will simply take what I gather form your response and not question it until its my turn.

What I take from your response is for years you had a policy of
"Look what Im doing! Its dangerous, so don't do it, but this is exactly how you do it. Here are some actual detailed blueprints but dont do it ok? Since I'm not selling it its ok, and I have no responsibility If you hurt yourself coping me."

This is how you drive a car, they can be dangerous.

How many folks have been maimed and killed in autos since I introduced my recycle system?

How many folks weren't blown up because they were using recycle instead of blasting?

How many cancer patient lives were saved because of the sudden increased oil concentrate supply?

How much ground level fog was not there because less folks are open blasting.

Where does perspective come into play? Just how prone to explosion are Appions running butane?

The answer is that actual risk is low, or I and other engineers qualified by training and experience wouldn't be using it.

The amount of butane vented is normally zero, and if it does start to leak, the rate is not fast enough to accumulate to explosive levels in the rapidly moving air stream.

Certainly nothing to be ignored, and if I worked for Appion, I would have written a similar letter for liability reasons.

By the same token nothing to justify your Chicken Little act.

In perspective, the risk is far less than driving to the store to pick up the butane.

How extensive are the leaks, if they do leak?

Very small, because they are what is leaking past the piston seal, which is tightly sqeezed into the cylinder and leaves little open space, normally none.

How many have blown up?

None to date.

Your teachings have spawned countless copy cats. I can go to my local grow shop today and buy an extractor coupled with an appion, and I know it was directly from your years of showing the community how to do this.

It is a matter of public record that any number of people have copied the Terpenator design and not everyone selling recycle equipment is trustworthy. Sort of the topic of this conversation, isn't it?

It is also a matter of reading the forums I've posted on, including our own blog, which takes those people to task who are telling the public that Appion's are rated for flammable hydrocarbons.

Note the article entitled Caveat Emptor on our home page:

You talk a lot about educating people and offering me guidance. I can plainly see that the teachings you have offered include statements such as:

I sell no devices. I have sold no devices.

No, I've always told folks they were not NEMA 7 explosion proof rated.

A leaking piston seal vents small quantities of butane, which if ignited would more closely resemble a bunsen burner than a conflagration like your butane filled borosilicate tube open at the top, if ignited by a spark.

I've used Appions extensively, because they work, but have never recommended them beyond reporting the extent to which they work compared to others, and repeatedly noting that they aren't NEMA 7.

Your own followers report the following:
Ive torn apart tons of g5's and never seen anything degrading, just machines covered in BHO.

For years you taught people how to incorporate leaky non fire rated devices that get covered in oil because it "worked". They looked at all of your pictures and saw you using the. You recommended the damn thing to me and you are lying flat out.

Calling me a liar certainly unsheaths your sword, but make sure you grab it by the right end.

What I am saying about my actions is a matter of public record and easily confirmed. What will that do for your reputation once any interest folks have done so?

People look to you for answers on what to do when building and operating their own extraction machines. You taught them faulty tech and methods and hid behind saying the above nonsense. Slick. I'm saying that you are still doing it now by discrediting an alternative. You have taken the stance that because you don't profit from your words you have no responsibility in your previous actions. Actions that have shaped todays extraction community.

Yup, people do look to me for answers, and overwhelm my inboxes with questions. Ostensibly because I continue to provide information that works for them and ask for nothing in return.

With that comes the responsibility of continuing to provide them with truthful information to the best of my ability. That is why I have taken your actions and statements to task.

I am actually buried in mail right now and am falling further behind carrying on this conversation.

You want to take all the positive credit for your doings and none of the responsibility your nonproft implications of how you "do dangerous things, but dont do what I do, I'm just saying its possible" has shaped the community".

Ill take time to answer the questions I can gather from all of the previous posts.

Actually I have already done what I started out to do, which was to teach patients to grow, extract, and formulate their own medication, which was not readily available to them in 2005, so they were being jerked around by certain unscrupulous characters just after their money.

The secondary agenda was to send copious excited patients running through the streets and to the voting polls with first hand knowledge, so that they could no longer be lied to about the effectiveness of medical marijuana by unscrupulous characters in our own goverment.

I added recycle when I realized the need, and donated that to public domain, including the Lil Terp.

My success at my undertakings is an open book, which I am not currently writing to take credit for, but to point out how fragile your argument is and where you are taking this to save face.


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
So let me understand this. Your going to tell me that GreyWolf has NEVER said that an appion is safe to use, yet has pictures of him using it all over his site. So what exactly is going on here then?

The verbiage on the site explains what is going on, but I don't see it recommending an Appion or telling anyone it is NEMA 7. I infer that you didn't post the link because it didn't support your argument, so here it is for anyone seeking truth.


But your going to sit here and berate me on a one second off gas of oxygen. When we have both been open blasting for ten years?Seriously.

Let those with ears hear.

Show us your approval document from Multnomah or Clackamas County fire marshal for your videoed procedure inside an enclosure, venting butane air mixture, and wearing synthetic garments

If you got a fire marshal to approve of a non fire rated Hvac pump to run butane you both had better take a serious look at your actions. Just because you can trick some unknowing fire marshal into something doesn't mean shit. I absolutely, positively, GUARANTEE that if you showed a fire marshal appions own documents about explosion and contamination issues and told him it was just because they were tired of rebuilding pumps he would look at you like you were straight full of shit.

Who do we know of that is trying to get an Appion by a fire marshal and what fire marshal was dumb enough to sigh off?

Making up fairy tale scenarios in the sky doesn't have anything to do with current reality, nor does it change the fact that you have a public video demonstrating your lack of concern for safety.

If you will mail me a copy, I will run it by our local fire marshal for you and publish the results on this forum, so we have a third party opinion.

I mean its not like they repeated keep putting out documents very, VERY clearly telling you guys to stop doing this and telling you exactly why. That is one of the reasons I personally get so upset, because you guys just don't get it. You'll make every excuse in the book why this is ok and it is not. You speak for companies when you have no right to do so. When they speak you disregard it, and blow off their warnings. You tried to do it to me today. Lucky for me I work with that company and know exactly how they feel about the valves. And lucky for me I have personally spoken to the engineers at appion about this issue in the past and you sir are not correct on either statement.

Ah, the informed voice plaudit. Lots of us talked to Appion's engineers.

You are wrong about leaching. Again, I work in an industry that may be a little too precise for this issue.

OH, so now your level of precision exceeds ours to the point that you have to talk down to us?

PTFE leaches into butane. The engineer I am working with is currently working on this for a larger company, and their issue is getting PTFE contamination to under 5 parts per billion.

Let us get this straight so we might all savor it. You are telling us that the butane passing through the Appion is picking up more than 5ppb from the piston seals???????

Would you please post the source of that information from a reliable source, as it flies in the face of published corrosion data?

Butane is a simple saturated alkane with a dielectric constant close to zero at 1.34. How does it chemicaly attack something like PTFE?


If not chemically, how about wear? How long would it last at the wear rate you have just shared?

I have been repeatedly told I need to swap out the PTFE gaskets in our valves by the engineers that manufacture the valves, the same valves they test to the parts per billion for the semiconductor industry. Whatever you may hear or find on google, this is real industry application, not your buddies cut and paste thread. Point is that the crap gaskets found in HVAC units are a far cry from PTFE.

Please share with us what you swapped your PTFE gaskets in your valves for brother CC.

Are you talking about the orings on three piece valves, or the valve seats?

When you have to rebuild that thing, where do you think the missing part of the gaskets went? It got thinner, do you think it just disappeared?

You seem to be experience more valve wear that I do brother, but the valves that I use have polished balls, rubbing against PTFE, which gives it a coefficient of friction close to zip. What are you using?

Where I think the PFTE ends up is in the filter, because it is non soluble in the butane and we filter our extracts.

Where do the particles from the valve seats that you use end up and what are they composed of?

Your system is sealed isn't it? That means it has absolutely nowhere to go but into the only thing you remove from the system, the oil your smoking. I don't see filters on the outgoing lines of your pumps, you just put them on the intake to keep oil and moisture out. Even if you put filters on the inlet and the outlet ports you still have off plastic gassing off from heat and friction going into the extraction.

Your filters still get clogged. You still have to rebuild pumps. You still have high pressures. Why the hell would you want to do all that?

You're absolutely right, no one in their right mind would, which is why we don't do what you just fancifully created, seemingly because your plagerized product can't compete with them other wise.

It pains me to disagree with Greywolf. I love that guy.

Even Graywolf's mother doesn't like him, as he is no saint and fabricating untruths against him is a poor way of showing adoration and affection.

As you may recall, most of my followers show affection with hugs.

Life sucks sometimes. I'm not happy. I wish things would have been a little more civil to begin with. He is no doubt writing the worlds best rebuttal and I'm going to get it tomorrow. But the facts are facts. This is a call each other out and put the cards on the table situation. Extracting is dangerous. My machine is not perfect. Nor am I. You will find flaws in me, and my device. But I will come here and stand up for it and answer your questions. And I will say my piece in why using pumps is wrong.

I put up pics of my years old extractor too. Pick it apart. If your cool with greywolf advocating the dangers of recommending a nonflame rated contaminating device for you to use, you should be happy with me advocating mine. And for the record I specifically do not advocate running my machine indoors. Maybe you have forget the places I have been when you say who has advocated and does what. Get over yourself and understand shooting videos is done inside in the winter.

What you demonstrated is not acceptable under any circumstances. That you don't get that, and continue to try to defend it, speaks volumes about your character.

If your going to seriously stand here and tell me a one second burst of air inside is what you pros are all bunched up about you should think twice about what other people think when they read this. Half the planet still open blasts and sees through this nonsense.

We are obviously not going to tell you anything, and we already have told you what our concerns are.

You use hyperbole like water bro! Aren't there some facts you could use?

For instance, I'm banking that half the planet doesn't have a clue about BHO extraction, so you just made that up.

I am also banking that you haven't bothered to read:



You get more butane fumes removing your column and opening your recovery chamber then you ever will from our offgas.

It just requires enough to flash and burn the operator.

You keep repeating the column removal mantra like it were true, without addressing that the rest of us actually vacuum off the remaining butane to below explosive limits and some backfill with nitrogen.

Why do you continue to ignore that and harp on a hazard that exists with your design when properly used, but not properly used powered designs? Seems like you are shooting yourself in the foot

First line of Operational Parameters from MrExtractor.com:
Only operate Mr. Extractor outdoors.

It doesn’t matter if we do it inside, we are showing you how NOT to do it. Explosion hazards come from gasses igniting in an enclosed space, like being inside. Even tents can explode. Any place that gasses can accumulate is dangerous. Again: outside, and in an open area.

I'm having a hard time grasping you endangering your women folk to make an indoor video of unsafe practices not to follow.

As a side note, I actually have pictures of the degradation inside of the device. Ill throw them up.

View Image
View Image

No doubt!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
So let me understand this. Your going to tell me that GreyWolf has NEVER said that an appion is safe to use, yet has pictures of him using it all over his site. So what exactly is going on here then? But your going to sit here and berate me on a one second off gas of oxygen. When we have both been open blasting for ten years?Seriously. If you got a fire marshal to approve of a non fire rated Hvac pump to run butane you both had better take a serious look at your actions. Just because you can trick some unknowing fire marshal into something doesn't mean shit. I absolutely, positively, GUARANTEE that if you showed a fire marshal appions own documents about explosion and contamination issues and told him it was just because they were tired of rebuilding pumps he would look at you like you were straight full of shit. I mean its not like they repeated keep putting out documents very, VERY clearly telling you guys to stop doing this and telling you exactly why. That is one of the reasons I personally get so upset, because you guys just don't get it. You'll make every excuse in the book why this is ok and it is not. You speak for companies when you have no right to do so. When they speak you disregard it, and blow off their warnings. You tried to do it to me today. Lucky for me I work with that company and know exactly how they feel about the valves. And lucky for me I have personally spoken to the engineers at appion about this issue in the past and you sir are not correct on either statement.

You are wrong about leaching. Again, I work in an industry that may be a little too precise for this issue. PTFE leaches into butane. The engineer I am working with is currently working on this for a larger company, and their issue is getting PTFE contamination to under 5 parts per billion. I have been repeatedly told I need to swap out the PTFE gaskets in our valves by the engineers that manufacture the valves, the same valves they test to the parts per billion for the semiconductor industry. Whatever you may hear or find on google, this is real industry application, not your buddies cut and paste thread. Point is that the crap gaskets found in HVAC units are a far cry from PTFE.

When you have to rebuild that thing, where do you think the missing part of the gaskets went? It got thinner, do you think it just disappeared? Your system is sealed isn't it? That means it has absolutely nowhere to go but into the only thing you remove from the system, the oil your smoking. I don't see filters on the outgoing lines of your pumps, you just put them on the intake to keep oil and moisture out. Even if you put filters on the inlet and the outlet ports you still have off plastic gassing off from heat and friction going into the extraction. Your filters still get clogged. You still have to rebuild pumps. You still have high pressures. Why the hell would you want to do all that?

It pains me to disagree with Greywolf. I love that guy. Life sucks sometimes. I'm not happy. I wish things would have been a little more civil to begin with. He is no doubt writing the worlds best rebuttal and I'm going to get it tomorrow. But the facts are facts. This is a call each other out and put the cards on the table situation. Extracting is dangerous. My machine is not perfect. Nor am I. You will find flaws in me, and my device. But I will come here and stand up for it and answer your questions. And I will say my piece in why using pumps is wrong.

I put up pics of my years old extractor too. Pick it apart. If your cool with greywolf advocating the dangers of recommending a nonflame rated contaminating device for you to use, you should be happy with me advocating mine. And for the record I specifically do not advocate running my machine indoors. Maybe you have forget the places I have been when you say who has advocated and does what. Get over yourself and understand shooting videos is done inside in the winter. If your going to seriously stand here and tell me a one second burst of air inside is what you pros are all bunched up about you should think twice about what other people think when they read this. Half the planet still open blasts and sees through this nonsense. You get more butane fumes removing your column and opening your recovery chamber then you ever will from our offgas.

First line of Operational Parameters from MrExtractor.com:
Only operate Mr. Extractor outdoors.

It doesn’t matter if we do it inside, we are showing you how NOT to do it. Explosion hazards come from gasses igniting in an enclosed space, like being inside. Even tents can explode. Any place that gasses can accumulate is dangerous. Again: outside, and in an open area.

As a side note, I actually have pictures of the degradation inside of the device. Ill throw them up.

http://s801.photobucket.com/user/co...xposedtoextractionfluids_zps0514dd9e.jpg.htmlView Image
http://s801.photobucket.com/user/co...eroxidesandotherresidues_zps0a5fe319.jpg.htmlView Image

Your pictures appear to show an Appion that has been used to recover a corrosive refrigerant.

Never in rebuilding our own Appion's, TR-21's, Pro Max, or Haskels have we seen it, nor have any of the other Appions users that I am aware of, so reject your pictures with out further explaination.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It appears to me that this thread is being derailed to shift the focus from CC's unsafe video and marketing practices, to the Appion recovery pump, which as most of the denizens of this forum know haven't been the pump of resort for some time.

It also appears I have become the focus by CC.

I'm going to start a Graywolf is a raving A hole thread, so that we can set aside the recrimination that evade the questions part.

Feel free to contribute, and take a good dump, so that we might return to the core matter.

CC, if I run your video by Nate, the Multnomah County fire marshal for you, will you accept his opinion?

PS: While I thought a dump on Graywolf reference thread would be handy to refer to, seemingly my enthusiasm at the solution wasn't shared.

May we get back on track?
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Well. I have been in contact with the managers of one of the largest celebrities in the world, and definitely in the cannabis world. They have asked me to come to the Xgames in Colorado and present them with the first Mr. Extractor off the line. I think that I'm going to take some time off the internet and go handle that. Things like that can go either way and might not happen, but I'm going to do my best. I'm meeting with the owners of a major magazine tomorrow on the device. Also, in the demo today I received two sales on the larger units sight unseen based off of a demo of the little unit and the product it produces. I'm just getting a little too busy, and off track.

This guy will do well at the Aspen x-games, his time will be much better spent there selling his product to dumb young snowboarders, I know allot of these trust funders, more money than brains.
I can see it now: Look at this extractor bro so sick lets go use it inside our condo like the video I saw, I even read that's how you do extracts when its winter and cold outside..lol..

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
All things being equal, the title of this thread is Mr. Extractor discussion. Since I was unable to open a Graywolf discussion thread to handle my miserable failings as a separate issue, may we agree to first address the issues germane to this thread?

It doesn't matter if I and the rest of the extraction community are miscreants, raping mothers and bayoneting babies, the discussion is about Mr Extractor.

Absolutely nothing that any of us has done, had any effect on production of the video, so I nor anyone else's request for a straight answer, shouldn't affect that answer if it is a straight answer.

Let me start out by saying that CC is presenting his system as superior and safer.

Please respond to the following observations that I posted on another thread asking about some of the differences between passive and active systems.

A passive system relies on temperature differences to transfer the butane from one tank to the other, while an active system can use temperature differences, but they are enhanced with a vacuum recovery pump.

1.0 The pumped system is considerably faster.

2.0 The pumped system evacuates the oxygen before injecting butane, so that there is never an explosive mixture.

2.1 Since it uses no vacuum, the passive system mixes the butane with atmosphere as it is injected and floats the explosive mixture out. It is vulnerable to ignition and explosion during that process.

3.0 The system is recovered to -22" in a pumped system, so only 25% of its volume in vapor is lost.

3.1 100% of its volume in vapor is lost when opening a passive system.

4.0 An active system recovers most of the butane soaked into the material in the columns, by vacuuming to -22"Hg. The pumps are unable to achieve that level until most of the butane is gone.

The last 25% between -22" Hg and -29" Hg, is subsequently pumped off using a vacuum pump, so when the columns are opened, there is not an explosive mixture.

4.1 The passive system not only doesn't recover the butane soaked into the material to the same levels as the active systems, but when opened the columns are definitely within explosive limits.

Because it leaves the butane in the material, losses are greater.

5.0 A pumped system can pass more fresh clean butane through the material faster, and in both directions, so ergo it extracts faster and more completely.

6.0 You can recover a pumped system recovery pot at 31.9F, so as to preserve more carboxylic acids and aromatics.

6.1 Even using dry ice, you are still using a hot water bath with the meds in it, utilizing passive techniques.

7.0 An active system easily pre-distills butane at 85F, to remove residuals including Pentane, which boils around 100F.

7.1 Recovery at 85F using a passive system takes much longer.

8.0 An active system offers more latitude for propane mixes.

How about we start with those and add to them as the questions and comments arrive?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
A yes or no question. Do you have a ME PE stamped document certifying your unit to meet ANSI and ASME?

May we see a copy?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Now may we talk about finishing. Would you share with us how you recommend finishing the material from your recovery pot to meet current residual solvent standards?