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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Wait a minute here, So you got rid of the cuts of the Ancient Og that yielded 13 pounds? That's a god damn hard number to beat for a single plant yield!!!

wanted to do some breeding with that cut but got lazy and let the mom die. anyway we had two ancients last year and the big one was +12lb in an 800gal , the other one pulled 10lbs from a 400gal , so i am hopeful to find another monster this year

i havent seen any bigger plants on here with confirmed final weight. but HL45 posted a pic of a monster on the outdoor thread, looked at least 15lb, and i know there are some ppl doing it bigger maybe they just dont like to show off

Just because the seed did it doesn't mean the cut will
i had bad luck with growing clones outside the past 2 years - seeds for the win

if we didn't have plant limits i would just put a few thousand clones outside in august but seeds are better for getting through a long season


Senior Member
This is how old I am anymore...even though I go to the gym I avoid pick and shovel as much as possible. It occurs to me if I hurt my back this early it could be a long season. Somehow my brain has turned pussy


Active member
I just had 2 lipomas (fat tumors) removed from my back that i'm certain came from weight lifting injuries. A couple years before that i had a piece of my clavicle removed to relieve an a/c impingement. I'm way more cautious now. You've gotta take into account the down time that results from a serious injury. At least have health insurance.


another night in the 30's. Somebody tell nature its spring already

The plants look unhappy. I would be pissed too if i had to stay outside last night in this weather. Its supposed to be nice today though so maybe they will perk up

Backyard Farmer

Active member
if you had them in a hoop house they would not have had a problem because the cold air would not have settled around them...it only takes a little bit..I even found a partial roll of IRAC poly that lasts 4 years around here.. Come on man step it up


if you had them in a hoop house they would not have had a problem because the cold air would not have settled around them...it only takes a little bit..I even found a partial roll of IRAC poly that lasts 4 years around here.. Come on man step it up
They look ok right now for the most part. The ancient og's didnt seem to mind the cold at all. that strain seems really resilient. anyway as long as i end up with 24 healthy ladies its all good

for real! plastic is not expensive and it is most definitely worth the peace of mind...
even with a hoophouse and plastic i probably would have been worried last night, unless i was running heaters in there too.

oh well at leastt next year i can plan in advance and get a GH up when i pop my seeds


Active member
if you had them in a hoop house they would not have had a problem because the cold air would not have settled around them...it only takes a little bit..I even found a partial roll of IRAC poly that lasts 4 years around here.. Come on man step it up

Aint nobody got time for that. Holes need digging. :biglaugh:

Backyard Farmer

Active member
They look ok right now for the most part. The ancient og's didnt seem to mind the cold at all. that strain seems really resilient. anyway as long as i end up with 24 healthy ladies its all good

even with plastic i probably would have been worried last night, unless i was running heaters in there too. oh well, next year.

Listen to experience for once, my greenhouses have 14' peaks, they're bigger than any hoop house you're going to build.. I run no heat in them...unless it's going to be less than 25 your stuff will be fine.

The increase in humidity and temperature during the day will also grow your plants bigger faster which is the key now


Aint nobody got time for that. Holes need digging. :biglaugh:
I would rather have my plants get cold then try to slap together a hoophouse in a day and it collapses on them . Maybe its easy for you to build shit like that on the first try when it matters. :dance013: digging holes is all i know how to do , man!

plus i dont have a truck dont want to drive to town to rent one and deal with leaving my car there and doing all that shit myself.

one good thing about this season is i can fuck up really bad and will probably still do better than last year when we had only 8 plants worth talking about, and were splitting shit 3 ways


just got done digging holes for today. and its only 9 o clock. im goin to go drive and get a real breakfast and maybe talk to some real humans. Then have to go to the lumberyard and see how much of a pain its going to be for them to order some 4x100ft rolls of hardware cloth so i can start making pots

the real issue: should i shower before i go into town, or should i go with the dirty greasy mountain look

Backyard Farmer

Active member
i dont have a truck yet my friend.

We can cut and fold the plastic piece and fit it in the trunk and strap all the PVC to the roof and anchor it to the front and rear bumpers... Don't need a truck my dude just this thing called will power and its cousin ambition ...

I can show you how to build one in a few minutes. All you need is a drill and. A socket set


Active member
Byf: does the temp in ur GH even out with the outside overnight? Mine is fairly well insulated, with my lil buddy heater I keep it 50+, without it the temp will be within a few degrees of outside air by midnight.

Schrews- I'm just north of u at higher elevation, looking like 7-10 days of nice weather for me so should be same for u.

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