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MotherLode Gardens 2015

I have been making water hash myself, because making BHO is highly illegal. However, I have been looking into some of the commercial size rosin machines and I like what I see. I haven't made rosin myself yet, so I am not sure how good of quality it will be. However I think a t-shirt type press would draw less attention than a recirculating BHO device. This might just be your answer Shcrews.

I have no idea if this is a good product or not, I am just starting my research. However I thought it would give you a good idea what I am talking about. http://www.rosintechproducts.com/

They have lots of different models, with varying capabilities.


Well-known member
I have been making water hash myself, because making BHO is highly illegal. However, I have been looking into some of the commercial size rosin machines and I like what I see. I haven't made rosin myself yet, so I am not sure how good of quality it will be. However I think a t-shirt type press would draw less attention than a recirculating BHO device.

Pretty sure making hash is just as illegal as making bho since they're both concentrates/extracts. Am I wrong about that?
If I am not mistaken, there are extra penalties for chemical extracted hash operations.

Plus, it's hard to excuse a BHO recirculating tech setup with bottles of butane around. Just a heat press can have many uses. Keep some silicone molds around for show......Your probably right though, illegal either way.

I just used my wives hair strainer, and made some quick GSC rosin.....My day is ruined. I really like the product it made, now thinking the commercial models are a real possibility.


Well-known member
Ya I don't think they care if its IWE or BHO they'll try to get you for the processing or at least thats what I always thought and heard. My buddy told me you can have 99 but as soon as you add bubble bags to the mix your in a whole different ball game.


Ya I don't think they care if its IWE or BHO they'll try to get you for the processing or at least thats what I always thought and heard. My buddy told me you can have 99 but as soon as you add bubble bags to the mix your in a whole different ball game.

no its CHEMICAL processing/refining that makes it illegal, ice water is not considered a chemical so exempt from the law...

only bho/iso is illegal, ice water hash and rosin are legal to produce in cali with 215... once you start bringing in chemicals then it gets lumped in with meth labs... 3 years min state time... one year served.. (alot of retarded kids blowing there house up in the bay and going to rita lol)


You can skip big leafing and still process trim via the three bag system. More work for the trimmers but if people are doing over 3 a day who can complain. Right before breakdown into trays the big leafs get taken off by running the hands over the bud and the leafs just kinda snap off. Those go into one bag, the trim goes into another, and the buds into another. I've seen big weight get processed this way. Just have someone spend a day at the end going thru the trim manually removing any residual stems, and check the trimmers bags every day so they stay on it.

Also... compost tea is supposed to suppress the formation of PM.

^ what I do. I fortunately have a reliable extract guy. They are hard to find though and sometimes I wonder if 50% trade (especially with me going the extra mile to make really clean trim) is worth it.

nobody would have a contractor build or fix something if the end result was "oh yeah, after I finish, I own 50% of your home."

From the amount farm laborers make, to what extract guys take in trade, to the amount we pay for supplies to do our job. Other businesses couldn't function at the rates we pay to get our job accomplished.

I hired a guy this last summer who prior was doing landscaping in 95-105 degree heat all day...for 11 bucks an hour. I increased his pay by a whole lot and told him he was pretty much on his own schedule as long as work got done. Dude would show up at 5:30 am and have all his work done by lunch. He always had a smile on his face and worked his ass off. The complete opposite of what I see all too often these days with most farm workers..expecting $20 an hour for their Feeble attempt at "work" after rolling out of bed at 11 am and whining about how hungover they are from the night before (and then repeating that cycle over and over)


^ what I do. I fortunately have a reliable extract guy. They are hard to find though and sometimes I wonder if 50% trade (especially with me going the extra mile to make really clean trim) is worth it.

nobody would have a contractor build or fix something if the end result was "oh yeah, after I finish, I own 50% of your home."

From the amount farm laborers make, to what extract guys take in trade, to the amount we pay for supplies to do our job. Other businesses couldn't function at the rates we pay to get our job accomplished.

I hired a guy this last summer who prior was doing landscaping in 95-105 degree heat all day...for 11 bucks an hour. I increased his pay by a whole lot and told him he was pretty much on his own schedule as long as work got done. Dude would show up at 5:30 am and have all his work done by lunch. He always had a smile on his face and worked his ass off. The complete opposite of what I see all too often these days with most farm workers..expecting $20 an hour for their Feeble attempt at "work" after rolling out of bed at 11 am and whining about how hungover they are from the night before (and then repeating that cycle over and over)

50% is upsetting. I did the math one time and the hourly pay was around $150/hr for a few of the guys that took my stuff. How many other more technical positions pay that well?

That whole "work day starts whenever I wake up" bullshit seems to be pervasive in my generation. $20/hr, untaxed, and you want to smoke/drink on the job? Sure, I'll just be over here and pounding these 200 t posts in and thinning the undercarriage of these trees. There's a reason why we get paid well: growing is hard work.


Active member
no its CHEMICAL processing/refining that makes it illegal, ice water is not considered a chemical so exempt from the law...

only bho/iso is illegal, ice water hash and rosin are legal to produce in cali with 215... once you start bringing in chemicals then it gets lumped in with meth labs... 3 years min state time... one year served.. (alot of retarded kids blowing there house up in the bay and going to rita lol)

This is my understanding. CO2 falls in this category too even though it is not flammable/explosive. Any process using a chemical to extract is basically the same as making meth in Cali.

Dry sift, ice water, and rosin are the only legal concentrates/extracts you can make.

Noonin NorCal

Active member
With that being said about what concentrates are legal to make, what about whats considered finished product? what if you have pounds and pounds of sugar leafs? I know they are more after plant count #'s but what about being over your weight would that be considered with trim? or is it just for buds?
Its still a gray area. People have been hassled for trim especially if its labeled and turkey bagged. I think it all depends on where you are and what leo you are dealing with. In Butte this year they busted a guy with RSO as BHO, not sure the outcome of that. Rosin might be legal to make but you get raided they probably wont care how it was made and good luck trying to prove otherwise. The law says chemical, water is a chemical, le sigh
Its still a gray area. People have been hassled for trim especially if its labeled and turkey bagged. I think it all depends on where you are and what leo you are dealing with. In Butte this year they busted a guy with RSO as BHO, not sure the outcome of that. Rosin might be legal to make but you get raided they probably wont care how it was made and good luck trying to prove otherwise. The law says chemical, water is a chemical, le sigh

thats why its better not to use slang for important things. because its not very accurate.

just buy whatever lawyer the people that sell bho in dispensaries use.


emerald cup was fun but i'm glad i didn't enter. seems like a hype contest now that i think about it.. I got a bunch of good seeds and hashes there which is cool

shatter guy finally got back to me, he processed all the trim i gave him. the shatter came out really nice.

hash guy is still lagging on the bubble hash.

I'm back on the farm trying to start thinking about next season.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
1200 gal/pots ,pop seeds in new greenhouse jan 1...winning
(13 days to build heated greenhouse...better get rippin


i think next year i will get rid of the containers and just add more soil to the 800's and do 5-yard mounds

going to buy some more dirt in a couple months. i still have to get my old soil tested too.

Planning to pop seeds in march. Looking to implement more techniques next season like foliar sprays, root-drenches, mulches, cover-crops. its kind of overwhelming but we will figure it out


Will post dry bud shots soon. been getting excellent reports so far on everything i grew

the Ancient OG tested at 27.8% THC, same as last year


1200 gal/pots ,pop seeds in new greenhouse jan 1...winning
(13 days to build heated greenhouse...better get rippin
haha that would be interesting, but not gonna happen this season. i need some some time to relax and gameplan. Was thinking about popping seeds in february but that even seems too soon

also i'm not sure a january/february start will outyeild a march/april start, a lot of the big plant guys say younger is better to a certain degree. ganja does not have a long natural lifespan
What's up shcrews?? You going to rock some deps this year? I built a 20x80 with tarp and golden arm for under 2 grand last year and think I'm going to set up another one or two for an early run. In in a no tolerance county so it was really nice to get paid early so I wasn't stressed so much that I might get my full season shut down. Also didn't make the season seem so long.


What's up shcrews?? You going to rock some deps this year? I built a 20x80 with tarp and golden arm for under 2 grand last year and think I'm going to set up another one or two for an early run. In in a no tolerance county so it was really nice to get paid early so I wasn't stressed so much that I might get my full season shut down. Also didn't make the season seem so long.
i still dont have much experience building things. And I am hesitant to invest very much in a greenhouse because i am still renting my property. 2 grand doesnt sound bad though..

a summer auto-dep cycle or two would be nice i must admit, although it would put me over my legal plant limit for basically the whole summer if i do dep and full-season, and i would rather do full-season than dep

i think i can grow 24 ten-plus pounders next year and that would be plenty. i like to keep it simple but i do get jealous of you guys with your summer deps. If i could grow more plants it wouldnt even be a question

how many pounds per year can you grow with a 10gpm well?. cuz thats how much i'd grow here if the law allowed it


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
4/5 of my aog's were kind of hazy hard to trim ,too much larf...but #5 was amazing dank ,oily ,musky fruit with pepper undertones...very loud...keeping that one.Thanks for the heads up on that strain