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MotherLode Gardens 2015


4/5 of my aog's were kind of hazy hard to trim ,too much larf...but #5 was amazing dank ,oily ,musky fruit with pepper undertones...very loud...keeping that one.Thanks for the heads up on that strain

glad you found a keeper!

i'm surprised some were larfy. mine have all been huge. I'm going to hit a bunch of clone-only OG's with some Ancient OG pollen this winter, see what happens


Active member
Clover would be an easy cover crop that could be planted now, will fix nitrogen from the air into its root nodules that your plant can use. Mulching will both cut down your water usage, especially in mounds, but will also add to your organic matter eventually while keeping the soil evenly moist for your microbes to do well. Looks like you had a great season and I cant believe your not getting more for your work, but you know your market. Peas would be good for nitrogen fixing as well, plus you can eat them
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Here ya I am basically in the same position. Don't want to invest in putting up a nice greenhouse when I am dealing with zero plant limits. The one I made is just metal pipes slid over t posts and then pvc for the hoops. Then I bolted 20' 2x4's drop sturdy the whole thing. I am far from a talented builder but the thing did the job and took about a day to make. I will find a pic. Was a little sketched because of the numbers but everything was done and cleaned up by July. Pulled 70 deps mid summer with a very small investment and really made my season a lot less stressful.
I would slam my place with plants too if it was cool but trying to make the best out of small numbers. Saw you are thinking about switching to mounds too. I've been running big homemade smart pots forever and went all mounds this year and smashed it. Crazy healthy too not to mention so much easier than making bags/enclosures.
10gpm?? Ha sure you could pull at least a couple tons :)


New member
I know im super Late but wow i just added you onInstagram & Friggin wow, dud I am an outdoor guy like you but WOW, killer my friend im truly stoked about your results, is that high desert by chance


Clover would be an easy cover crop that could be planted now, will fix nitrogen from the air into its root nodules that your plant can use. Mulching will both cut down your water usage, especially in mounds, but will also add to your organic matter eventually while keeping the soil evenly moist for your microbes to do well. Looks like you had a great season and I cant believe your not getting more for your work, but you know your market. Peas would be good for nitrogen fixing as well, plus you can eat them
cool i will look into clover, i think 50yardLine made a good post about it a few pages back. I've heard alfalfa is a good winter cover crop also? i still have to pull up all my driplines and cages before i plant anything. Cleaning was not a priority this year unfortunately.

Am thinking i may try a living mulch / cover crop next season as well. Some of my pots this year sprouted grass all by themselves and it seemed to help retain moisture like you said, although i've got to think the grass was drinking water also so maybe it balanced out

I know im super Late but wow i just added you onInstagram & Friggin wow, dud I am an outdoor guy like you but WOW, killer my friend im truly stoked about your results, is that high desert by chance
thanks, appreciate the love, i put in a lot of hard work this year. theres a lot of room for improvement though still.

i'm not in the high desert i'm in the sierras , 3000ft elevation, 37 lat


Here ya I am basically in the same position. Don't want to invest in putting up a nice greenhouse when I am dealing with zero plant limits. The one I made is just metal pipes slid over t posts and then pvc for the hoops. Then I bolted 20' 2x4's drop sturdy the whole thing. I am far from a talented builder but the thing did the job and took about a day to make. I will find a pic. Was a little sketched because of the numbers but everything was done and cleaned up by July. Pulled 70 deps mid summer with a very small investment and really made my season a lot less stressful.
I would slam my place with plants too if it was cool but trying to make the best out of small numbers. Saw you are thinking about switching to mounds too. I've been running big homemade smart pots forever and went all mounds this year and smashed it. Crazy healthy too not to mention so much easier than making bags/enclosures.
10gpm?? Ha sure you could pull at least a couple tons :)

pictures would be cool. We just cut down a big dead oak tree which cleared up a nice flat spot for a hoophouse. But I'm mainly focused on full season next year due to my county plant limits.

I dont think there will be a big difference between mounds and containers, i am switching because i want to add more dirt and i dont want to make new pots, so i will just cut open the 800's and form the mounds on top. Plus i think it will look better
I got 2 800's and two 1000 gallon smart pots this season. They cost 100$ plus each, but I have major gopher problems. I couldn't just use mounds, I would cry if a gopher took down a 10' plant.

I really like build-a-soils companion crop they sell. Check it out for next season. For the winter I am using winter rye, forage oats and 6 different kinds of clover.

Edit: Btw screws, I live fairly close by and have worked in the trades for a long time. If you need help with something that would only take a day or two, hit me up. I wont offer again, I sound like a broken record.


thanks man thats really cool of you, i may take you up on that

pretty cold today, like 40 degrees out. i need to walk through the garden and make a list of things to do before next season

there's a rumor that my county might raise the plant limits next year. . I hope...
I got 2 800's and two 1000 gallon smart pots this season. They cost 100$ plus each, but I have major gopher problems. I couldn't just use mounds, I would cry if a gopher took down a 10' plant
I made my mounds 8'x80' rows on top of gopher wire. Saw a few gopher holes and gassed them out. Had zero probs with my plants. I'm on super hard clay. Was nice being in mounds because my roots could punch through and start using the exchangable nutrients in the clay and after a big watering they would sweat out to the sides what they didn't want. I have two 8x80 rows with smart fabric on top of pallets that I did for drainage and gophers. The mounds destroyed them. Those were like 8lb average and the mounds were about 12 average.


Rent the place 5 min away for a second crop, not the neighbors......Jesh.

Or buy another property under an LLC.
Hide the crops from plain sight. Pull tarps all year while ur pure od is mostly automated.
I've thought about it but rentals are hard to find here and i dont have time to look for and prepare a new spot if i want to dial in this property for 2016 full-season.

If i make the right improvements to my full-season garden it might make up for a missed summer dep,

honestly i mostly want to grow more plants just so i can have more variety, i have so many good seeds i want to grow! I might hide some guerilla plants on my property next year for that, if i can set up irrigation in the brush

with the new regulations and possible legalization coming soon in california, theres a chance that i will be able to cover the whole property with ganja plants someday.

Plant some basil, chives, and garlic to prevent spider mites and aphids! Companion planting is great, most of the stuff for tomatoes works well with cannabis.
thats still a few months away. wait for the 2016 thread :dance013:


honestly i mostly want to grow more plants just so i can have more variety, i have so many good seeds i want to grow! I might hide some guerilla plants on my property next year for that, if i can set up irrigation in the brush

Imagine if u could pheno hunt by growing monsters... I know what u mean about variety. So true. I have a lot of kinds now but I always gravitate to my favorite or else grind up blends.

U get any oil slabs made? What u do with ur shake?


bho slabs, bubble hash, and rosin. It's all really nice. I was giving out grams at the emerald cup. i'll probably package some to give away on NYE too but i havent sold any yet.