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MotherLode Gardens 2015


Can you get a carport frame and cover it with some polyweave and throw a few CFLs in it?
carport greenhouse is a good idea , might be easier for me to get rebar and PVC and make a temporary hoop tho

...but the weather is warming up here, last year we just kept the babies outside by the porch light after they got transplant into 5's.

Backyard Farmer

Active member
You don't even need supplemental light with seeds.

I officially have all my seeds out side.

You want the green house now because it'll raise the temps during the day, when it's 75 it'll be 85 and more humid in the green house, which is much more conducive to vegetative growth. The goal is to grow the biggest plant we can from now till May 21-June 7


Active member
we built a 20x40 hoop last year for like 500 bucks in a single afternoon, rebar in the ground, 2x4 base frame attached to rebar with plumber tape, sch40 PVC onto the rebar with some screws and zip ties for the PVC cross braces, and a cheap plastic tarp and it worked great for my GH starts last year.

but honestly a carport frame is cheaper and easier, either works well for cheap quick temporary GH. home depot 5 light string set for supp light super easy!

im slipping on my GH right now, still gotta bring permanent power 100 feet down to run the supp lights and fans, but should have them all outside before 420. last year i was already outside in the GH for my starts, i feel pretty behind this year due to all the god damn measure A bullshit forcing delays and moves.


last year i was already outside in the GH for my starts, i feel pretty behind this year due to all the god damn measure A bullshit forcing delays and moves.
yah i was dealing with that last year. funny thing is this year no legal issues but we are still behind schedule. I'm basically doing everything myself

You don't even need supplemental light with seeds.

I officially have all my seeds out side.

You want the green house now because it'll raise the temps during the day, when it's 75 it'll be 85 and more humid in the green house, which is much more conducive to vegetative growth. The goal is to grow the biggest plant we can from now till May 21-June 7
yah i know no supp light needed just saying there is a porch light where the plants are. the whole reason i went all seeds this year is so we dont need supp light.

youre right a greenhouse would help only problem is i dont have a truck yet so it will be kind of a bitch to hook one up. haha i know you hate to hear shit like that but we are basically working with what is here already for now. We did ok with no greenhouse last year.

I left the seedlings outside last night and this morning they are all perked up and happy, except a few that are a bit yellow. not sure what is wrong but i will take some pictures later. anyway we only need 24 good females so im not worried

oh yah this morning i found a caterpillar munching on one of the baby Ancient OGs. the fucker ate half the leaves, but i think it will recover.


Active member
yea its hard to get it all down with only one person…I'm paying labor wage out the ass right now cramming to get things done, dumb unexpected shit like spending 500 bucks to build a retaining wall so the greenhouse doesn't fall off the cliff lol…honestly greenhouses seem like more of a hassle right now than a full season spot, never have to hook up fans and other electrical shit with an outdoor spot.

BYF are you starting earlier this season how big are your seed starts? my memory sucks but was it last year you were saying dont chop clones until april 20? i have three waves of starts right now and every year it seems the youngest plants i thought were gonna be too small always end up being the biggest.


How far are you from home depot? They rent trucks for $20 an hour.
i know ive used them before . I'm still on the fence about whether to set up a GH . would be sort of a pain and i just dont think its really necessary. we have a lot of work to do still just setting up the hill

Backyard Farmer

Active member
yea its hard to get it all down with only one person…I'm paying labor wage out the ass right now cramming to get things done, dumb unexpected shit like spending 500 bucks to build a retaining wall so the greenhouse doesn't fall off the cliff lol…honestly greenhouses seem like more of a hassle right now than a full season spot, never have to hook up fans and other electrical shit with an outdoor spot.

BYF are you starting earlier this season how big are your seed starts? my memory sucks but was it last year you were saying dont chop clones until april 20? i have three waves of starts right now and every year it seems the youngest plants i thought were gonna be too small always end up being the biggest.

That's exactly right ... I don't chop clones till 4/20... No point in doing extra work. Gives me a 1 month old plant that's about 2.5 ft tall when vegged in a greenhouse

All my seed starts are outside already. I popped everything around the beginning of the month, seeds take a little longer to get going but not so much you have to do dumb shit like pop them in early March like some wannabe fake ass growers may lead you to believe that to be necessary

Schrews, youre right I hate reading I can't. Hate it. You go ahead and skip the greenhouse..the one year you use one , you'll ask yourself what took you so long.

Get a fucking carport greenhouse going !


Active member
I set up a hoop house in my backyard for my veggies. Makes a huge difference in growth. You can easily double or triple the growth rate just by putting your plants in a plastic house.


Backyard Farmer said:
I popped everything around the beginning of the month, seeds take a little longer to get going but not so much you have to do dumb shit like pop them in early March like some wannabe fake ass growers may lead you to believe that to be necessary

lol, so mendo bro, holistic farms and others are "wannabe fake ass growers" cause sow seeds in early march (what is the best time, believe it or not)

Backyard Farmer

Active member
I don't care what people choose to do themselves. Pop your stuff in March, February..June..whatever. Just don't run around acting like you HAVE To pop stuff in march to grow big plants..You don't.

When I say "wanna be fake ass growers" Im referring to the ones that say you HAVE To pop shit in early March or you'll NEVER grow a big plant..There's some of them on here..Maybe they should actually try growing a big plant first.


fuck damn mountains get so boring sometimes. wish i knew some people up here, especially some girls :)

today: weedwacking and digging out 400's from last season. Also have to scrub some flood tables and rezies because i'm trying to set up one last indoor cycle before the summer. we will be way over our numbers for the next couple months so hopefully we can keep things chill until the seeds are sexed and indoor is chopped

have to call Rare earth and see about getting 40-60 yards of soil delivered soon too


2015 soil recipe based on coots mix / boobs mix:

makes 40 yards total:

33% lava rock (12 yards)
33% peat (12 yards)
33% compost (12 yards) [10 yds Diestel turkey compost, 2 yds Bu's Blend organic compost]


240 lbs kelp meal
220 lbs crab meal
260 lbs gypsum
240 lbs oyster flour
220 lbs neem meal
1000 lbs glacial rock dust


fuck damn mountains get so boring sometimes. wish i knew some people up here, especially some girls :)

today: weedwacking and digging out 400's from last season. Also have to scrub some flood tables and rezies because i'm trying to set up one last indoor cycle before the summer. we will be way over our numbers for the next couple months so hopefully we can keep things chill until the seeds are sexed and indoor is chopped

have to call Rare earth and see about getting 40-60 yards of soil delivered soon too

I found the girls, they're in oregon.


fuck damn mountains get so boring sometimes. wish i knew some people up here, especially some girls :)

today: weedwacking and digging out 400's from last season. Also have to scrub some flood tables and rezies because i'm trying to set up one last indoor cycle before the summer. we will be way over our numbers for the next couple months so hopefully we can keep things chill until the seeds are sexed and indoor is chopped

have to call Rare earth and see about getting 40-60 yards of soil delivered soon too

Mountain life is pretty slow, I get some help in early spring and fall the rest of the time I fly solo except for a visit here and there. Its worth it though when I used to grow in the city EVERYBODY knew it.


Mountain life is pretty slow, I get some help in early spring and fall the rest of the time I fly solo except for a visit here and there. Its worth it though when I used to grow in the city EVERYBODY knew it.

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