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Minions of the Dark


some guy
Well…just got back from a funeral back home. Nice to have a roommate who used to grow weed for awhile who can watch my plants for me while i'm gone. Never came back from a trip to a garden that hasn't had at least 1 plant die while I'm gone.

CAROLINA REAPERS…..looking vibrant.

The Ashratu gang….or whats left of it. The large one in the back is the first male of the bunch. Hope #2 is not although I am not impressed with its vigor compared to its sibling. #1.

#1, less than 12" tall and more lateral branching than most 36" plants. I could take 15+ cuts off him already. About to go back to breeder for possible backcrossing……

GSC Forum Cut getting the LST…..5 solid nodes to work with; going to be taking some cuts off her soon.

My collection of SG and associates' genetics…

The Halo2x in the bottom right has looked like that for 3 months and 2 weeks now lol.


Active member
Goblin Queen = Dark Queen X Goblin Girl
Kraken = The Purps x Dark Goblin

Dark queen = Blackwater x The Purps
Dark Goblin = Blackwater x Goblin Girl
Goblin Girl = Afgooey x Blue widow

Writing breedings down like a dog pedigree is difficult to type up cleanly since you can't leave blank spaces, gotta add lines an shit.

If ya have any questions on any breeding, just ask, I know all the momma's and daddy's:huggg:

What were the males and females?


Still at large...
Anybody got anything on Kraken? very interested.

Also I am try to build some interest in the "Newbie summer bud contest" theres a lot of good grows going on, and I think it strengthens the ICMag community by showing our support. So if you can take a peek check em out vote, mines in there too hint hint lol thread is in my sig.

Thanks fellow minions good luck and karma, Hick
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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Took the day off for church services today (church of the NFL) :biggrin: from OD harvesting.
Been crazy busy all week, down to 2 last girls of 9.

Figured I'd drop a few pics, though it has been quite slow on the boards, seemingly a ghost town, we are minions no less.

Start off with a beauty of a greasy Goblin Girl at week 5.

Nocturnal #12 with some red camera effects.
Week 8 and about ready to come down.
Beastly plant will exceed an lb no doubt.

This is my original 09 Halo cut.
She actually got up to some 7 finger leaves this go round.
Finally getting her out of her nearly 3 year pre-flower crap.
Will be testing this bud at the labs, first time testing her.

This is Nocturnal #4 from first testing group.
Tested almost 19%, but will retest a bud off this plant to check for improvement in my soil.



Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Finish up with a few more pics.

This is Nocturnal #14
week 2

Jihad at week 5

Finally we have Pimp daddy purps #1
Week 7 and purpling a bit, nice grapey hash scent, real greasy, but small buds.

My soils have greatly improved my grow.
Re-enriching the peat content was like night and day.
Faster growth, better yields, and flavor and scent much better.

The states (Oregon) vote on recreational MJ is this next month.
Polls are well over 50% with as 10% edge over the opposition.
I smell opportunity in the makings :dance013:

Reading the few opposing arguments in the voters pamphlet, the only real opposition in from prison guard/private prisons and treatment center employees.

Go figure - I had to go through court ordered drug treatment for MJ addiction and almost went to a corporate run prison.
Thank god it was my 1st offence.

I hope they all starve and go bankrupt or find gainful employment in the retail MJ market of the future.
Prisons would make some good secure grow facilities.
Just saying :laughing:


Pagan Extremist
lookin real good... cant wait for the PDP... I got 4 cuts of the only pheno that survived the skunky rapid rooters just kickin out some pistils...


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
lookin real good... cant wait for the PDP... I got 4 cuts of the only pheno that survived the skunky rapid rooters just kickin out some pistils...

If you have a fem bred seed, I have a feeling you're gonna have a new queen of your grow.
Very good weed regardless of phenos.

Here is the Enigma cut or PDP #2 Reg cut.

Wierdest plant I've seen, tops keep dividing via some exotic mutation.
However, it is growing into a hedge of buds.
At week 4 currently.


Snapped a few more pics of Ravnus at day 43'ish. This gal is really just a fun plant to grow. I open the tent every night to see how much thicker she gets.:biggrin:

I also have a dark goblin baby that poked up from the soil....and a few more seeds I'm waiting on to pop.


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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Snapped a few more pics of Ravnus at day 43'ish. This gal is really just a fun plant to grow. I open the tent every night to see how much thicker she gets.:biggrin:

I also have a dark goblin baby that poked up from the soil....and a few more seeds I'm waiting on to pop.

Dems sum purdy buds man



some guy
Halo2x clone under 18/6 just keeps flowering and producing fsc x halo2x seeds lol
This ashratu is throwing off differently numbered fan leaves on Every node.

First node number of fan leaves was 1&3 then 5&3 then 5&6 then 5&5 now 3&3. Lol.


Still at large...
Very nice SG, loving the bud structure of those halos, jihad, and PDP's, but they all look *greasy yum yum.

@Sea or anyone thats helpful lol hey question about the male pollen collecting, how long can you leave that sitting on the tray?

I have the temp and humidity steady at 74 degrees and 40-50%humid
seems pretty stable.

These Khalisi males are just pumping out the pollen, can I just leave them and the tray alone till they or I finish? or should I collect it every couple days.
once collected and cleaned of the plant matter I make up some mini paper envelopes, place some rice in with the pollen, then baggies, then into the freezer ???? does that sound right?

Thanks guys for the help want to make sure I get it right


Pagan Extremist
If you have a fem bred seed, I have a feeling you're gonna have a new queen of your grow.
Very good weed regardless of phenos.

I do have one of the fems... in flower but just startin up and not much to show yet... all my other PDP seeds were killed off by skunky rapid rooters... I'll take pics when stretch is over and it actually starts flowering

Very nice SG, loving the bud structure of those halos, jihad, and PDP's, but they all look *greasy yum yum.

@Sea or anyone thats helpful lol hey question about the male pollen collecting, how long can you leave that sitting on the tray?

I have the temp and humidity steady at 74 degrees and 40-50%humid
seems pretty stable.

These Khalisi males are just pumping out the pollen, can I just leave them and the tray alone till they or I finish? or should I collect it every couple days.
once collected and cleaned of the plant matter I make up some mini paper envelopes, place some rice in with the pollen, then baggies, then into the freezer ???? does that sound right?

Thanks guys for the help want to make sure I get it right

as long as air flow is good and humidity low in the box, I prefer to leave it to dry out until collection... I use small corked glass vials with rice and put em inside small containers usually with another silica gel packet... dont always freeze unless longer term storage... condensation from going into and out of temperature can also screw yer pollen... single packets would probably be more convenient... just not how I personally do it. I like SG's ampule bag corner for the actual pollination, but I've been using a artists "fan" type paint brush...





Very nice SG, loving the bud structure of those halos, jihad, and PDP's, but they all look *greasy yum yum.

@Sea or anyone thats helpful lol hey question about the male pollen collecting, how long can you leave that sitting on the tray?

I have the temp and humidity steady at 74 degrees and 40-50%humid
seems pretty stable.

These Khalisi males are just pumping out the pollen, can I just leave them and the tray alone till they or I finish? or should I collect it every couple days.
once collected and cleaned of the plant matter I make up some mini paper envelopes, place some rice in with the pollen, then baggies, then into the freezer ???? does that sound right?

Thanks guys for the help want to make sure I get it right

My pollen taking and storing is basically the same as what has already been mentioned. If i don't use it right away, I collect it up and fold it up in wax paper. I used to put it in paper envelopes but it tends to stick to the fibers of the paper. The folded wax paper goes into a zip lock with rice. All the air is removed from the zip lock (or as much as possible) and it goes into a freezer where it stays until I need it. You can also mix the pollen with a little flour to stretch it if you don't have enough. I've learned to take several samples so I can use the same male on different occasions.

That's just how I do it.


Soooo sup everyone :wave:
Question Lord, on the Halox2...
I have one at about 70 days. No amber, and totally cloudy. Thing is she ain't ready. Well from the looks of her pistils, and bud fullness. It is my first time finishing one , but still. Check it out...I think I might go ahead and harvest. Whatchu think?

Didn't clean her up for the photo...so don't judge me. Lol


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Soooo sup everyone :wave:
Question Lord, on the Halox2...
I have one at about 70 days. No amber, and totally cloudy. Thing is she ain't ready. Well from the looks of her pistils, and bud fullness. It is my first time finishing one , but still. Check it out...I think I might go ahead and harvest. Whatchu think?

Didn't clean her up for the photo...so don't judge me. LolView Image

Hey Smokey :wave:

70 days seems a touch long but still reasonable.
With the leaf browning into the bud, though not severe, may lead to mold.
I think I may give her a date with death by Saturday.
You have little left to gain, and a beauty of a bud to smoke.

I would never judge you :huggg: we're friends and I'm respectful to boot :tiphat:
Always nice to see you post.