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Minions of the Dark

Gold Hill Ganja

Congrats on cracking the 20% mark, I honestly thought you'd have broken it already with strains such as afgooey, jihad and the like, and I'm fully confident that the best #'s are yet to come.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Congrats on cracking the 20% mark, I honestly thought you'd have broken it already with strains such as afgooey, jihad and the like, and I'm fully confident that the best #'s are yet to come.

Afgooey and Jihad both tested well, even as old of cuts as they are.
Folks at the labs all say that the older the cut, weaker the THC.
I feel Khalisi will show a lot good phenos, though I won't set my sites to far over the 20% mark.

You know I've been the only 'The Purps' fan on any of the forums.
Reason is, I believe that it is an under utilized strain, practically forgotten.
I also think the #1 Purps pheno I used for years had a lot to do with the Pimp daddy's stellar results.
All my new Purps stock are all bred from the ole #1 pheno.
A stellar cut that I wish I still had.

Last winter I fucked up a whole batch of beans.
It was called Lady O'Blivion, bred from my last Purps male I used bred to Afgooey.
I bred a branch of Afgooey outdoors last year, but I messed up by not drying them properly.
I had the whole batch of seeds mold while on my winter travels.
Turned every seed of thousands into a black furry chia-pet.

Man did I learn a lesson.
I will re-breed the cross, and expect some real greasy potent flavor weed.
I also think Afgooey has much untapped potential, just got to get me a good baby daddy.


chart?... if you're saving from my notes, dark goblin is contained here

............................|---Afgooey (PNW cut)
.................|---Goblin Girl.........|---White Widow
.................|..........|---Blue widow
.................|.......................|---Dutch Passion Blueberry
......|---Dark Goblin
.....|..........|---Cali Connection's Blackwater
......|---BC Bud Depot's The Purps

Thank you Sea. Yeah, I have some charts saved that you posted way back towards the beginning of this thread. I'm kind of confused though. According to one chart, the outcome of crossing dark goblin to the purps resulted in Goblin Queen while on another chart, these lines result in Kraken. Am I just reading it wrong? Here is the chart that I was going off.


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Btw, Ravnus at day 40 of flower (50 days since the flip). She hit a another spurt and put out a butt load of white hairs. She also got super chunky too. The smell isn't there as much anymore and not as sweet. Kinda like a clean pine smell if that makes any sense.


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Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Thank you Sea. Yeah, I have some charts saved that you posted way back towards the beginning of this thread. I'm kind of confused though. According to one chart, the outcome of crossing dark goblin to the purps resulted in Goblin Queen while on another chart, these lines result in Kraken. Am I just reading it wrong? Here is the chart that I was going off.

Goblin Queen = Dark Queen X Goblin Girl
Kraken = The Purps x Dark Goblin

Dark queen = Blackwater x The Purps
Dark Goblin = Blackwater x Goblin Girl
Goblin Girl = Afgooey x Blue widow

Writing breedings down like a dog pedigree is difficult to type up cleanly since you can't leave blank spaces, gotta add lines an shit.

If ya have any questions on any breeding, just ask, I know all the momma's and daddy's:huggg:


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Btw, Ravnus at day 40 of flower (50 days since the flip). She hit a another spurt and put out a butt load of white hairs. She also got super chunky too. The smell isn't there as much anymore and not as sweet. Kinda like a clean pine smell if that makes any sense.

Love the lighting colors, exotic looking.
Very nice buds, wouldn't worry bout the smell, sure it will stink a bag nicely.


Goblin Queen = Dark Queen X Goblin Girl
Kraken = The Purps x Dark Goblin

Dark queen = Blackwater x The Purps
Dark Goblin = Blackwater x Goblin Girl
Goblin Girl = Afgooey x Blue widow

Writing breedings down like a dog pedigree is difficult to type up cleanly since you can't leave blank spaces, gotta add lines an shit.

If ya have any questions on any breeding, just ask, I know all the momma's and daddy's:huggg:

Lol!! I suppose you do know them all seeing as how you've been the match maker! :biggrin:

Thanks for the clarification and thanks to you also Seaf0ur for the charts.

I'm guessing another 20 days give or take on my ravnus. Meanwhile I got some dark goblin beans soaking (one already poking out) and Khalisi going down next! So glad fall is here so I can get things going!:woohoo:


Active member
took down the entirety of a Nocturnal. This Noc was on the fuel, spice deeper resiny side of smell whereas the other one that was harvested was a berry, sweet, fragrant aroma. Both will be exceptional combustibles.

Been ripe since last week, but with the heat, thought it best to let em bask a little bit longer.

All cleaned up & hanging in the tent.

It was grown in a tan 10 gallon smart pot, feed compost tea weekly, and received buckets of sunshine daily.

Smoke reports up when they get me up.

Two Goblin Queens are growing along nicely. One that started crinkled, is straightened out and growing really well. Other one started normally, has some deep jagged thin fingered leafs.


Still at large...
@ Sea, I had a couple of ?'s about your method of male flowering and pollen collection where I am embarking on a similar adventure with two Khalisi males, I tried finding pics you posted but no luck......

1. do you defoliate and lollipop (I was going to do this so that as the pods open they can drop the pollen strait on to a awaiting "tray")

2.how much light you got in that isolation chamber?

I use to just wait until the males reach the point of dropping and cut em defoliate, and put in vase of water and let the pollen drop, but I was thinking on doing it in a similar fashion as you.

Thank for any help, Hick

Their at the point of dropping pollen, a couple have opened @ just over two weeks. ( pic tookin just after watering)


Pagan Extremist
I do defoliate and sometimes top... I have the chamber next to the girls under a 860w CMH... I prefer it this way because I can take the males further along into flower and better judge some of their traits as opposed to cutting branches and allowing pollen to fall to paper. I use a PC case fan to pull air through... powered by a standard ac adapter. 12v fan = 12v adapter. amperage of adapter must exceed amperage used by fan/s. for example, 2 12v 350ma (.35A) fans could be run by a 12v 700ma... if multiple fans are used, fans are wired in parallels, not series... series cuts each fans voltage in half... also for multiples, you should try and use the same exact same fans, and you dont wanna go below 6V.... wire up the fans and ensure proper operation before you cut a hole in your chamber. you should be using a large size case fan somewhere from 180mm to 225mm... I use standard household air handler filters rated for pollen... (easy. pollen is rather large in particle size) and I cut those to fit and doubled them up cause it felt better... I added a watering tube to avoid opening the box, and I then used a metal foil ducting tape to seal around the edges and make things tight.







Still at large...
Thats an awesome case, I plan on making up one the same size for my large room. I have the same filters (cheap $1 at the liquidation store).
The cab I am flowering the males in is a 2'x2'x4' completely separate from my girls, their under 80 watts of cfl at the moment.

I guess my question was more: how do you prep the plant?, if you do.
And what/how do you collect the pollen from them once they start dropping.

One a side note I plan on flowering these guys as long as I can, to do like you've already said - to see what they are and can do.

Again thanks Sea, having a cornucopia of useful information is great.


Pagan Extremist
I use name tags in the 4 corners and the center for support, and I make a catch tray. I strip everything below this line. this is partially so my watering tube never moistens my paper. The pollen falls on the leaves and on this paper. I remove the entire chamber from the room before opening it, and I wipe it down before replacing it. I allow the flowers to fall into the pollen and pick them out as a part of my pollen harvesting at the very end of flower. Also... start small and account for stretch... this is why I sometimes top them.



Pagan Extremist
Heres today with the paper on the tray beginning to flower






When its done, I'll chop the stem, lift the tray and paper, pick the fallen flowers and gently encourage the pollen into a glass jar with rice to absorb any excess moisture... leaving the fallen pollen on the paper over some time seems to dry the pollen more easier than trying to collect it right away in my experience... no caking this way. also, any cellophane tape on the tray or paper will static cling your pollen and irritate the hell out of you.


Active member
So I have a question for all you real ID guys, I have a room that
Has it's own breaker and I want to run about 4000w of lights total
Can I just swap out the 20ap breaker for a 60 and be good to
Run off the outlets if I break them up? Or what do I need to do
As I have only run 1200 in lights before


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
So I have a question for all you real ID guys, I have a room that
Has it's own breaker and I want to run about 4000w of lights total
Can I just swap out the 20ap breaker for a 60 and be good to
Run off the outlets if I break them up? Or what do I need to do
As I have only run 1200 in lights before

20 amp 120 volt I'm assuming.
Only sufficient for 1600wts max with fans and stuff.
Don't scale up the breaker, asking for trouble.
You can scale up to 240 vt using same wire.
You'll need an extra 20 amp breaker next to the one currently carrying the load.
Then you can turn that into 240 by tying both 20 amp breakers together.
Then you would have a 40 amp 240 vt capacity.
This can now run your 4000 wts no problem.

But you will need to either use existing extra breaker or add another if space available in your main panel.
Someone with experience is best bet for the upgrade.


Pagan Extremist
So I have a question for all you real ID guys, I have a room that
Has it's own breaker and I want to run about 4000w of lights total
Can I just swap out the 20ap breaker for a 60 and be good to
Run off the outlets if I break them up? Or what do I need to do
As I have only run 1200 in lights before

you cannot. the existing line in the wall cannot handle it and you will start a fire. you may only change the breaker if you also run new lines from the box to handle the load.

15a @ 120 = 14 ga wire
20a @ 120 = 12 ga wire
30a @ 240 = 10 ga wire
40a @ 240 = 8 ga wire
60a @ 240 you'd run 6 gauge wire.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
12/2 wire can handle 120 or 240 vt, assuming it's 12/2
If 14/2, then no go.

May also consider dividing the space and add on a flip box, but can only be used during flower and divider wall needs to be light proof.