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Minions of the Dark


Pagan Extremist
Group shot... replacing that fan was fun...


And my Venus Flytraps I'm growin from seed are gettin all red and healthy...




Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Okay, took road trip into AZ for 6 days & before I left, the 8000 ft grow was doing OK...but starting to darken on the fans....got home & this morning I go out to take a look...OH MY GAWD!!! LOL The fans are almost black!! Leaves are still soft & pliable, buds still smallish & firm....took some pics! Guys??? Do I take her down now???? I'm serious here, cuz I don't know, but my gut is saying "Take her NOW!!!"...LOL Well? Also, some pics of my area & my Mountain...1st 2 are a long shot of my mountain & a closer view...the rest are taken up the road a 1/2 mile or so...I love this time of year...all the purty colors!

~Sundance~ Last one is outside my house....

Beautiful shots of home - The Great Spirit deff has shown her glory - So Nice.

Chop Chop On Ole Blacky, you'll not get more flavor by leaving her longer.
Got some bragging bud for the holidays.
Good job Sunny :peacock:


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
Group shot... replacing that fan was fun...

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And my Venus Flytraps I'm growin from seed are gettin all red and healthy...

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What a difference! Holy cow!
I myself found no till to be insufficient.
Still a fan of ROLS, but with re-amending and fresh O2 recharge FTW.

Very nice improvement - most excellent looking plants :dance013:


Pagan Extremist
A lot of it has to do with vegging shit out all at once in the big pots... plus I got round 35 girls crammed under that light....
Okie-Dokie! Down she comes....as soon as a get a few more cups of this Mud in me....

~Sunny Skies & White Poofy Clouds~ Ahhhh, life in the Colorado Rockies....Life is good.


Active member
Okay, took road trip into AZ for 6 days & before I left, the 8000 ft grow was doing OK...but starting to darken on the fans....got home & this morning I go out to take a look...OH MY GAWD!!! LOL The fans are almost black!! Leaves are still soft & pliable, buds still smallish & firm....took some pics! Guys??? Do I take her down now???? I'm serious here, cuz I don't know, but my gut is saying "Take her NOW!!!"...LOL Well? Also, some pics of my area & my Mountain...1st 2 are a long shot of my mountain & a closer view...the rest are taken up the road a 1/2 mile or so...I love this time of year...all the purty colors!

~Sundance~ Last one is outside my house....
What plant is that? You need to find one a little shorter in flower
Maybe a lot.. Bet she smokes nice
I call her Bubba-Baby....she is a 3rd generation clone from a bagseed that we think was Bubba-Kush....My son bought a 1/4 from the Durango dispensary & found one seed in the package...& since I was just starting out, I ran her...she is hardy, tall (her sisters & aunts got to be 5 ft indoors), not bushy, but toward the end of each run, fans would start to go bronze then purplish...I chose her to be the first plant outdoors because she seemed sooooo hardy indoors. I'm still not doing something right outdoors tho or it can't be done. At least NOT completely exposed to the elements....maybe in a hoop or greenhouse it can be done??? I'll give it another shot next spring, but think I should Veg indoors to 2ft tall, then into the living room (I have 30ft wall of windows, southern exposer) to acclimate her lighting, then kick her butt outside....OR....a different strain? She would go from seed & Veg for 2 months, then into Fl. Room for approx. 66 days for harvest...even then she could have gone longer in Flower...Anyhow, I'll try again next spring!

~Sundance~ :peacock:
Hey Sea, I have a stupid question....Doesn't your Venus Fly Trap EAT your good bugs too??? LOL I used to have a couple of those back in the 70's & hand fed the li'l buggers...it was quite interesting...what is the benefit to having them in your garden? Or are they there just for fun....

~Sun~ HIGH Dummy! Again I thought of you while I was at the River!!! But was sooooooo busy moving my Mom's Life to Colorado, I had no time for anything else....I did get to jump into My River each evening after a day of packing/moving...felt wonderful & not a jet ski in sight...you must have warned them, didn't you....LMAO!


Pagan Extremist
The flytraps eat whatever crosses their path, and judging by the population density, I must assume that she's surviving mainly off of rove beetles. Its kill or be killed in my natural system. gonna add some pitcher plants at some point as well... seems to fit my style better than a piece of hanging ratboard (gave up on flypaper... ratboard is stickier and stays that way longer)


Still at large...
The flytraps eat whatever crosses their path, and judging by the population density, I must assume that she's surviving mainly off of rove beetles. Its kill or be killed in my natural system. gonna add some pitcher plants at some point as well... seems to fit my style better than a piece of hanging ratboard (gave up on flypaper... ratboard is stickier and stays that way longer)

I was just considering "rat boards" seen them in the old discount store, figured the same.
Thankfully all i have "so far" to combat is fungus nats.
How effective are lady bugs for my delema, I just recently found a huge population of them and remembered that they are predators. was watching them and was amazed that they were taking on some wasps...lol lil bastards got some spunk!


Pagan Extremist
Fungus gnats aren't terribly harmful at all... the larvae eat decomposing root material, and although they sometimes chomp on good roots, its not what they prefer and the gnats make such good food to keep rove beetles around that I do not attempt to alter their populations unless they reach my action threshold... which is kinda arbitrary and up to the controller of the natural system... simply put, until the threshold for action that I have arbitrarily decided upon has been surpassed, I take no action aside from other introductions such as the flytraps and pitcher plants... lady bugs are good for aphids, but they wont do much to the gnats... gnats live below ground when they're easy to kill... once they fly, you'd need a frog lol...


Still at large...
well I need to call in a favor to Kermit...........lol

The nats are not that bad I control them by a little sticky tape and take the girls out and placing them in another room for watering and pics, in there the nats take off and by doing so lowers their population.
The lady bugs was just an idea but one that would be more beneficial in my larger room once done.

I am lucky enough not to have to deal with the other problematic pest others do, but its not just luck I take preventive steps such as making my own mixes of soil and try to not take in clones from unknown sources (I've seen and heard some horror stories) among others.

As always Thank you Sea.


Pagan Extremist
I'd grab some rove beetles... they fuck up anything that lives in the soil, but let em get good and established before you do any nematodes... lil mulch and they'll do half the job for ya...
Little update on my Pimp daddy purps project.

I have my 10 fems harvested and mostly dry.
Will probably get them to the labs the Monday after next.
Honey and I have been sampling half of them so far.
We both think that they are very good and think the average will be better than the other tests.
Will have results in 2-3 weeks.

My regular females are good and bad so far.
This is a female that has been banished to outside to finish.
I found this on her, only one, but dooms this plant and her cuts.

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I found similar clusters on my last run of old Doc's GDP F-2's.
2 of 3 females did this same hermie clustering, the skinny grape pheno never did this, but did throw nanners.
Same plant outside in banishment.

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These are my PDP 2.0 project.
Back 2 on left are Cali GH GDP's (I think S-1's)
Front 2 on left are from regular stock from back east.
The 6 on the right are all my own 2x selective breedings of The Purps.

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I will see if I get a GDP male from the left 4, but will find a good male to breed from The Purps if not.

That is a really weird GDP you got there SG, I have pop a few of them beans and have gotten a few late nanners but nothing like that.

Drumroll please


Pimp daddy fem results are in.



That was a surprise.
Now to pick the best.
I will save the top 5 for another run.
Then probably have them tested for terpene profiles.
Hot dam fellas---finally got my 20% and then some.

:woohoo:Glad to see you got your 20% and then some.

well, on the Ashratu I have an intended plan that involves a 3rd set of genes to be added on the 3rd generation crossing... from there I'll begin the F generations... just making a flo/forum cookies x glue cross in F-1 and calling that a day just seems too easy and not stable enough to count on quite yet... Plus, I'm starting off ass backwards compared to most... I will take 3 males from successive generations back to the same momma, as opposed to looking for successive gens of females, I'm looking for males from my seeds for now... instead of doing daddy-daughter, then daddy-grandaughter et al.. I'm doing mommy-son, then mommy-grandson etc... I'm not looking to walk a beaten path... the most important to me is to have fun with it, and try out some of my ideas...

Seafour this is how you BX a plant. The closest you can get back to the mother is 99%. That why they call C99 that, it is a BX to 99% of the original mother.
You still popping the Grape Stomper OG on the 31. Been getting the itch to pop mine.

And I just popped 10 Dark Daddy Purps ( Dark Goblin x GDP )the other day. Can't wait to see what I get from them.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
You still popping the Grape Stomper OG on the 31. Been getting the itch to pop mine.

And I just popped 10 Dark Daddy Purps ( Dark Goblin x GDP )the other day. Can't wait to see what I get from them.

Oh yah!
Halloween fo sho.
Haven't set a deff # of seeds to pop.
Been going overboard on new starts.

I believe you were one of 2 guys that picked #9 pimp daddy before testing.
Top cut was #9

I just posted 16 budshots of my Khalisi run on the Khalisi project thread, you should pick the winner of that run for me, then I can just toss the rest :biggrin: (not really)


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
That is a really weird GDP you got there SG, I have pop a few of them beans and have gotten a few late nanners but nothing like that.

:woohoo:Glad to see you got your 20% and then some.

I haven't been too lucky with the GDP females, weird huh?
This go around, starting with 2 separate GDP females(2 sources), 3 The Purps females from my #1 pheno IBL and 1 male GDP and a male purps.
I'll breed every combo then cull after females tested.
I won't fail this time.

Good test results were a treat for me.
The fems didn't resemble the skinny grape pheno GDP at all, but I deff have some tasty potent keepers to play with.
Breeding the best of them is still a go for the PDP project.
You still have them beans, you may want to play with a few, it's very good weed.
Oh yah!
Halloween fo sho.
Haven't set a deff # of seeds to pop.
Been going overboard on new starts.

I believe you were one of 2 guys that picked #9 pimp daddy before testing.
Top cut was #9

I just posted 16 budshots of my Khalisi run on the Khalisi project thread, you should pick the winner of that run for me, then I can just toss the rest :biggrin: (not really)

I'm sure it was just luck that I picked #9 :biggrin:

I haven't been too lucky with the GDP females, weird huh?
This go around, starting with 2 separate GDP females(2 sources), 3 The Purps females from my #1 pheno IBL and 1 male GDP and a male purps.
I'll breed every combo then cull after females tested.
I won't fail this time.

Good test results were a treat for me.
The fems didn't resemble the skinny grape pheno GDP at all, but I deff have some tasty potent keepers to play with.
Breeding the best of them is still a go for the PDP project.
You still have them beans, you may want to play with a few, it's very good weed.

No I don't have any left, ran all that I got to pop. I got two nice plants from them but they didn't make the cut after the cure on them. Was good smoke but not the stand outs that I thought they were going to be. They had great taste but not much smell and the high was just middle of the road so to speak.

They can't all be winners but wish I had got one that is for sure.
Looks like I will have to wait for PDP 2.0 to find my keeper.:biggrin:
I think that I'm going to pop 5 of them and then 3-4 weeks later pop the last 5.
Going to pop the 5 Grape Stomper BX's at the other grow when I pop the first 5 though.

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