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Minions of the Dark


some guy
All of you pulling down outdoor harvests makes me jealous. I only moved into this spot on June 1st so no time for outdoor. The yard looked liked this when I moved in
after several hundred hours work I have turned it into this. Going to put 2-3 plants outdoor in these spots next year.

This is a big ass self wick in the making
Lots of hard work in a short amount of time will pay off. Putting in 45 hours at work plus 20-30 on this yard every week.


Pagan Extremist
Thats why I'm lookin at replacement parts from twister... not wretchedly horrible... round 600 each for the tumbler and blade... they got the bearing assembly as well... the rest is pretty standard... 1hp motor (theirs is 825$), squirrel cage fan, a little work... but shit are they overblown... I mean a replacement on/off toggle switch is 107$??


the tumbler guide?... 135$...


This aluminum plate?... 250$...


hopper?... 375$

best of all... this 6.25 hose...

how the fuck is that 70$ LMFAO....

the plastic belt cover costs 3x as much as the brush bearings for the damn thing... I dont need to pay that much inflation for a name on a piece of plastic... I just need the blades from the factory...

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
A while back I popped some Goblin Queen seeds and ended up with one female plant. She is the one I had issues with twisted leaves but by selective cuttings of branches was able to straighten her out. I took that daughter and put her outdoors to get pollinated from my old 70's seeds males, Eminem and MTV. I ran her and I really like the structure and bud formation. I had to take her a little early because of PM. I spent about 6 hours retrieving the seeds from her and ended up with 1000's of seeds.

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Perhaps I'm a completely uncouth and untutored buffoon with a penchant for pointless pithy remarks, but am I missing something; are you overlooking the susceptibility to PM or is it a non issue?


Active member
Thanks for the offer and oppertunity SG you are a very stand up dude that's why I wouldn't mind helping ya look through your creations.


Active member
Perhaps I'm a completely uncouth and untutored buffoon with a penchant for pointless pithy remarks, but am I missing something; are you overlooking the susceptibility to PM or is it a non issue?

It is the first time I've run Goblin Queen outside. Here in the PNW PM is definitely a problem along with bud rot/mold. Next summer I'm going to use light deprivation about mid July so they will finish in September before the weather turns to the usual foggy, misty, rainy, cloudy days of fall.

I do have a couple of ladies that are holding up quite well without any issues due to the wetness here in my forest. I'll probably run more of those next summer.

The plants have taught me a lot this outdoor run.


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
I've had the same strain get PM one year, while diff strains were little affected.
Then the next year the same affected strain was PM free, and others affected.

I only had one cut of Dionysus, that had no tolerance to PM, and tossed it.

PM is an equal opportunity attacker IMO, especially in the damp PNW climate.
All of you pulling down outdoor harvests makes me jealous. I only moved into this spot on June 1st so no time for outdoor. The yard looked liked this when I moved in
[URL="http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag230/mrtea1523/yasrd_zps7efe5c94.jpg"]View Image[/URL]after several hundred hours work I have turned it into this. Going to put 2-3 plants outdoor in these spots next year.
[URL="http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag230/mrtea1523/Mobile%20Uploads/1001141350a_zpsf9dcvq5r.jpg"]View Image[/URL]
[URL="http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag230/mrtea1523/Mobile%20Uploads/1001141350_zps7qtzxjik.jpg"]View Image[/URL]This is a big ass self wick in the making
[URL="http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag230/mrtea1523/Mobile%20Uploads/1001141351_zpslfqnrect.jpg"]View Image[/URL]Lots of hard work in a short amount of time will pay off. Putting in 45 hours at work plus 20-30 on this yard every week.

I thought you were moving out west!! What happened? And if you were moving you're putting in a lot of work on something you may NOT being using....Sorry, I don't get it....LOL

~Sunny~ EDIT: Looks really good tho!


some guy
I thought you were moving out west!! What happened? And if you were moving you're putting in a lot of work on something you may NOT being using....Sorry, I don't get it....LOL

~Sunny~ EDIT: Looks really good tho!

Finances stalledmy move for at least another year. Fortunately while this garden took a lot of work it's only cost $30 thus far; all recycled materials. Even if I get only 1 summer of usr for $30 I'm growing >$2000 of food! My roommates will be here for awhile so they will make full use of it. Pay it forward eh?


Goblin Master
ICMag Donor
10 Pimp daddys dropped off at the labs today.
Results within a week.

Praying for a 20%+ pheno


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Active member
Just feel like saying "pimp slap"

They're going to be fighting over a hoe or two...

How much does the test require?

Super baked off the Overlord. Wish I had more, little plant got stunted, don't worry got clones in the works! It's just so orangey and relaxing. Smooth criminal....


Active member
$50 and 1-1.5 grams.

Nice. Dispensary near me offers once a month, "instant" test results. They scan/gas it there and sends the information back to their database and then you get your results. But don't think I'd get the full terpene makeup though. OTH it's only $25.

I'm just curious. Something I want to start doing, just for personal results/tracking. Talked to couple other big names, who offer packages, but seem more dispensary oriented. Most of these were the $50+ range.


Active member
Mornin y'all..

was gifted some seed from a buddy.. and figured this is the place to ask.

they're marked "nocturnal afgooey x Dark Queen"

any info as far as what to expect, flower time, behavior etc would be greatly appreciated.

enjoy the day/almost weekend folks..


Active member
Mornin y'all..

was gifted some seed from a buddy.. and figured this is the place to ask.

they're marked "nocturnal afgooey x Dark Queen"

any info as far as what to expect, flower time, behavior etc would be greatly appreciated.

enjoy the day/almost weekend folks..

Welcome to the minions! Glad you got some beans. They;re tasty.

is Afgooey (unknown PNW cut)
crossed with Dark Queen (Cali connect Blackwater x BC Bud Depot The Purps)

I'm actually sitting down to trim some right now!

Mine's some fruity goodie goodness. Aroma at least haven't partaken in smoked yet.

Picture from 4 weeks ago.

Hanging colas, just had been deleafed, then went to the tent to dry. In jar now for week.

Others have ran it more than me.


Pagan Extremist
? how you gonna lift that pot to feel the weight? especially with a plant in there... i'm not sure that plastic rim will hold up either...



some guy
Not going to be lifting the pot to feel the weight. Justwatering by eye. The plastic rim is not the only part holding it up, I chiseled out around the handles so they sit snug and flush with everything.almost allof the weight is being supported by the handles. The frame is even pinching the tote enough near the top that its impossible for it to bow out
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