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Michael Phelps Caught Smoking Bong


Active member
Nah, Roors have a down stem and removable bowl, no carb hold. Secondly, you can face a bong any way you want to rip it, I've had one faced that same direction probably at least several times in my career.

He won't/ can't be charged for this picture. Some negative publicity may have been generated, but then you have dudes like me and you people who say, "Fuck ya man, rock on!!". The public has a changing view on weed, for the first time since I started smoking I see a very plausible hope for marijuana's future. Hopefully there isn't much backlash, I want him to come back and dominate again....

I agree totally, what really surprised me were the comments on Sfgate, at least 90% of posters were anti War on Drugs and thought the incident was absurd, and these posters are mostly non weed smoking squarebears. it was really encouraging to see how so many people are waking up to the BS behind the war on drugs and that the real criminals are these DEA scumbags.


Active member
It's not what the policymakers want, ITS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT! Isnt that what democracy is supposed to be?

Laughing Jim

Active member


Homosexuality used to be a crime.

But FINALLY, those people started ADMITTING they were gay and worked hard to change the rules. They won! And now, there is no shame in being gay and it has become an accepted lifestyle for that group of people.

I have been saying for years that if everybody who smoked weed would just come out and admit it, and EDUCATE their friends, families, and aquaintences, marijuana would be legalized...quickly.

Ever wonder why those in positions of power and authority (judges, lawyers, cops, doctors, teachers, professors, big movie stars, talk show hosts, and yes, even our elected representatives running the country and making laws)
never seem to be subject to those ubiquitous pee tests?

It ain't fair, people.



So fuckin what ..Wait till they catch Dr Phill that will be some fuckin news I know that self Righteous dick head wears pantys under that suit or somthing..he can't be that damn clean you know.


So fuckin what ..Wait till they catch Dr Phill that will be some fuckin news I know that self Righteous dick head wears pantys under that suit or somthing..he can't be that damn clean you know.

it's a funny thing you know, self righteousness & hypocrisy go hand in hand, like that US politician of recent that was so anti gay and supporting laws against gays, then he was caught with his hand in the wrong cookie jar. I think a bunch of gays should be allowed to beat that guys eyes shut for betraying his own.

The same with the head of the FBI for 30 years!!!! Hoover was so anti gay he had them tracked and hunted like terrorists; then it all comes out years later that this fucking hypocrite would dress like a woman and make people call him Mary. Also, a top mobster had him over a barrel because he had a pic of him having sex with a guy he carried in his wallet. Needless to say, this mobster was never arrested. lol

I think George Bush has illustrated in living colors the errors of the way of the christian redneck right and gradual sensible change is inevitable.


Active member
^^ Haha yes!!! The "Christian redneck right" is the best description i have heard yet of this social group of self righteous scum.


Its harmless herbal fun

Its harmless herbal fun

MICHAEL Phelps has been suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming, the latest fallout from a photo that showed the Olympic great with a marijuana pipe.


Active member
Thanks god i dont must apologize every time when i smoke from bong :) Other way i should apologized few times daily hehe :rasta:

So , my apologize ...

:wave: :smoweed:

billy bob

Bong'S Away

Bong'S Away

First off I support Mr Phelps and wish him all the best of luck now that
some ratbag has outed him about bonging.But he should have known that being so famous ,that it was bound to happen . now he is in everyones sights
he won;t ever be able to smoke; with out the fear of some jack off sports outfitt requiring him to submit to a DRUG SCREEN Before during or after any events ,not to mention now that the witch hunt is underway any and all the
sponsors will sanction him Such as KELLOGGS just for starters!
Look for the Jack offs to try to pull his medals .his shit storm is just starting,
The longer this goes on the louder the crowds cry crucify him!!!!
Best of luck Mr Phelps


USA wake up to your self. Bake then exhale, smile. Get on with living your life not telling other people what to do with theirs. Live life. Dont sit in fear of the unknown blindly following the paths of moronic virgins of deceit.
Herb people gotta rise up and stand proud this is 2009.

K Double O

I think that this a shame. 3 months suspension? Phelps has got to be the greatest olympian ever!! Its our society thats screwed. Smoking marijuana is still a criminal act in th USA. Which is very! sad.

Considering the times, and the fact that there are 14 states with medical marijuana laws. Why should Michael Phelps have to go thru all this?

America is fucked up right now, and its going to get worse. All these damn conservatives!! This is not news. And to hell with Tony the Tiger! Phelps should be regarded as hero. He put the USA on his back in the Olympics and swam like a fuckin dolphin on steriods!!!

So he smoke a little? So what!!! I got some news to report. Why wont they help Obama pass this Stimulus? Now thats news!


Well it's a fact we MJ smokers can hold our breath better than any others. What's sick is it had to be someone he semi-trusted who rat finked him out with the picture. They should be shot in both hands both achilles cut and dumped on a fireant hill.