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Michael Phelps Caught Smoking Bong


I love it abbie.

I also think that he should have told the world to kiss his gold medal winning ass.


Hey, I think the douche bag that took the picture and then sold it should get outted too. I'm sure whoever took the picture was also toking on that same bong and then they go and do that to Phelps, fucker.
He's got to be more careful because when you're a celebrity of any kind someone will always take advantage of a situation, sadly.



ICMag Donor
I just think you guys are missing the point. It's not about smoking pot.....and Delta, I think his advetisers (where he gets his MONEY for instance) are the ones who give a shit.

Don't sign a contract or promise and then screw the people you made the promise to. It makes you a lesser person. Yes, he should have apologized and he did. I personally think apologizing was the right thing to do here

As for toking itself......rock on!


smoking pot is not a crime or shame thing to do!!period.If Phelps smoke some shit after looooooong and hardy training ...well he did and he should done it again hehe..by the way;laws in North Carolina sucks :fsu:


They cant possibly charge him for that pic he can say he was smoking some of that legal weed or tabacco cos he was drunk or something.FUCK PROHIBITION and anyone that can win gold in the olympics and pack a bong into them is a hero in my eyes


even though from another country in the Olympics i was so proud of that young man for his achievements; and now to see him with a bong, I am ever prouder that he's just a down to earth guy

hats off to ya bro - and fuck that sheriff who says he's gonna charge him criminally, he's the real embarrassment, to his mickey mouse badge, and will probably be on the next front page for sexually assaulting prisoners!


I just think you guys are missing the point. It's not about smoking pot.....and Delta, I think his advetisers (where he gets his MONEY for instance) are the ones who give a shit.

Don't sign a contract or promise and then screw the people you made the promise to. It makes you a lesser person. Yes, he should have apologized and he did. I personally think apologizing was the right thing to do here

As for toking itself......rock on!

Maybe it isn't as simple as he shouldn't have apologized, but that doesn't mean he should have to apologize. What kind of world do we live in that hitting a bong is something to apologize for anyway?

Also, I don't think that hitting a bong amounts screwing anyone, especially considering the results he has already delivered.

But that is just my :2cents:


They cant possibly charge him for that pic he can say he was smoking some of that legal weed or tabacco cos he was drunk or something.FUCK PROHIBITION and anyone that can win gold in the olympics and pack a bong into them is a hero in my eyes

I think that sheriff just wanted the media coverage. How are they going to hold that up in court anyway?


um... i thought you actually had to be caught with herb to be charged with possession.... not.... you smoked a month ago in my county!!!!

fuckin reactionaries
As a side note I think the pic included looks posed to me. Most folk I know would cover the carb hole while inhaling and not light the bong with the stem to the left but straight out in front. Also there would be at least enough of a hit to cause some smoke.

But all publicity is good publicity to the celeb listers.

Nah, Roors have a down stem and removable bowl, no carb hold. Secondly, you can face a bong any way you want to rip it, I've had one faced that same direction probably at least several times in my career.

He won't/ can't be charged for this picture. Some negative publicity may have been generated, but then you have dudes like me and you people who say, "Fuck ya man, rock on!!". The public has a changing view on weed, for the first time since I started smoking I see a very plausible hope for marijuana's future. Hopefully there isn't much backlash, I want him to come back and dominate again....


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
ist just shitty that anyone would take a pic of him taking a pull. i mean c'mon, we all know what age we live in, and what kind of damage things like this can do to people in the eyes of teh ignorant which happens to be. . . . oh . . mostly eveyrone.

i mean its Michael Phelps for christs sakes, why would you take a pic of him blazin? its just another case of the "how cool is that" syndrome accompanied by the "paparazzi plague" its seems most people suffer from. does "everything" have to be photographed al the time people?!?!? jeez, c'mon!

its amazing how he won so many medals, and all of a sudden hes some sort of horrible person for balzin despite his achievements??? the dudes practically a fish for gods sake!!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
since theres no edit . . .

Hey, I think the douche bag that took the picture and then sold it should get outted too. I'm sure whoever took the picture was also toking on that same bong and then they go and do that to Phelps, fucker.
He's got to be more careful because when you're a celebrity of any kind someone will always take advantage of a situation, sadly.


i totally agree!!! wheres the the sorry sack -o- shit that was there taking the damned pic?!? he needs to do some jail time too!!!


Okay so the worlds greatest swimmer smokes weed, at this point there is no fucking way that Anyone can say cannabis is bad

it kills cancer
regenerates the axon lining in neurons
can help stimulate appetite
can help curb appetite
can cause sleepinesss
can cause arousal or an awakaned state
causes euphoria
dulls pain
it dilates the vascular system

its been proven not to trigger cancer or any type of permanent lung damage.

women who smoke it, even in large amounts don't develop pregnancy problems

it doesnt hurt the brain in any way

and it now is being seen in one of the worlds best atheletes

im not very big on the whole we need to legalize weed rant but seriously, humans have used cannais for thousands of years, and only in the last hundred have people been trying to figure out ways to come up with reasons to keep it illegal, and really theyve run out of lies and excuses.

i see Michael Phelps as one more nail in the coffin for drug propaganda.

people can smoke weed and still be successful in life


Active member
I think that sheriff just wanted the media coverage. How are they going to hold that up in court anyway?

yea that dirty scumbag sherriff LOTT needs to be put to sleep, ASAP. What a lame, insecure, petty dirtbag, did you guys read the part where he brags about dressing like Miami VIce and driving a drug dealers siezed Porsche, this guy is worse than career criminals.

All these oppressive small town porky pig sherriffs who are so bored sitting around busting college parties, absolutely pathetic.

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