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Active member
I like your username, while livin' in the NYC area I/we took in several Black Flag concerts, we were into slam dancing up against the skinheads, we fought 'em too, sometimes fun & sometimes bloody. you roll with the punches ;)

Yeah sure....


Active member
Bought the Overkill album, W.F.O years ago. Good album. A friend has I Hear Black, which is also good.

Dude...Being on the west coast, Overkill was a myth. Finally got to see them a few maybe five years ago...now I've seen them 4 times. Bobby was at the last NAMM show and threw it down at the Metal Allegiance gig. Great singer and front man !!


Active member
Of course I am going to end the night with some Judas Priest...sleep well my friends.

Your on a roll VTA.. The Sepultera album Chaos AD is top notch and Pain Killer is a Judas Priest classic. I have to work out how to post youtube clips and put up some good stuff.


Active member
Your on a roll VTA.. The Sepultera album Chaos AD is top notch and Pain Killer is a Judas Priest classic. I have to work out how to post youtube clips and put up some good stuff.

Thanks Man....to post youtube vids here...go advanced..then copy this specific portion of the youtube URL....highlighted in blue...


In the advanced mode...click the youtube button...highlighted in blue. and paste between the brackets.



Thanks for the tip VTA. Much appreciated. It feels like a life time now, but when I was eighteen, a friend of mine formed up his first band called Snowblind.
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ptPekKOigkQ" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

No joy vta. Being a newbie, I think the applications I can use are limited. The youtube button wont function for me.

I couldn't sleep that well last night, so I turned the tv on at two in the morning and they had on some Cinderella tunes. Always liked Shake Me. It was followed up by a couple Winger songs. I never got into Winger.


Active member
<iframe width="854" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ptPekKOigkQ" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

No joy vta. Being a newbie, I think the applications I can use are limited. The youtube button wont function for me.

I couldn't sleep that well last night, so I turned the tv on at two in the morning and they had on some Cinderella tunes. Always liked Shake Me. It was followed up by a couple Winger songs. I never got into Winger.

Maybe you need 50 posts under your belt first. I think some features are blocked until that milestone is reached. Try again after a couple more posts...

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