G `day ngakpa
I read about the Sycthians using a tripod to make a tent they could stick their heads into . Rather than a full sized tent one might sleep in .
How about the info in RC Clarke`s Hashish about the Afghan Hash makers being from SW China ?
Thanks for sharin
EB .
yes, I didn't mean to imply different from what you read - the tents described and dug up seem to have been small, designed to concentrate the smoke from a fire --- making it doubly clear that the intent was to get high, not to bathe (as some Greeks seem to have thought)
the hash makers Clarke mentions were from Northwest China (Chinese Turkestan) not SW China
they were Uighurs - Central Asian Muslims, rather than Han Chinese
Clarke's idea in Hashish! is that they found wild broad leaf drug strains in the Kunar Valley in Afghanistan as they fled NW China in the '30s
but the idea is totally speculative - I don't buy it, and I notice they dropped it from the more recent book Cannabis
tbh I think the original observations Vavilov made in Kunar are pretty scant stuff to base a whole theory on, especially the idea of a whole seperate cannabis species - Clarke and Merlin say as much in the new book
I'm inclined to think it's all one species - that's still the mainstream consensus