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GorillaGrower said:
hey. julian.. there's one thing I wanted to ask you... how the hell do you edit your posts to make to make something you say be a link like if i said ------click here---- and it actually linked you instead of being lame.

your like an arTist w the master thread work :D

There's a button above the box where you type when you're writing a post. It's labeled 'Insert Hyperlink'... click on that. First thing you type is what shows in the thread, next box lets you put in the addy to link to.


hey julian! I missed the link to the indoor thread but now have it. thanks :)

click....... (sound of one of my buttons being pushed )

Comes out of many things......for some, a regional issue, for others, a personal issue ....

Most seem to agree across the board with the "either your made for it, or not".....

Both sides to it, but, my view in general is: Is it simple? yeah, if you know what your doing.....so...both sides are contained in that.....

I dunno....I don't find anything difficult about it, never have....so.....lucky?....."I get it"....I dunno.......

I think it is more interesting than funny

I agree with you on that. Might be I was too stoned yesterday to express my thoughts properly (plus english is not my first nor second languague).

I just get the impression that some people overcomplicate stuff or assume everyone works under the same conditions as they are. (And the whole strain/breeder worshiping is also sometimes quite ridiculouse.)

To be more speciffic: I was reading the polish forum yesterday and I got the impression some people just try to make things as complicated as it can be. They strive for the optimum conditions/food/substrate. And the less experienced growers they are the more concerned they are about relatively meaningless details forgeting the big picture and the basics. I'm a very new grower myself. About 1 year experience (I was born the year you planted your first seeds :D ). And I was the same. Read a couple books, germed a few beans and harvested a little bud few months later. Then hit the variouse boards to learn more.

I'm the laziest person I know, so I'm also lazy with growing. Did what I could without too much effort and was/am quite successful with it, but I was constantly beeing swamped with other peoples methods and bla bla. It just seems some strive to make things appear difficult/complicated. And I read all the newbs asking questions and losing sleep because they used just ordinary garden soil for they plants instead of some fancy mix. etc.

So it was refreshing to read the posts here. Not concerened about ideal conditions but efficency. A good thread for someone new in growing I think.

You do what you can, when you can and how you can :) And you don't need or really want (due to too much work/effort) optimal conditions.

Plus I liked all the investment and money talk.

But the most I like the wise words about life in general. The stuff aplicable in any business and to anyone.

Cheers and greetings from EU.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
I agree with you on that. Might be I was too stoned yesterday to express my thoughts properly (plus english is not my first nor second languague).

I just get the impression that some people overcomplicate stuff or assume everyone works under the same conditions as they are. (And the whole strain/breeder worshiping is also sometimes quite ridiculouse.)
Not at all....I got point...(actually penned a whole thing addressing that but lost it that was pretty amusing.......:smoke:)

I believe all goes far past here, and carries over into life......
To be more speciffic: I was reading the polish forum yesterday
Ahhh.......Dzien dobra pan :smoke:.....(I know people there....was in talks about securing large country parcel over there and running a 30k :smoke:....)

Less traffic, air, foot, less eradication efforts, etc, etc...
and I got the impression some people just try to make things as complicated as it can be. They strive for the optimum conditions/food/substrate. And the less experienced growers they are the more concerned they are about relatively meaningless details forgeting the big picture and the basics. I'm a very new grower myself. About 1 year experience (I was born the year you planted your first seeds :D ). And I was the same. Read a couple books, germed a few beans and harvested a little bud few months later. Then hit the variouse boards to learn more.
Well, "ideal" is nice......but, for those of us who don't live in certain regions, and, for those of us who think it safer to stay away from the crop as much as possible, and, many other reasons.."ideal" is far from realistic.....

Damn that made me feel old :biglaugh: (I'm far from....I live life of a 16yr old and current GF is 20....polska kobieta btw :smoke:....)

(Nie mowimy po polsku...bardzo tilco mowa.........)

(I date all ethnic , so, pick up couple hundred words of a lot of languages here and there depending on who I'm dating :biglaugh:....)

As above....the problem is that many approach many ways....and, I agree with the above.......

Newer want to learn every detail when they should focus on the "basics" (sun, water, soil, nutes, genetics, etc.....which can be explained to someone in hours......)

More experienced tend also to fall prey to "too much info"...(sure, you have a degree in horticulture....then how come I am doing 100 times more? :smoke:...)

Interesting topic and more to it..(wish I didn't lose what I wrote up....was funny :biglaugh: ......)
I'm the laziest person I know, so I'm also lazy with growing. Did what I could without too much effort and was/am quite successful with it, but I was constantly beeing swamped with other peoples methods and bla bla. It just seems some strive to make things appear difficult/complicated. And I read all the newbs asking questions and losing sleep because they used just ordinary garden soil for they plants instead of some fancy mix. etc.
Well, that might also come from people....their approaches, views, lives...intelligence, etc.......

Possibly such is difficult for some, so, again, as earlier, they speak from their own perspective....was hard for them , lot of mistakes....maybe having to do with how they learned in the first place....what they missed...how it was taught to them, etc.......

You start at basics and work your way out from there......ignoring things which are silly..(new people tend to want to "experiment" as quick as possible :biglaugh: even before they have the basics down...then, of course, their paths tend to get clouded by what others say (inaccurate......etc......can't even count how many times I sat down and was told things by people
So it was refreshing to read the posts here. Not concerened about ideal conditions but efficency. A good thread for someone new in growing I think.
Well, all should know (relates to basics) what ideal is........and then try and come as close as possible....

Ideal target, and, you work back from that as far as what is possible....

"Ideal".....something most are not able to do........due to situation, security, etc.....

You just try and do the most, and, the best that you can......

You do what you can, when you can and how you can :) And you don't need or really want (due to too much work/effort) optimal conditions.

Ideal?......my rainfall seems to be almost "ideal"...(yeah, except for when they start flowering :biglaugh:..:smoke:...

People can shoot for, and talk about "ideal", as far as outdoor...not possible for most...myself included....(I'm not about to install 10 miles of irrigation......simply for the risk of doing so...not the work.......etc....)
Plus I liked all the investment and money talk.
Glad of interest.......my areas of expertise/profession, etc....
But the most I like the wise words about life in general. The stuff aplicable in any business and to anyone.

Cheers and greetings from EU.
Very nice of you to say.....glad of interest and use.....

See, the above is all a huge debate.......

Is it "easy"?...well, I would agree with many that it's not "easy".....

But then I wouldn't want people to think beyond reach either....it's not difficult.......

Understand basics.....hard work.......what people want to do is only limited by the amount of work they want to put in.......firstly though by the area and spots they have available...

(Someone has money, ability to run what they want....knowledge...well, unless spot to put them doesn't matter anyway :biglaugh: (like me currently :biglaugh:.....)

Ability all starts with spots available.......determines everything....rest up to you :smoke:...
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Pimpslapped said:
There's a button above the box where you type when you're writing a post. It's labeled 'Insert Hyperlink'... click on that. First thing you type is what shows in the thread, next box lets you put in the addy to link to.

GTF outta here........:biglaugh: (I knew you could insert and edit, but, I hand write it all in :biglaugh:......)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
GorillaGrower said:
hey. julian.. there's one thing I wanted to ask you... how the hell do you edit your posts to make to make something you say be a link like if i said ------click here---- and it actually linked you instead of being lame.

your like an arTist w the master thread work :D
Thanks brother.....very kind of you to say.......

Yeah, ps below tells how to edit..(when you reply to post...all edit tools above text box), but, yeah, I write all in myself by hand....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Addition to above.....

I have trained a lot of people, on a lot of grow related things (could be growing, could be trimming, could be mixing, could be curing, drying, clipping, holes, etc..) over the years, and, I'm sooooo tired of saying "Why?....you don't need to know that...your getting ahead of yourself....focus on basics...that's what you need to know now.....

or......"Stop....your asking stupid questions which aren't necessary.......basics....basics....." :biglaugh:

Although, as obvious here I do tend to try and answer all, etc...some people have random questions along the way which help them to understand more (I'm one of those :biglaugh: I need to know everything :biglaugh:)

Then of course I sometimes think that the responsibility lies more in the teacher understanding the students needs, etc (all people learn things different ways...need things explained different ways.....have different ways of absorbing and understanding knowledge, etc.....)

10 different people might need something explained 10 different ways....etc....(Again...I'm like that.....anytime I talk to people about something, I ask them questions first to coincide with my current understanding, and, to clarify overview, then, I tell them start....)

Some learn different ways....some think different ways....all behave different ways....and, somewhere in there, have to find proper way to relay it to all at any given time in a way which they understand.......

(I never understood that all until much later in life......."good" teacher actually quite a skill...........)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
A general commentary.......

So.....I find it interesting how negative the world and society as a whole has become.....

You see it every day, everywhere you go.....anyone who seeks anything outside "the norm" is automatically criticized, and, goes to every aspect of life....

One says they want to be an actor and is met by rolls of eyes...when, in reality, the film, TV industry employs thousands....(10's of thousands most likely....)

Add on all related (agents, directors, crew, etc, etc, and your up to well over 1MM....)

People want to go into music.....same deal....you have literally hundreds of thousands of artists making a living from it on a daily basis (all genre's...)

Can apply to anything out of the norm......

it's a job :biglaugh:...you pursue it and do it, same as anything else....

(That roll of eyes gets a nasty response from me in real life...especially since the ones rolling the eyes are usually (as always :biglaugh: ) much less accomplished than the ones they pass judgment over....(No...I don't get the roll of the eyes.....I get immediate discussion regarding "okay, so, then what we have to do is........)

I got started on this subject by getting book mentioned above, after watching "Homegrown"...(trying not to be a spoiler....) but, find it interesting that, the world seems to doom everyone to failure who seek to do something different from the norm......

(initially I started thinking propaganda...but, sources probably immune to willfully putting out anti stuff......)

Millions of people across the world succeed daily.....so....why is there such a resistance?........hasn't history proved time and time again that there is no "can't"?....(Has to me........)

(See.....me?...I go through it every day and had a conversation yesterday with someone whose "dream" it is to own a restaurant......they appreciated that by the time the conversation was over they knew they could start one fairly easily, with minimal cash (maybe 50k on hand........at the start of the conversation they were under the impression that it would cost them 1MM cash onhand.....where they got those figures I have no idea......as, not even close to the truth........)

Now his "dream" is on schedule with maybe next year being reality..(in the process will learn more, prepare, save, etc.....)

Of course, those were wrapped up in their other "preconceived notions about the world" that they had drawn from society as a whole during their life........

There's a saying to the effect of knowing that everything you know and have learned is wrong....not sure where it's from or the source....think spans several areas (philosophy...business, etc.....)

From the way a lot of people talk in life....it seems the same applies.......

Growing it seems to get even crazier.....

Back to point...media...society......etc....

So, I'd reading the jacket on this book, then thinking of Homegrown, then this, that, etc, and, wondering.......why does the media spread everyone fails?....

Everywhere you look, all you see is failure.......I don't understand....

(Now, of course, it does happen....and, doesn't have to mean anything....some of greatest men in history failed repeatedly until they reached a new level.........how?....who knows....pure speculation......(maybe somewhere along the way they finally realized, learned something that was an essential ingredient that was missing.......)

My own example?
I am a money machine....I make money...out of thin air....and lots of it...and, have, all my life......I'm an ATM........

So, talking with family again about trading, money, etc.......(they are all "regular" people, who, unfortunately, had very uneventful lives...9-5 workers...no creative pursuits or success..."average"....

Now...again with the trading.....trying to tell me maybe would be better just put money in bank.......:biglaugh:

Now, I went on to explain (relates to above)....that, I'm sure the media has spoon fed them failures, and, the stories about novice traders quitting their jobs to trade and jumping out windows, but, the fact of the matter is my entire family receives large amounts of money on a consistent basis from my trading...and have for years.....yet they still dwell on failure.......(I'm been trading full time for years now...it's what I do......it's who I am.....it also happens to be what I love, and make me the most happy...(well, almost :smoke:...........)...

So.....I think a lot of people should sit down and establish who they are :smoke:....

A lot might be surprised to find out they indeed think in such ways, and, whether they realize it or not, it's affecting them, their families, and, their lives and professions....

Too many people of the "can't" school.......you can't...I can't....they can't......

Can't what????:biglaugh: Do something that others have done before 1,000 times? :biglaugh:


It's quite interesting to me.......I see it a lot....everywhere........all the time.....(people around me tend to do it less because they know better :biglaugh:...after analyzing and discussing something obstacles can be identified and approaches clarified to reach goal you want to, etc, and, if unable at the moment, then, a direction and actions to take obvious.....)

Very simple.....

But, the growing subject it's silly....get a drill, some stock, set up veg space according to targets,some nutes (whatever else if can't use native), irrigation if necessary..set up, drill, plant.....there's your 1,000..(me and my guys can do 1,000 in a weekend early in year....about 1/2 minute(s) a plant/hole..(pics above to illustrate also :smoke:....)

Doesn't look like rocket science to me..:smoke:...


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
ARTofMAKINGfire said:
Damn you know your shit. Time to move outside....

Thanks man....very nice of you to say......I've just done a lot, a lot of times...so......

Outside?.......all lies in the spots brother......do you have them?........(Anyone who has outdoor spots to use should be using them....simple as that.....that's why I sometimes get carried away.......I mean....used to be plant early, then sit............I mean....why?...I have spots?...I have time?...why waste it?...why not plant more? :biglaugh:......ie: utilize all space.....)

I get the same way with in projects...(ie: utilizing every sq. inch possible.......might as well, already set up and at risk, so, might as well be as efficient as possible, max yield, etc......)

If you've got the space....the spots.....try it out man....you might like it :smoke:.....(lot of hard work, but, I like hard work........I'm white collar on surface but a blue collar by birth.......we go out and all my guys are in heavy raingear (when raining of course :smoke:)...me?...**** man...boots, camo pants, and t shirt in a monsoon :biglaugh:...I ****in love that shit man....and, spiritually satisfying too (for me..I think......)

Just depends on what you have available (indoor space, outdoor, large , small, etc...) I mean...makes no sense to me to not utilize the resources I have available...(in, out, city, country, large, small.......if I have an empty sq. ft......it's getting used :smoke:........time and space...things not to waste :smoke:.....


Active member
Too many people of the "can't" school.......you can't...I can't....they can't......

Julian, that is the truth right there. I think a lot of folks are that way because they're uncomfortable with the idea that you might be better at setting and achieving goals than they are. I have a very close friend with whom I've shared my outdoor plans for next year. You know what he says? "Don't be greedy." I can tell you in no uncertain terms what he really means. He really means don't be too successful. Makes him feel lesser by comparison.

It's funny. We have a common pal whose barbering business has really taken off this year. He's booked up three weeks in advance and has raised his rates by 20 percent (as well he should! he's good at what he does and wasn't charging enough before). That guy, though, he's regarded as successful because of his hard work. But me? My hard work gets chalked up to greed--simply because the thing I work on is an illegal plant. It irritates me to no end, because I'm actually a generous person, and have been so repeatedly with the buddy who keeps using the word greedy with respect to Yours Truly.

Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I'm not going to stifle my ambition just so my friends won't feel badly about themselves.
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
The way I see it.....

Okay, so, I wanted to run through a quick example earlier but got sidetracked.....(earlier, OTC, how simple 500 is....)

(now, people will hem and haw (not a phrase I usually use :biglaugh:) 100-200-300-500-1,000....are you crazy....it's impossible...I could never do that...etc....

What's 500? Really?

Here you go...here's how it works :smoke:

First, you start here....

Then, you get here....

6 days later....your here.....

If earlier, then larger containers, like this..

Then, you pack em up.....

If larger, like this......

You get and use one of these....

Then you have this....

Which gets you here.....

Which gets you this.....

And then you have this....

Simple enough? (Had to work with pics I had.....all pics and gallery, etc, only from mid project, so.....)

Did I miss anything? :biglaugh:

There's the mythical, impossible hundreds......(I do single rounds of up to 1,000 at a time....)

I have the spots to......I have somewhere for them to go.....I make as many as I want....for as long as I want......as long as somewhere for them to go......

Prep? (hard work..)....germing/cloning..(simple in volume as long as space laid out...), planting?......simple....a 4 yr old could plant my plants for me.....maintenance?.....I have no irrigation, so, easier than those who do...but, as much as you can do, you do......pest control?...well, sometimes we hit them, sometimes not...(neem, citrus oil stuff and the pyretheum..(sp?)in the 2 gallon pressure sprayers...(cheap, anyone can buy anywhere, anytim)e....2-3 of those at same time?...your covering more ground and numbers than you think possible quickly....)....real issues are harvest and drying (much more space needed than most think, but, helps if you can do a lot of the drying outside.....)

Did I miss something?....simple enough........

The only thing which is needed when talking numbers is for people to sit and think how they can be more efficient.......anything and everything to make your job easier (because when volume....anything and everything multiplied.....)

500?.....I sneeze 500 :biglaugh:...and after I blow my nose I realize room/time/space/energy for another 5 :smoke:........

I dunno....I mean....from where I sit....any op is purely dictated by ones desire.....(assuming all other factors make it possible...space/spots/budget...ability.....physical ability, etc.....)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
NPK said:
Julian, that is the truth right there.
Dude......it's ****in everywhere man....it's crazy....it's a wonder anyone accomplishes anything anymore....(didn't used to be this negative even 5-10 yrs ago.......)
I think a lot of folks are that way because they're uncomfortable with the idea that you might be better at setting and achieving goals than they are.
Well, all people different, different reasons, but, that addresses the issue that A,you just might be enabling them to realize how little they are, what they have, etc......that they are not doing as they should....as much as they should...lacking drive, etc.....

The you have the misery loves company crowd which truly they don';t want you to succeed....

Then you have people who are insecure and your reaching a height greater then them would take away their position....

I mean...100 scenarios...rarely are any good though.....
I have a very close friend with whom I've shared my outdoor plans for next year. You know what he says? "Don't be greedy." I can tell you in no uncertain terms what he really means. He really means don't be too successful. Makes him feel lesser by comparison.
Could be....could also be he's concerned and doesn't want to see anything bad happen (if he is a true, solid friend, etc...) but, again.....maybe he has no exposure and doesn't grasp the project overview, etc.....

(Lot of my close and dear friends, etc, know what I do, for various reasons...maybe at one time we were partners......and, even though they know...I hear quite frequently "I'm insane", etc, etc...business as usual for me..(should be noted I am better off than they are :smoke:...so.....)
It's funny. We have a common pal whose barbering business has really taken off this year. He's booked up three weeks in advance and has raised his rates by 20 percent (as well he should! he's good at what he does and wasn't charging enough before). That guy, though, he's regarded as successful because of his hard work. But me? My hard work gets chalked up to greed--simply because the thing I work on is an illegal plant. It irritates me to no end, because I'm actually a generous person, and have been so repeatedly with the buddy who keeps using the word greedy with respect to Yours Truly.
Isn't that interesting? :smoke:

Yeah.......you see that a lot also.......if you do well, and are rewarded, your "greedy".....

I call that a blessing, and, luck :smoke:...(doing well and reaping rewards of your labor :smoke:......)

Eh...people...perceptions......can never change them....(can try :biglaugh:, but, usually not worth the effort :smoke:...)
Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I'm not going to stifle my ambition just so my friends won't feel badly about themselves.

Well.......you limit what you say to certain people (because you know their reactions and where it will go), and, unfortunately......eventually, contact dwindles, and, they get phased out..(seems to be the case for most people...) Reason being after a while, one tires of it...and, finds that it's better not to be surrounded by such........that it affects your way of thinking, actions, etc.,.......

Been there.......unfortunately.....

(had 2 calls and open trade in middle of that......hope I didn't trail off on those :biglaugh:....)

Perceptions man......people........I am still amazed at what I sometimes hear daily from different sources.......makes me wonder about people....


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Should also take the time to note.....you know....when I talk, give examples, etc..99% of the time it is certainly not my intention to offend, insult, undermine others....at all....(unlike some :smoke:)

I just hear something which I find a bit ridiculous, and, the numbers subject is what seems to be most often....(above...500?....4' x 4' space....there's 500....if in larger pots?......I can get 400 in 3" in trays to a foot in a 6 x 8 space more or less in 2 weeks from seed.......)

Planting?.....I do pre mix's...I use native soil, and, we run a auger for holes in about 30 seconds a hole.......so......I just don't see what so many find such an unusual task ( more my own curiosity as to why they do....because everything I know, live, and breathe tells me and shows me it's nothing..........

It's just a task.....set of tasks...thing that you do.....nothing more......

Maybe some prefer to work less.....(all I know do......no one usually puts as much effort out as me.....(my circle)....cause, again...I prefer to take care of business as much as possible and then your done, finished, can relax and know everything does that has to be...10-20-30hrs?....**** man...it's only once a yr!!

(That topic gets me uppity because of course they want to make the money, but, what?...for free?......really gets me uppity when people want something for free.....not to put in the work required, etc.....rubs me the wrong way......and, don't get me wrong....they're some pretty hard working guys....truly...they are...not lazy, good shape...strong guys, etc.....but, **** man...push it a little......ya know?...I'm not going to stop and have to come back tomorrow or next week (and fall behind schedule) just cause it's raining, getting dark...I'm hungry...tired...etc......

You do what you have to do.....

(Discussions, breaks, etc...tend to piss me off because that 30 minutes you just wasted is 30 minutes longer till we're done....30 minutes?...can do a lot of work in 30 minutes....(can drill 60 holes....can prep 60 holes....can plant 60 plants....etc.....)

**** man....I want to relax, have a drink, eat something, go home just as much as everyone else, ya know? :biglaugh: (I shouldn't even be there or have to also....my ****in work is optional....(I do that on purpose though......Inever ask anyone to do anything I wouldn't do myself.....

(There are, of course, things I would rather not do :biglaugh:...but...such is life man...you do what you have to do.....

Maybe......just maybe....that is what it comes down to and separates all......

All it is (anything) is merely "taking it to the next level"......

Anyone can if they want to.....some do...some don't....why?....we could discuss indefinitely...but, truth is some do, some don't....(and inevitably the ones who don't have more to say about it than the ones who do :biglaugh:......as with everything in life :smoke:....)
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Dzień dobry panu! (hehe)

Ahhh.......Dzien dobra pan .....(I know people there....was in talks about securing large country parcel over there and running a 30k ....)

Less traffic, air, foot, less eradication efforts, etc, etc...

I didn't expect you to consider growing outside the usa (and that you'd couse poland from all possible places).
But actually it could be a good shot :smoke:

1. Basicly NO eradication efforts. And definitly none whatsoever from air. (they pull a couple hundred plants each year in the metro but what is that? kids chucking seeds in the park?)

2. Geographicly: Lots of sparsly populated forests/mountain/swamp aerias. Lots of rain in summer. But hot and sunny summer. (the precipitation is from storms mostly). Season starting in the beginning of may and finishing about middle/end octobre. No desert :smoke:

3. Not much competition. (if you wanna see the product quality you can check drDiamonds reviews: . it's SHIT. and it's overpriced (10$ for 0.7g of shit) and not easy to come by. so my guess is: not much grown locally or at least not properly)

4. As to traffic. I don't know. My quess would be that the traffic would be bigger than many places in the usa (your place is HUGE!).

5. Harsh penalties but not so ****in insane like in the usa :D


I was thinking about a grow in poland since maybe middle into this thread :D if i was there i could find so many spots! jezus! i have some already now, from my memory. i'm pretty sure, within a couple weeks i would have spots for whatever amount i wanted to plant. (dunno about bring back. couse not sure about traffic. sometimes quite a lot of people in the wilderness)

eh here where i'm now i don't even have a car! don't know the country for shit, eh...

but the good side is that here in germany i actually have someone i could sell 10kg of bud :)

girlfriends are a really good way to learn a languague :joint: since my multilingual skillz he he (actually it was the other way round. languague broght me to girl. each time)


got a bit stoned writing this one phewww (first sample from c99) hope it makes sens though
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
I didn't expect you to consider growing outside the usa (and that you'd couse poland from all possible places).

But actually it could be a good shot :smoke:

1. Basicly NO eradication efforts.

2. Geographicly: Lots of sparsly populated forests/mountain/swamp aerias. Lots of rain in summer. But hot and sunny summer. (the precipitation is from storms mostly). Season starting in the beginning of may and finishing about middle/end octobre. No desert :smoke:

4. As to traffic. I don't know. My quess would be that the traffic would be bigger than many places in the usa (your place is HUGE!).

5. Harsh penalties but not so ****in insane like in the usa :D
Absolutely......have known lot of people from that region (all countries), have discussed at length....have checked values.....have seen landscape....

Weather should allow for no maintenance....

Eradication and traffic non existant...(meaning a huge wooded plot hours outside of civilization not like hours outside of civilization in US...lot of those places...I mean, there's nothing....

(Even here...nothing, sure, except people, aircraft, service people, eradication efforts popping out of nowhere, etc.....plus, there, you have aspects of the protection that generosity allows :smoke:......ie: "little" goes a long, long way.....


Absolutely....still might one day :smoke:......(things like that move along gradually until one just basically goes ahead......have had that on my mind for a couple years actually....Also was talking once with a South African guy about the same thing.....was "into" it, but, he wasn't "really" "into" it :smoke:....I'd turn his ****in place into a different animal :smoke: (again, generosity a plus :smoke:.....)
I was thinking about a grow in poland since maybe middle into this thread :D if i was there i could find so many spots! jezus! i have some already now, from my memory. i'm pretty sure, within a couple weeks i would have spots for whatever amount i wanted to plant. (dunno about bring back. couse not sure about traffic. sometimes quite a lot of people in the wilderness)

eh here where i'm now i don't even have a car! don't know the country for shit, eh...
Ideally you want a partner who is as close as possible, who is a resident and knows the area well...(for larger)...knows all locals, their patterns, such things, etc, and, good enough terms and well liked enough to be able to soprt out a problem if one should arise (with any far neighbors, etc.....which is just solved by $ :smoke:....)

Yeah...large country, good weather......once you get far out.......could never see another person ever :smoke:....
but the good side is that here in germany i actually have someone i could sell 10kg of bud :)
Well, it would go somewhere close :smoke:.....various(endless) sources for the true, nice hardcore....endless sources.......
I have to say I had no idea as to the value....

I figured bonus was the safety, and, trade off the value (which not a problem because volume still allow one to hit their target...etc...)

I was figuring like 2k ap.....maybe less.....
girlfriends are a really good way to learn a languague :joint: since my multilingual skillz he he (actually it was the other way round. languague broght me to girl. each time)

got a bit stoned writing this one phewww (first sample from c99) hope it makes sens though
Almost everything I know (cultures, languages..) from women (Latinas, Asians, Euro girls, it's all I mess with....):biglaugh: (lot from guys, but, the women like to talk more in depth about it, so...get more from them.....)

Edit: Yeah, could easily spend the rest of my life in Europe, etc...music scene ****in kills.......women astounding...values great....(****, I could still trade also....so, would put me over the toip money wise...) etc....I've toured in lot of places, met lot of people....some became long term friends, etc....so......yeah...would be into it......(and if I knew I could pull 1MM a year or more easily and safety every year.......wouldn't be so bad :smoke:......I've thought about that when I looked and saw like 1,000 acre estates (with awesome houses :biglaugh: for fairly cheap :smoke:.....)

Yeah.....over there? "middle of nowhere"?

It's really the "middle of nowhere".. :smoke:

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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor

"Julian".....the other avi, etc....

Guy I know was pushing to watch a movie, with the "dude! that's you!!!!!!"...

So, I watched it....****ing made me laugh......did see a lot of similarities....(goes back to 4 senses.......was also curious how this specific person perceived me to draw the similarities, etc....) So, killed the last name, same time saw that movie "The Matador", so...used it....(Actually I found that flick VERY funny :biglaugh:, and, yeah.....lot of similarities.....guy who pushed me to watch and said that ....he's seen a lot of moments in flick....:biglaugh:).....it was indeed very funny...(Then, I wonder maybe just speech patterns, manner of speaking, etc, etc....) Whenever someone says that I have to see flick....perception , etc....I'm curious :smoke:...

(Plus...I do have a lot of 100% straight long term friends...never partied.....no tickets, etc...100% straight.....so......character befriends a 100% straight dude and they were like "dude! That's you and so and so :biglaugh:....These friends of course know kinda of I may or may not have exposure to.....for the most part...it
s never been discussed...and, when discussed, I obliged because they were genuinely curious about certain things :smoke: (risk would be in their getting in trouble, but, 100% straight , so, they're scared enough just to talk about it in the first place :biglaugh::smoke:....)

Fat guy pic was we also know a guy whose name is Julian who looks like that......whole thing turned into a running inside joke :biglaugh:
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I have to say I had no idea as to the value....

I figured bonus was the safety, and, trade off the value (which not a problem because volume still allow one to hit their target...etc...)

I was figuring like 2k ap.....maybe less.....

I'm no expert in volume (biggest i've ever seen was 75g he he) but I figure over $3k for 500g (dollar is weak :D ) especially if good quality (which the market badly needs)

On the street 1g goes for 10$ (but it's hardly ever a full 1 gram usually 0.6 - 0.8g). Sometimes i bought 5g for bout 30$.

But my fears are that the bigger volume is strictly in the hands of the mafia. Dangerouse people. And we have no old hippies. A different mj culture, more clandestine.

Edit: Yeah, could easily spend the rest of my life in Europe, etc...music scene ****in kills.......women astounding...values great....(****, I could still trade also....so, would put me over the toip money wise...) etc....I've toured in lot of places, met lot of people....some became long term friends, etc....so......yeah...would be into it......(and if I knew I could pull 1MM a year or more easily and safety every year.......wouldn't be so bad ......I've thought about that when I looked and saw like 1,000 acre estates (with awesome houses for fairly cheap .....)

Looks like Europe is a good option for you.

I personaly am looking into moving to spain. lovely people, fantastic food, good weather (actually started worrying about the rain. might not be so easy to do without watering. but could run late flowering goodies :D )

and most of all: SEMI-LEGAL growing! very lax laws from what I hear. If someone legalizes cannabis in europe it will be spain.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
vod said:
But my fears are that the bigger volume is strictly in the hands of the mafia. Dangerouse people. And we have no old hippies. A different mj culture, more clandestine.
Not strictly in their hands...nah, not at all...but, a good portion.....

Well aware how it is overall :smoke:
Looks like Europe is a good option for you.

I personaly am looking into moving to spain. lovely people, fantastic food, good weather (actually started worrying about the rain. might not be so easy to do without watering. but could run late flowering goodies :D )

and most of all: SEMI-LEGAL growing! very lax laws from what I hear. If someone legalizes cannabis in europe it will be spain.
I've actually been looking at property there for about 2 years now...:smoke:....climate nice...(both)...good values....

Been thinking about it for a while....almost bought something last year (figured keep it around until wanted full time, etc.....) Spain I would assume full irrigation.....


DAMN dude, this near aggresive wisdom your spittin out has got me in awe, ****ing feels good to be back in school yall, whoo!

julian said:
There's a saying to the effect of knowing that everything you know and have learned is wrong....not sure where it's from or the source....think spans several areas (philosophy...business, etc.....)

From the way a lot of people talk in life....it seems the same applies.......

Growing it seems to get even crazier.....

Back to point...media...society......etc....

So, I'd reading the jacket on this book, then thinking of Homegrown, then this, that, etc, and, wondering.......why does the media spread everyone fails?....

Everywhere you look, all you see is failure.......I don't understand....

(Now, of course, it does happen....and, doesn't have to mean anything....some of greatest men in history failed repeatedly until they reached a new level.........how?....who knows....pure speculation......(maybe somewhere along the way they finally realized, learned something that was an essential ingredient that was missing.......)

Big time bro, I feel this one daily, have a son, and inside, mentally battleing, mass school education vs socially weak....do i keep him from school (true lovers of knowledge know it learned best through experience) home school, travel, wanna try middle school? Ya know, wait at least until he can think for himself before throwing him into the psychological gauntlet.

Most likely will leave it up to him, and according to creative/business pursuits at the time, but, what he sees, and how he sees, well....i hope to have more input than the 'average' parent

julain said:
Now, I went on to explain (relates to above)....that, I'm sure the media has spoon fed them failures, and, the stories about novice traders quitting their jobs to trade and jumping out windows, but, the fact of the matter is my entire family receives large amounts of money on a consistent basis from my trading...and have for years.....yet they still dwell on failure.......(I'm been trading full time for years now...it's what I do......it's who I am.....it also happens to be what I love, and make me the most happy...(well, almost ...........)...

So.....I think a lot of people should sit down and establish who they are ....

God Damn man, that shit got me reelin, (why i stopped reading, had to expel all that bound energy)

Truly reminds me of some of my very favorite poets/philosphers....of course simple eastern also, understand yourself, and you will understand the universe...but...never tire of hearing it, way you said it, sit down and do it dammit, lol, establish, also good choice of words man...I believe you are talented in many areas of life (****,maybe beyond life, lol)

ok, time to hit the pipe some more and continue,
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