Eh, as long as something of use to someone....served it's purpose.......
Considering some things not as expected........considered quite a few (toooo many weren't topped when they were supposed to be ......larger city spot had some in all.....could be worse ....actually could be spun into a lesson about adaptation, expectations, spreading it out, etc....)
Things happen.....and, with numbers.....really none an issue which is a problem, so......
(Note: Actually....all issues probably my fault anyway.....didn't decide to really go forward until early April (last minute....really wasn't "feeling it" this year...), had stock issues....original plans were changed (this whole run was supposed to be nothing but straw diesel, blueberry, etc), started Jan 1st....Had some scheduling issues and didn't get things in when I wanted....had some city issues and got some in too early, some too late (relating to other projects and schedules....)
Think the above a good illustration about later in season (ones planted July 1st...small).....One of things I always try to firmly stress is season..(lot of people would consider season over July 1st.....July 1st ones might end up 9 ft...all probably 6 or more.....Could still plant today and might be pleasantly surprised.....(one will always note from pics many, many different sizes........1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12ft, etc......relates to rounds and when they were done....really nothing anyone, anywhere, anytime can't do for fairly cheap.....
Considering some things not as expected........considered quite a few (toooo many weren't topped when they were supposed to be ......larger city spot had some in all.....could be worse ....actually could be spun into a lesson about adaptation, expectations, spreading it out, etc....)
Things happen.....and, with numbers.....really none an issue which is a problem, so......
(Note: Actually....all issues probably my fault anyway.....didn't decide to really go forward until early April (last minute....really wasn't "feeling it" this year...), had stock issues....original plans were changed (this whole run was supposed to be nothing but straw diesel, blueberry, etc), started Jan 1st....Had some scheduling issues and didn't get things in when I wanted....had some city issues and got some in too early, some too late (relating to other projects and schedules....)
Think the above a good illustration about later in season (ones planted July 1st...small).....One of things I always try to firmly stress is season..(lot of people would consider season over July 1st.....July 1st ones might end up 9 ft...all probably 6 or more.....Could still plant today and might be pleasantly surprised.....(one will always note from pics many, many different sizes........1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12ft, etc......relates to rounds and when they were done....really nothing anyone, anywhere, anytime can't do for fairly cheap.....