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Marc Emery Surrenders, To Face Extradition to US


Listen to me jerky
I did 5 years for cultivation, I have been out for 2 and I still ain't right. It changed me in a bad way. It made me mean, I'm like a time bomb. When I was arrested I had worked at the same place for 8 years, now in the 2 years I've been out I have had probably 10 jobs. I"m a mess and they did this to me.

This is what they don't understand, you take a person that got along and never hurt anyone, put them in with killers, rapist, real criminals.... and turn them into a maniac.

It is insane.


History will show the draconian nature of Mark Emery's imprisonment. The continual lies associated with the laws and practices of the US will lead to its demise, people can only be held down for so long. Overgrow the government!! best wishes to Mark Emery and his family.


Registered Non-Conformist
It's all f8cked.... Whatever you think of ME, he has done some work for the cause that many others have not done... I am hoping he is let go VERY early. Like next year.... No one forced people to send money for seeds... Your local retailers can be just as profit-minded...


Active member
Actually, it seems that it's not the US Federal government intent on holding him now for the full five years. The problem now is the Harper government in Canada.

The US offered last year to let Emery serve his time in a Canadian prison without the formality of even starting his sentence in the US before a transfer. That would have meant parole under the Canadian system in about one year. The Canadian Government, under control by Harper's Conservative Party (a minority government at that) - refused to agree to the deal. The Harper government wants Marc Emery to serve the full five years in a US maximum security federal prison.

That's right: Max Security. As a foreigner, Emery is to be held in a Max Security prison designed to hold foreigners in the Federal pen system. Emery will be serving time along with several thousand Mexican and Central American prisoners. Most of them associated with the Cartels -- the very people Emery wants to put out of business and speaks so passionately about!

So Emery is being sent to serve time with Cartel goons - the very people he speaks out against.

The irony is almost laughable, if it wasn't so damned wrong.

Until there is a change in the Canadian government, Emery would appear to be destined to do most of his sentence. Harper's conservatives are now taking advantage of the situation to punish Emery -- something that the Canadian criminal justice system would not let them do directly. The whole thing stinks of right-wing petty politics throughout. It is just revolting.

That said, the Conservatives could outright lose the next election, or the Liberals could decide to just form a coalition government even if they don't win the most seats and take power. He's far more likely to get a break from a Liberal Justice Minister. So this ain't over yet. It certainly does not look good for Emery right now though.


No, they won't go after Arjan, Gyspy or even Hemp Depot.

Why? Be cause none of the aformentioned guys are sending money to American activists.

Emery is in jail for political reasons.

He would go to DEA meetings in Canada and yell at the drug czar while he was talking at a convention.

You may not like him, his way of business or the way he handled his personal life, but NOBODY can doubt what he did for the marijuana movement in Vancouver and Canada.


Absolutely right. It is political, it's big business. It's disgusting, and it's the status quo.

We have a prison industrial complex in the US and you have to feed the beast. They actively and aggressively lobby for more laws and stiffer penalties for existing laws. BECAUSE THEY GET PAID MORE THE MORE PEOPLE THEY INCARCERATE! It is big money - huge and they are absolutely out of control and behaving in ways that not only go against the will of the majority of the American people (52% favor legalizing pot according to Zogby), but are contrary to the public good and severely compromise the legitimacy of our justice system by supporting more & harsher laws FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF INCREASING SHAREHOLDER STOCK VALUE. They LOVE the drug laws, and that is where they agitate the most - it's their fucking bread and butter with the sheer number of convictions and the appalling, lengthy, disproportionate sentences.

Marc Emery really ruffled their feathers, not so much by selling seeds, but like you said, by supporting activists. Seeds was the excuse they had to nab him. Activists who lobby for reform & reduction/removal of the very laws which feed the financial interests of the powerful prison industry. Since they can't arrest the activists legally they go after the next best thing - their backers. Non-violent drug offenders are the fastest growing prison population. They must have considered these groups a threat or have been getting somewhere b/c they came for one of their most prominent (and vulnerable) financiers, hard.

Isn't privatization wonderful? I mean here are huge corporations with a vested interest in criminalizing as much as the population as they can and hold them for as long as they can as cheaply as they can. Gotta show ever increasing profits to their shareholders, that's what a corporation does - and that's how they do it. Hmmm, ya think our "justice system" will suffer much? How much justice will be left after they're done bending our laws to fit their fiscal interests? There is a vocal and very influential contingent in congress that believes privatization is always good in all things and under all circumstances absolutely, can I get an amen? :wallbash:

This disgusting display of arrogance and overreaching from the dickheads at the DEA is just icing on the cake. How dare they usurp the sovereignty of Canada to police their own citizens and try them according to their own laws, could you imagine if the situation was reversed? (I know that technically the DEA's request is legal but they fucking strong armed the Canadians into extradition and everybody knows it.)

Marc Emery's crime wasn't that he sold seeds. That's the technicality they got him on. What he did was threaten the bottom line of the US private prison industry. Welcome to the plutocracy my friends. How vulnerable we are.

I got a sick, hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach as I read this. Please god let Mr. Emery serve his time in Canada.

They are winning. The number of people in jail for drug related offenses is increasing at an alarming rate and has been ever since prisons were privatized - check it out, from http://www.drugwarfacts.org/cms/node/63

  1. According to the US Justice Department, in federal prisons, "While the number of offenders in each major offense category increased [from 1995 to 2003], the number incarcerated for a drug offense accounted for the largest percentage of the total growth (49%), followed by public-order offenders (38%)."
    Harrison, Paige M. & Allen J. Beck, Allen J., PhD, US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2005 (Washington DC: US Department of Justice, Nov. 2006), p. 10.

  2. According to the US Justice Department, between 1990 and 2000 "Overall, the percentage of violent Federal inmates declined from 17% to 10%. While the number of offenders in each major offense category increased, the number incarcerated for a drug offense accounted for the largest percentage of the total growth (59%), followed by public-order offenders (32%)."
    Harrison, Paige M. & Allen J. Beck, Allen J., PhD, US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Prisoners in 2001 (Washington DC: US Department of Justice, July 2002), p. 14.

  3. "Department of corrections data show that about a fourth of those initially imprisoned for nonviolent crimes are sentenced for a second time for committing a violent offense. Whatever else it reflects, this pattern highlights the possibility that prison serves to transmit violent habits and values rather than to reduce them."
    Craig Haney, Ph.D., and Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., "The Past and Future of U.S. Prison Policy: Twenty-five Years After the Stanford Prison Experiment," American Psychologist, Vol. 53, No. 7 (July 1998), p. 721.

  4. "We must have law enforcement authorities address the issue because if we do not, prevention, education, and treatment messages will not work very well. But having said that, I also believe that we have created an American gulag."
    Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey (USA, Ret.), Director, ONDCP, Keynote Address, Opening Plenary Session, National Conference on Drug Abuse Prevention Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, September 19, 1996, Washington, DC, on the web at http://www.nida.nih.gov/MeetSum/CODA/Keynote2.html last accessed May 25, 2007.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
If any of you want to help end this stupid war on drugs, check outLEAP.Google it . you will be amazed.I am a proud toker and member of LEAP. i am not rying to recruit people to this organization but its nice to see that police,judges, prosecuters etc. think the war on drugs is a waste of time. I once was thrown in jail for 1 gram. I got 30 days.. It cost 300 hundred dollars a day to keep me in jail ...Bud should be LEGALIZED!!!


ICMag Donor
Actually, it seems that it's not the US Federal government intent on holding him now for the full five years. The problem now is the Harper government in Canada.

The US offered last year to let Emery serve his time in a Canadian prison without the formality of even starting his sentence in the US before a transfer. That would have meant parole under the Canadian system in about one year. The Canadian Government, under control by Harper's Conservative Party (a minority government at that) - refused to agree to the deal. The Harper government wants Marc Emery to serve the full five years in a US maximum security federal prison.

That's right: Max Security. As a foreigner, Emery is to be held in a Max Security prison designed to hold foreigners in the Federal pen system. Emery will be serving time along with several thousand Mexican and Central American prisoners. Most of them associated with the Cartels -- the very people Emery wants to put out of business and speaks so passionately about!

So Emery is being sent to serve time with Cartel goons - the very people he speaks out against.

The irony is almost laughable, if it wasn't so damned wrong.

Until there is a change in the Canadian government, Emery would appear to be destined to do most of his sentence. Harper's conservatives are now taking advantage of the situation to punish Emery -- something that the Canadian criminal justice system would not let them do directly. The whole thing stinks of right-wing petty politics throughout. It is just revolting.

That said, the Conservatives could outright lose the next election, or the Liberals could decide to just form a coalition government even if they don't win the most seats and take power. He's far more likely to get a break from a Liberal Justice Minister. So this ain't over yet. It certainly does not look good for Emery right now though.

I'm not sure where you got this information from.

If and when Emery is extradited, he will be turned over to US Marshalls and housed in a Federal holding facility until his Court date. Upon his Guilty plea he will then be catagorized and the Feds will determine where he serves his sentence based on how dangerous he is determined to be. This is if his Attorneys didn't get in writing where he serves his sentence in his plea agreement.

I don't know why anyone would think he will be sent to a maximum facility Prison. I don't even see him serving his time in a medium security facility. I've never heard anything regarding him having any convictions for violent crimes. I honestly believe if the Americans can talk the Canadians into letting him serve the sentence in Canada they would gladly do that....


New member
Marc and Jodie are awesome people who fight for our rights every day. I am sending them much love and prayers.


Ripped since 1965
"I honestly believe if the Americans can talk the Canadians into letting him serve the sentence in Canada they would gladly do that...."

No, america don't roll that way. When the man take ya by the nuts he don't let go till he has to by law, he don't voluntarly make it easy on you. They also know in an american prison he'll have pretty good odds of picking up a new beef trying to hold on to his money. Either that or he'll spend his time in segregation. They like win/win situations.


Active member
Everyone should take note of what happened & is happening now to Roman Polanski. The judge in his case decided to nullify the plea deal that had already been arranged and was going to sentence him to a much longer term. That's why he fled the USA. The US justice system does not keep its promises!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The US justice system does not keep its promises!
We have lots of Native Americans on reservations that will tell anyone who will listen all about broken promises... what a great national pasttime. :rolleyes:

This country is becoming increasingly embarassing.

Green Supreme

That's not necessarily true Marihuanaman and Michelle were charged and handled separately. In fact they were done in court when Marc went in for sentencing. MM and Michelle got 2 years probation a 100 dollar fine and no drug testing. Biggup top Canadas greatest cannabis hero. Wonder where all those folks are that took a piece of him over the years when this is going on.

I am embarrassed to be a Canadian, when we are letting America make the rules. Peace GS


Everyone should take note of what happened & is happening now to Roman Polanski. The judge in his case decided to nullify the plea deal that had already been arranged and was going to sentence him to a much longer term. That's why he fled the USA. The US justice system does not keep its promises!

yes Skip, we wont really know until its final....

on another note, Emery says the reason he turned himself in etc is because if he fought (and would lose for sure he said) it he would be in jail for 20 years or something. This way, he hopes to be out in 3 of his 5 year sentence??? i dont know if the sentence & deal is written in stone, so to speak.


Well-known member
Well to be honest.. he was facing multiple life charges.. his sentence would have been around 30 to 50 years.. Which for a 50 plus year old man.. is a death sentence.

The two co accused being let go without serving a single day in a U S prison was definitly THE reason he plead out...

I think im going to write the justice minister a letter.. i urge you all to do the same..

www.cannabisculture.com has info on how you can do this..
I apologize if posting marc's site here is not allowed,, but i figured in this situation we are all on SIDE>. and can put passed silly things like competiting website' links..
( if the links aren't allowed,, in the least lets continue to update icmag with the information that is posted up on marc's site.)

Bubble man


Its a discrace....Canada a "free nation" or a "soverign body" as described in the united nations......governed by the WORLD POLICE(US).....There really shouldnt be any debate as Marc being tried in the states....He is not a citizen of the US and they have no right to try him as being a So called "Drug Kingpin" under their laws....It shows us that your only free as long as you follow the laws of the bullies. Its the shippies responsibility if a package gets stopped at customs not the Shipper to know the local laws. A disclaimer is posted upon any order PLEASE CHECK LOCAL LAWS BEFORE PURCHACING.....Hmmm.....Just a little rant....hmmm


i dont really know much about mr. emery's personal life but anyone who advocates legalization of mj gets my vote. its sad to see anyone go to jail for mj...its fuk'n rediculous!! if their excuse is that "they are trying to save us from ourselves".......wtf bout alcohol, cigarettes and pharms....this world is really a fuk'd in the head place....may Jah have mercy on this place. so sad it seems like Marley's words ring true "total destruction, the only solution."


Active member
This is just disgusting and makes me even further embarrased to be an American.

Marc Emery if tried should be tried in his own country seeing as he never once operated in the USA nor did any of his employees.

What the president,his cabinet and all the other fat cats up on capitol hill need to realize is that this is a war that they will NEVER WIN!

People all over the country are growing herb or smoking herb.Yes there are quite a few dumbasses out there that should not be smoking and give us all a bad name.Look at all the damn gangsta rappers and some of their lyrics that involve weed and then cutting or raping or smaking some bitch down....pathetic.As Bill Cosby once said,the black man has no one to blame for their problems but their selves.

How about we focus on the real problems at hand like the war in afghanistan,our own failing economy,bringing world hunger and poverty to an end and actually doing some good about the world in effort to try and make up for the fucked up things our government ahs been doing to it's own and other countries for hundreds of years.We come over on the Mayflower and rape and pillage and kill and call it our own,driving out the natives that once were a great people that flourished and cared for their land and world and now they only make up what,1% of the national population.What about the russian/afghanistan war where we went in to train Obama,Suddam,and many others only to leave them in the end...no wonder they are terrorists.

Why werewe in 'Nam...oh oil oil oil...give up on the oil because it won't be around forever.How about we use hemp for a renewable source of energy?!Or to build houses,schools,textiles,clothes?As a protein source?

Marijuana has never killed a single person all throughout it's known history.You cannot overdose,you'll just fall a sleep after smoking too much herb.

It is a shame that people choose to profit off of this wonderful and medicinal plant,some will go as far as to steal or even kill.....these are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name.

I smoke weed and cigs.I do not drink alcohol,do coke,heroin,speed,downers,whatever...just smoke weed.I have never hurt anyone,I have never stolen from anyone and well murder...frankly you would have to kill or attempt to kill my family for me to want to and kill you.

I am asling my government,please just give up already.

You are wasting the taxpayers dollars trying to fund this war and where do alot of those funds comefrom...hmm...how about the coke cartels...yep that's right I said it...all we need to do is look back to Bush Sr. and his good pal Pablo Escobar....nuff siad.

What about all our black op's where we sell drugs to one country or elitist group to arm another country or elitist group?!

What about all the presidential and senatorial conspiracies?!

Wake up Gov. the people are onto your shit and it stinks to high heaven.