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Marc Emery Surrenders, To Face Extradition to US


Active member
I feel more sorry for his wife jodie, marc will tough it out just fine. Some people work in prisons there entire life, he gets to chill and work on stuff for 5 years.


Active member
I don't think that Americans truly understand how angry Canadian activists are about this. The U.S. government didn't do this because it was merely enforcing the law; this was done to silence a marijuana advocate and activist who contributed millions of dollars towards the legalization movement in Canada, the U.S.A. and elsewhere.

Love him or hate him, Marc Emery is a true believer who has always kept faith with the movement.

The motive for his prosecution was not because he was selling seeds; it was because of his political views. And more than anything else - that is a true disgrace.

Outside of Gitmo, there are precious few in American prisons who can truly claim to be "political prisoners" -- but Marc Emery now has a valid claim to that title.

I know that there are some people who truly do have a principled opposition to marijuana. While I cannot agree with them, at least I undersand where some of them are coming from. I respect their right to disagree with me. That is, after all, what democracy is all about.

But to abuse the machinery of the state and its power over the criminal law in a blatant attack on the freedom of political speech and the right to organize in a democracy? The ends can never, ever, justify those means; it is an unjustifiable wrong. It is, in fact, so clearly a wrong, I cannot understand how someone who was the top legal officer of The United States of America could possibly have come to any other conclusion.

If alive today, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison would have named you a tyrant, Mr. Ashcroft.

And they'd be right, too.

mr noodles

the whole north america is going down the drain...this is another flagrant proof of it .

i dont like emery but jail ???? in the usa ???????

no way....he should fled the fuck outta canada asap !

he got the money to do it ...but sending this guy in a us jail....no fucking way

while that time usa send us crap from gantanamo....go figure...harper = hitler for canadian values .

ignatieff is a fucking hypocrite...period.....this motherfucker has no idea of how the liberal party should work.....this guy will be kicked out in less than a year from now...

layton ...what a fucking joke of a clown....2 weeks ago he voted for the first time to support the pc....that way c-15 is on is way like a train, thanks a lot jack you fucking assclown .

no ones will stand for emery , thats the modern canada, sad


Active member
The irony of course is that it's now LEGAL to sell seeds & clones in California (state law).

So if he'd done it here he would be just fine! They might even imprison him here in California.

Maybe he'll get a cell right next to EDDY LEPP! Imagine what "revenge" on the system they could dream up together...

And yes, Eddy Lepp is a political prisoner too!


Im sure everybody on the mag believes no one should be prosecuted legaly for any thing relating to cannabis and or marijuana no where on earth except leo.Im sure mr.emery knows he's a matyr,soildiers,
hero,for cannabis in the states and his country and globoly That he is in our prayers and postive vibes go out to him and his family and friends.5 years he can knock that out with a grain of salt and i salut him for not taking everybody down if he prevented others from going to jail.Thats stand up and being responsible imo.I know canadians do not like jail time for marijauna there laws reflect this from the people in the usa we deal with this on a constant basis and were striving to end this prohibition until then once again i salute you mr.emery.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well I think that its silly really, ME gets busted for selling seeds in Canada, when even to this day there are several other Canadian seed companies still doing the same thing.....

The powers that be go after him, and leave the rest alone.........definitely looks like he was busted for political reasons....


I think this is an attempt out of desperation from the DEA to keep the political tides from turning. They see many States rejecting their marijuana laws right now and know that marijuana busts are the majority of their "operations". They know that if the laws change than the majority of them will be out of a job. So what do they do? They target the political opposition and arrest terminally ill people and their doctors claiming that they are a scourge on our society. Why can't they just focus on the real problems like METH! If they focused as much on meth and other hard drugs as they do on pot than maybe we would see some of the ghettos turn back into nice neighborhoods. Stephen Harper you are a joke! How could you let a citizen of your country be extradited for something you consider to be legal?

BTW: the pot by post web page has been around for ages and the prices are just disgusting. I thought dispensary prices where expensive compared to going to the kid down the street but looking at that, I can't see any incentive to use a web based service to buy my medicine.


He's Married??!!!!?? He was sure hitting on me at his little Head Shop in Canada. I thought surely he must be single.

The only reason he is being prosecuted IMO is because the DEA wants to nail the self-proclaimed "prince of pot".

ME could have gotten by with it if he had not aspired to the crown. They always like to chop the heads off of royalty...

Madrus Rose

post 69
just what the american prison system needs ...one more person in jail for marijuana charges which totals what , a mere 45-50% of the people in US jails for such nonsense ?

Gov Shwarzenegger will prolly be legalizing & taxing pot in Calif by next yr , just watch all the states then run for those uncounted revenues soon after ! Or they can remain complete idiots & keep building prisons to house MJ users etc .
The whole thing stinks when you get down to it. Maybe he will be a cellmate to Leonard Peltier, and they can write a bestselling novel on " How The US Government Screwed Me Out Of My Pursuit of Happiness".....I would buy it.


heavy dank nugg

Im sorry but weather you like him or not.hes done so much for the movement.
he's a pioneer......
lola wants to concentrate on how much money he made......so what.......how bout what he spent.......including his freedom......? saying he was hitting on you......c'mon hows this even relevant??

the guy is a hero in my book....... he stands up for what he believes.....he dont fold and back down.......and hes willing to fight for it....

we can all learn something about bravery and heroism and sticking to our guns.....from him

good luck Marc Emery.......and thank you for all you have done.


Didn't he turn himself in? I mean was he in hiding in Canada? I'm confused. Why did he turn himself in? I mean the DEA and the US Govt are fucked up and I know why they want him but why did he turn himself in? If he is how I truly see him as, then he has some ulterior motive for this...I think he found the safest way into the US to be able to switch gears to the movement in the US. Marc is a true activist at heart and maybe he is using this as his platform to make himself be heard in the US. If that's the case lets hope people listen. I pray that everything goes well for him and his family. Welcome to the US Marc, wish it was under better circumstances. :joint:


wtf ? child abuse charges????
first i've heard of that. No one is perfect and im sure marc is'nt either but at the same time I think hes doing a stand up thing and took this bs deal so his 2 co defendants would'nt have to do any time, which in the case of michelle could of been a death sentance for her due to her poor health n dependence of med pot to help her live.
Poor man is off to fuckin prison and personally i find the tone expressed by some posters in this thread and other marc threads ,pretty disgusting :( hopefully as potheads and as members of such a fine group as icmag we can act a bit better and more respectful.


good luck marc and hope you get to do your time in canada.Stay strong and good luck jodie as well.

heavy dank nugg

wanted to point out as im often taken out of context...that i have nothing but respect for lola i was just using her post as a example to try and say....similar to what BubsNugs was saying.

yea hes human. hes fucked up as we all have....hes done some wrong.... dont know about this child abuse thing it probly involves weed around minors...... im guessing....dosent seem like a beater or sexuall preditor...

but he has dedicated his life and freedom so that All of our voices are heard....

and that deserves a little respect.


Active member
Fuck the way are economy is so fucked up he will probably do a year or less and be out. Prisons are over crowded as it is here in the USA. Man we have medical marijuana laws now and they are gonna fuck with this guy. I can buy seeds at my local medical club fucking stupid. :fsu: