haze crazy
The US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of it's prisoners. You piss off the wrong person in the US and you'll be making sure your back is to the wall when you pick up the soap in the shower... Godspeed Marc Emery
They can't get us all. !!
sometimes i am ashamed for what our country does...
Even getting on the National News is quite a difficult feat for any Canadian about to extradited to the USA for drugs. You have to have been involved at some point in the news process and political press releases in Canada to understand how hard, in fact, it is to manage even what Marc Emery got. It's not as if Marc Emery is a major politician. He's a major pot activist, sure, but that's all he is. Moreover, when it came to this past weekend's demonstrations on his behalf, most were poorly attended affairs across Canada - except in Vancouver. The national media paid attention to the story in accordance with the attendance at the rallies, I think. <o> </o>"wow, the national Canadian new coverage on this last night was literally 8 seconds long! and very much after they talked about other things going on, i was kinda surprised."
...so they finally got him. I cant believe they actually extradited him...goes to show that no one is safe even outside US borders.