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Marc Emery Surrenders, To Face Extradition to US

haze crazy

The US has 5% of the world's population and 25% of it's prisoners. You piss off the wrong person in the US and you'll be making sure your back is to the wall when you pick up the soap in the shower... Godspeed Marc Emery


Active member
he still could have sold tons of more seeds and pushed further the movement more efficiently covertly then overtly. his catalogue rocked. ..now health canada grows all his seeds they robbed from him in flin flon, manitoba. id be stoked if he still sold seeds. so many companies in one menu over the counter. no one from a'dam will even think about shipping to canada now, efin blows man, d


wow, the national canadian new coverage on this last night was literally 8 seconds long! and very much after they talked about other things going on, i was kinda surprised.

its wrong that he's going to jail for that, irregardless of what a rip off artist and egomaniac he was.

its also a slap in the face of canadian sovereignty

contrary to what he says, he's not going to do well in jail at all. he thrives on attention and pot, he wont get much of either there.

pure politics

danny karey

I hate narc emery for sure, but no one deserve's to go to jail for 5 years for somthing that is legal in Canada, we have store front's that sell nothing but pot seeds..............F'n state's got to police the world........


Jalisco Kid

Active member
Lesson #1 Do not go on national TV and tell the DEA to fuck off you can't touch me. I am really surprised he was not found drugged and confused in some alley in Portland. With new charges added that he was in this country illegally. JK


Am I the only one who thinks that if Marc and his "co-conspirators" were really the activists they make themselves out to be they'd have fought this thing all the way instead of copping a plea?

Nobody should spend time in jail for non-violent reefer-related incidents, but I'm not buying the martyr story.


AAAAAAMMMMMMMMEEEERRRRRRRIIIIIICCCCCCAAAAA.......America fuck yeah! Comin' to save the motherfuckin' day yeah!

Why Marc? I don't understand why you turned yourself in. I mean this has been going on for years and just now you decide to "surrender". Why? What are you thinking?

I still have this gut feeling that Marc has an ace up his sleeve and is waiting for the right time to play it.


Active member
"wow, the national Canadian new coverage on this last night was literally 8 seconds long! and very much after they talked about other things going on, i was kinda surprised."
Even getting on the National News is quite a difficult feat for any Canadian about to extradited to the USA for drugs. You have to have been involved at some point in the news process and political press releases in Canada to understand how hard, in fact, it is to manage even what Marc Emery got. It's not as if Marc Emery is a major politician. He's a major pot activist, sure, but that's all he is. Moreover, when it came to this past weekend's demonstrations on his behalf, most were poorly attended affairs across Canada - except in Vancouver. The national media paid attention to the story in accordance with the attendance at the rallies, I think. <o:p> </o:p>

As a result, the story was approached as mainly a regional story and not a national news story. That also dovetails with the far higher support for legalization of pot in BC, where that political view enjoys the highest support in the country.

It further ties in to the fact that Marc Emery has a high profile in B.C., but has a lesser profile (and has been dismissed as a "kook") in most of the rest of Canada. Emery's position as a founder of the "BC Marijuana Party" simply does not play well in the rest of Canada. It's a label that has marginalized him and caused much of his activism to be dismissed out of hand, really.

In my view, the entire concept of the Marijuana Party has been carried on well past any real point to doing so and it's a tactical mistake on the part of pot activists in Canada to continue with it. It's one thing to do that as a means of drawing attention to the issue and drumming up awareness and support. Having done so successfully, they now need to work within the established party system to make real policy inroads and effect substantive change. Since April of 2009, four of the five major political parties in Canada, including the Liberal Party of Canada (the party which has historically dominated Parliament) now support decriminalization and legalization in their official policy platforms.

Even before the Liberal Party’s newfound conversion to the cause, the 2002 Senate Report to the Government of Canada calling for marijuana to be legalized and sold through regulated outlets was the cue to fold up the tent of the Marijuana Party of Canada and take part within the existing party system. The founder of Canada's federal Marijuan Party, Marc St-Maurice, came to that conclusion in 2005 and joined the Liberal Party. Marc Emery missed the memo, it seems.

Unfortunately, the same individualism and single-minded determination which enable true believers like Marc Emery, Jack Herrer and Don Perron to forge ahead and carry on where virtually ZERO political realists would ever do so, tends to ALSO prevent such idealists and crusaders from being able to see the time when compromise and co-opting into the system is necessary to effect real change. It's not unique to Marijuana – it’s both a strength and weakness inherent to most single-issue ideologues, no matter the cause or political stripe.

All of that said, the coverage by the media in B.C. and the coverage in the Vancouver Sun of Marc Emery's pending extradition was far more high profile and in depth. A column in the Vancouver Sun / Global News reported on his extradition and the political reasons for his arrest in a very honest manner, too. Ian Mulgrew’s story got it right. CBC had the piece run near the top, and later interviewed Jodie Emery as well after Marc had been taken into custody.

Nationally, the Canadian Press picked up the story as part of its Western Canadian feed as well; but it looks like there were two version of the articles which were submitted to CP. The first was more complimentary, the second draft, by Petti Fong, was decidedly not. Most major papers went with Fong’s far less complimentary version as it was revised later in the day and thus appeared more up to date and "in depth". There was a definite negative spin in Fong’s article and the headline in Canada’s newspaper with the largest daily circulation, The Toronto Star, was not a sympathetic portrayal compared to the spin in the BC press. See “Prince of Pot heads to Joint in US.” Canada's national paper of record, The Globe and Mail ran with the same article, too.


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
No, they won't go after Arjan, Gyspy or even Hemp Depot.

Why? Be cause none of the aformentioned guys are sending money to American activists.

Emery is in jail for political reasons.

He would go to DEA meetings in Canada and yell at the drug czar while he was talking at a convention.

You may not like him, his way of business or the way he handled his personal life, but NOBODY can doubt what he did for the marijuana movement in Vancouver and Canada.


Well-known member
Marc Took this plea to make sure that his two co accused employee's Marijuana man ( greg williams ) and Michelle Rainey would not serve anytime in a US prison> that coupled with the 5 year term as appose to the multiple 20 year terms he was looking at. He would have surely died in prison>
Which im sure marc would have done had they not had the noose around his two close friends necks.

Here are marc's words an hour before leaving for Court on monday


as well as some of jodie's words on the news later that day.


Sorry to hear about your situation dirt.. i had no idea... hope to enjoy some bowls with you this year at the cup..