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Marc Emery Surrenders, To Face Extradition to US


Green Supreme

Nice attitude pedro, then folks wonder why people dislike America so much. Thanks man for showing your self,damn another self righteous redneck. Peace GS
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New member
Isn't this something special, the guy who threatened to rat out certain Canadian seed breeders for not selling exclusively to him all the while stiffing and refusing to pay for the seeds he received!! no sympathy for that rat bastard.


Well-known member


Isn't this something special, the guy who threatened to rat out certain Canadian seed breeders for not selling exclusively to him all the while stiffing and refusing to pay for the seeds he received!! no sympathy for that rat bastard.

....and let's not forget that marc threatened to NARC on his USA customers who finally started complaining when he kept their money repeatedly and didn't bother sending the seeds they had paid for!!!:joint: :fsu::noway:

FK'r got me for at least $500 - and that money went to fund marc's other drug habits, not 'the movement' I'm sure!:mad: :yeahthats:mad:

Green Supreme

Feel sad for all those holding hate. Hope you can get by it one day. You will feel much better once its gone. Peace GS
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h^2 O

he was probably just thankful nobody ever charged him with sexing up minors

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well I have to say that his business practices have nothing to do with the charges at hand. If what your saying is even true and I don't know one way or the other. I really got to wonder about ppl that get on this board and spew hate for seed vendors.. Who the fuck are they??? and why are they on this board ?? Not like seeds don't get taken at the boarder or money . If your not smart enough to see that the DEA and the FEDS and whoever else runs this loves to divide and make sure ppl don't organize so they can control ppl the way they have. We are the majority not the minority. Just somthing as simple as Marc none of us can agree how are we going to agree on what to do with pot? This is what they are hoping will happen that we will not be smart enough to figure thing out and were not. Now they have two outspoken guys in your US jail one in Canadian jail shutting them up ,and changing the laws with no oposition. peace out Headband707


Active member
ok what the hell hes bitching in his podcast that he has a playstation in his room that his roommate plays and he doesn't like playstation and hes on a vegetarian diet and how everything is inedible .. what the hell is wrong with the guy hes gonna get raped.


Yea his first word to the public from jail and he whines about the food and conditions in jail for a solid fifteen minutes. How is a guy who only cares about himself gonna make a difference? He isn't very convincing as a martyr.


Well-known member
:muahaha:'business practices' has everything to do with the charges at hand! marc kept the names and addresses of his USA customers, and when the complaints got too numerous he threatened to narc them out to the USA authorities, at a time (1999) when penalties everywhere were severe.:noway:

That's not really an exceptable business practice, now is it???:yoinks:

So anyhow, what goes around, comes around - or sumpin like that, hence the current charges!:joint:

marc's been out of control for a long time, it was only a matter of time 'til it all caught up with him. Sorry.:2cents:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
:muahaha:'business practices' has everything to do with the charges at hand! marc kept the names and addresses of his USA customers, and when the complaints got too numerous he threatened to narc them out to the USA authorities, at a time (1999) when penalties everywhere were severe.:noway:

That's not really an exceptable business practice, now is it???:yoinks:

So anyhow, what goes around, comes around - or sumpin like that, hence the current charges!:joint:

marc's been out of control for a long time, it was only a matter of time 'til it all caught up with him. Sorry.:2cents:

Lets say for the sake of agrument that everything that you just said is true and karma will play it's roll when time comes we all know this to be true ,fine...
But what does that have to do with locking the man up for selling seeds? For 5 years no doubt! And in US prison if he didn't they would take the other two ppl he worked with .Now are your saying that is fair and your going on and on about how he did his business practices. Your not making sense to me sorry peace out Headband707:dueling:




I think this is terrible:no:... Marc has helped thousands of people who cant find better treatments, and for people just have a struggle, has helped them simplely find a better peace:joint:. Hats Off with Good Hopes To Emery
....and let's not forget that marc threatened to NARC on his USA customers who finally started complaining when he kept their money repeatedly and didn't bother sending the seeds they had paid for!!!:joint: :fsu::noway:

FK'r got me for at least $500 - and that money went to fund marc's other drug habits, not 'the movement' I'm sure!:mad: :yeahthats:mad:
damn i never knew that!!!.thats :fsu: tisk tisk marc:noway::noway:.....on a side note..anyone notice like i just did if you change the M to a N his name would be "NARC"....LOL :joint::joint::joint:


Well-known member
damn i never knew that!!!.thats :fsu: tisk tisk marc:noway::noway:.....on a side note..anyone notice like i just did if you change the M to a N his name would be "NARC"....LOL :joint::joint::joint:

As a matter of fact.....that incident from 1999 is exactly where the nic 'NARC Emery' originated from!;)

......and the incident was also documented the following month in a small article in High Times Magazine warning USA customers to be careful, along with an exact quote of what marc had threatened.:joint:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
As a matter of fact.....that incident from 1999 is exactly where the nic 'NARC Emery' originated from!;)

......and the incident was also documented the following month in a small article in High Times Magazine warning USA customers to be careful, along with an exact quote of what marc had threatened.:joint:
Really you will have to pull that one out of your ass for me Headband707:joint:


No Longer a Human Watering Can
this is a horrible situation..... but i think it is good some one stands up and says fuck u then arrest me

marks celly is going to be named BIG BUBBA

all joking aside he has a celmate and his name is "tattoo" ... at least thats what he said in a interview

Green Supreme

What a bunch of losers. No one should be in jail for cannabis period. Make all the lame ass whinings you want, but if you think he deserves jail over seeds, says a lot about your stance on things. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but c'mon you ever do anything that could be construed as wrong. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone. Well wishes Marc. Peace GS
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Yeah... well like it or not, the self-annointed prince of pot has got his ass landed jail. Is he gonna rally his "subjects" or whine about the conditions? Jail is supposed to be unpleasant Marc. Get on message and stay on message!


Well-known member
Really you will have to pull that one out of your ass for me Headband707

Well, I was wrong about the date, it was actually 4/23/01, and I don't have the issue of High Times with marc's quote, and the original post with marc's quote has been erased,;) but I did find a lil sumpin on it at Cannabisculture.com with his original quote included.

Here ya go:joint::


Marc Scott Emery (superposter) 4/24/01 06:20 PM Re: Marc cuaght in avalanche?? news at 11... [Post#: 120775 / re: 120694 ]

First of all, we are not losing customers at all. We have never had so much interest in the seeds we sell. Any problems experienced can be dealt with if the complainants stay polite, but once they become abusive or begin posting heated, crazed rhetoric, then we terminate any interest in dealing with that person. I find this abusive behaviour unfathomable considering we have their address and pertinent details of what they are doing but somehow feel they can abuse us and provoke us. I wouldn't be doing that to anyone I had sent written proof to that I was growing marijuana/requesting marijuana seeds.

Fortunately, we have never had to resort to dealing severly with miscreants who don't understand their self-incrimination.

Marc Emery - Moderator

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