Man, I'm a fucking mess. I don't know if I'm bi-polar or what. I've seen a psych a bunch and have never been diagnosed as such, but man, I dunno.
I've wasted half of my life growing this fucking plant. I've been arrested, on probation, and in prison because of my irresponsible involvement with it.
I love the perks. The freedom, the never ending supply of the highest quality herbs, the praise from friends and from people I've never met. Who wouldn't want that?
But I'm getting super sick of dealing with the downsides. The aforementioned legal issues, always having to look over my shoulder. In this business, ESPECIALLY in an illegal state, one pretty much has to live their life PERFECTLY in order to be truly successful. Perfect at work, perfect at home, perfect while out. I can't be perfect at work 100% of the time. It's killing me trying. I do stupid things likes leaving an incandescent on in the flowering room while the lights are off. You wanna know something? I ABSOLUTELY SUCK at rooting clones. You wanna know something else? My veg room is a complete travesty.
I want to quit. I want to quit SO BAD. But I haven't had a real job in years and the thought of actually getting one is more depressing than the way I feel right now. So I don't know what to do.
I guess the only thing I can do right now is cut more clones, trim this weed I have dried, and keep on keeping on.
Fuck my life.
I just had to get some shit off my chest, thanks.
I've wasted half of my life growing this fucking plant. I've been arrested, on probation, and in prison because of my irresponsible involvement with it.
I love the perks. The freedom, the never ending supply of the highest quality herbs, the praise from friends and from people I've never met. Who wouldn't want that?
But I'm getting super sick of dealing with the downsides. The aforementioned legal issues, always having to look over my shoulder. In this business, ESPECIALLY in an illegal state, one pretty much has to live their life PERFECTLY in order to be truly successful. Perfect at work, perfect at home, perfect while out. I can't be perfect at work 100% of the time. It's killing me trying. I do stupid things likes leaving an incandescent on in the flowering room while the lights are off. You wanna know something? I ABSOLUTELY SUCK at rooting clones. You wanna know something else? My veg room is a complete travesty.
I want to quit. I want to quit SO BAD. But I haven't had a real job in years and the thought of actually getting one is more depressing than the way I feel right now. So I don't know what to do.
I guess the only thing I can do right now is cut more clones, trim this weed I have dried, and keep on keeping on.
Fuck my life.
I just had to get some shit off my chest, thanks.